trump on truth social restates his admiration for Putin

This is the leader of the repub party that calls US Intel "misfits." MAGA wants this man in the WH again.
A former "President of the United States", siding with his guy, against America.

This is disgraceful, it's un-American, and his flock won't care.

"Remember in Helsinki when a 3rd rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia, or our 'Intelligence' lowlifes," Trump said in the Truth Social post.

"My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people in the form of James Comey, McCabe (whose wife was being helped out by Crooked Hillary while Crooked was under investigation!), Brennan, Peter Strzok (whose wife is at the SEC) & his lover, Lisa Page.

"Now add McGonigal & other slime to the list. Who would you choose, Putin or these Misfits?"

This disgrace has made his choice.
This is the leader of the repub party that calls US Intel "misfits." MAGA wants this man in the WH again.
Trump called Putin a “genius” for invading Ukraine

Why wouldn’t he admire him?
If that post is not played wall-to-wall in ads, with photos of Ukrainian children in bombed-out buildings, the Democrats will be guilty of political malpractice.
Trump has zeroed in on a huge drawing card for his campaign.

But will America's deep state tolerate allowing Trump to speak his mind?

Shallow as his mind is, he could become very destructive of US foreign policy of proxy wars.
Trump has zeroed in on a huge drawing card for his campaign.

But will America's deep state tolerate allowing Trump to speak his mind?

Shallow as his mind is, he could become very destructive of US foreign policy of proxy wars.
Does praising Putin over his own country register with his base?

What has become of the Republican Party?
Does praising Putin over his own country register with his base?

What has become of the Republican Party?
The facade of propaganda to justify America's war against Russia is fragile and Trump has a way of convincing. He can even enlighten his followers if he's confining himself to real issues, and especially with the MAD factor that's looming.

But will he dare? America continuing this war is very much bigger than any domestic politics can ever be.
The facade of propaganda to justify America's war against Russia is fragile and Trump has a way of convincing. He can even enlighten his followers if he's confining himself to real issues, and especially with the MAD factor that's looming.

But will he dare? America continuing this war is very much bigger than any domestic politics can ever be.

Trump is taking sides against his country
MAGA is cool with that?

This is the leader of the repub party that calls US Intel "misfits." MAGA wants this man in the WH again.
(No) WMDS in Iraq ring any bells? Real solid intel, NOT.

Or what about these?
Pearl Harbor Attack, The Bay of Pigs Invasion, The Tet Offensive, The Yom Kippur War, The Iranian Revolution..........
The Ten Biggest American Intelligence Failures
Does praising Putin over his own country register with his base?

What has become of the Republican Party?
MAGA has become a Poootin loving, anti-democratic cult. They want trump back in power so he can finish destroying our electoral system and therefor our country. Idiots like Bannon and Lake have been fed the election denialism that trump created.

And now we have people that supported the J6 insurrection sitting in Congress and on committees that will be receiving intel on groups that participated in and may be planning more insurrections. MAGA is a disease that must be stamped out.

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