Trump Making the Best of Hillary's Bad Situations

Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.
He certainly is inclusive of bigots.

Can you back up this claim? Take a laxative, yes you are that full of it.
I don't need a laxative. I shit you out this morning.

Can you back up your claim or should we assume your post was troll material?
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.
He certainly is inclusive of bigots.
so if bigots exist, why can't they vote for Trump? What is it special you think ought to happen here? I'm sorry, but you're point is anti american. You're speaking of impeding a voters right. That's illegal, so what's that make you? Oh yeah unamerican.
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.

A lot of bigots follow Trump.

Do you have enough money and connections to spew elitist crap?

Didn't think so............

He is one of the elites, and I'm still waiting to view his Tax Returns, he is a crook which is why he won't show them. He think his shit smell and tastes like ice cream and everyone wants a second scoop. He is an arrogant SOB. I wonder how his wife puts up with it, oh lots of money.

I'm sure, buried somewhere deep in the bowels of this childish rant, there is a modicum of intelligent commentary. But, I sure can't find it ...
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.

A lot of bigots follow Trump.
they do? prove it

Take my word for it.
why, you're probably a bigot. Cause it's obvious you know them.
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.

A lot of bigots follow Trump.
they do? prove it

Take my word for it.
I should've just stated, spoken like a true lib.
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.

A lot of bigots follow Trump.

A lot of people with low IQs on food stamps follow Hillary.

Well if only the rich wouldn't send their plants to Mexico and overseas and import workers, more Americans would be working.
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.

A lot of bigots follow Trump.

A lot of people with low IQs on food stamps follow Hillary.

Well if only the rich wouldn't send their plants to Mexico and overseas and import workers, more Americans would be working.
Do you even understand why that happens?
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.

A lot of bigots follow Trump.

A lot of people with low IQs on food stamps follow Hillary.

Well if only the rich wouldn't send their plants to Mexico and overseas and import workers, more Americans would be working.

True dat. Also, if we quit importing workers there would be more jobs too.
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.

A lot of bigots follow Trump.

A lot of people with low IQs on food stamps follow Hillary.

Well if only the rich wouldn't send their plants to Mexico and overseas and import workers, more Americans would be working.
Do you even understand why that happens?

Because of all the clothing tags say "made in Mexico" or "Made in Taiwan" so it is just easier to make the clothes there, because the tags are already made?
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.

A lot of bigots follow Trump.

A lot of people with low IQs on food stamps follow Hillary.

Well if only the rich wouldn't send their plants to Mexico and overseas and import workers, more Americans would be working.
... and you couldn't afford to buy the products they would produce. You can't have it both ways ...
Calling millions of Americans deplorable wasn't a mistake, it was Hillary accidentally saying what she really thinks. The choice is clear, Trump a guy who wants to represent the entire country or Hillary who thinks half the country is deplorable.

A lot of bigots follow Trump.

A lot of people with low IQs on food stamps follow Hillary.

Well if only the rich wouldn't send their plants to Mexico and overseas and import workers, more Americans would be working.

Hey! I sent my plants to Mexico!! They were especially excited about my petunias, gladioli, and the poinsettias. (I think they smoke them ... they're all druggies down there, you know)
Well to say he is putting a surcharge on imported goods is going to pass on to the consumers so what is the difference, the only difference will be the wealthy will pay less taxes and no inheritance tax with Trump, believe me if he gets in, it won't be good for us little peons.

I also believe in the ACA, needs tweaking but I like everyone paying their share, instead of some going without insurance completely.
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Well to say he is putting a surcharge on imported goods is going to pass on to the consumers so what is the difference, the only difference will be the wealthy will pay less taxes and no inheritance tax with Trump, believe me if he gets in, it won't be good for us little peons.
you still don't get it do you?
She has now let it be known she has no intention to be President of all the people.

Really the racial divide is large and growing, there is no place for it in the USA.

Yeah, and I don't think Americans will soon forget why it is growing when it used to be shrinking, and we used to be coming together and not be seeing skin color anymore.

THEN SOMEBODY got elected and all of a sudden, wham, we're back in the sixties, and anyone that is different, whether they are gay, tranny, ethnic, woman, young, old, disabled, non-christian or whatever, the whole reason their life sucks is b/c they are not a young health straight white protestant male.

whatever. I think everyone is going to one day wake-up and get sick of this divide and conquer shit. They realize the only way to defeat the ruling elites is by coming together.

The right wants you to hate everyone that isn't straight christian and white. . . . well, not really, just dislike anything that isn't the society that they built.

The left wants you to love that society, but throw out everyone that looks or acts like the ones that built it and blame the fact that you might not be successful on the fact that you might not be a straight white xian male.

Only love and forgiveness will every bring it all together. But that will not bring in the ratings, and it certainly won't keep the cameras off of the real criminals and real problems. If folks wake up and realize who the real enemies are, this fixed game is over.


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