Trump just said...

...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?

Coal miners are out of work because of Obama EPA rules that make it prohibitively expensive to run a coal powered plant.

Stop fucking lying. ICYMI: The Largest Coal Company In The U.S. Filed For Bankruptcy Thanks To Obama's Regulations
Coal miners are out of work because natural gas is a better alternative

I guess you can't read links. Your post = Fail. Try again. :(

...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?

Coal miners are out of work because of Obama EPA rules that make it prohibitively expensive to run a coal powered plant.

Stop fucking lying. ICYMI: The Largest Coal Company In The U.S. Filed For Bankruptcy Thanks To Obama's Regulations
Coal miners are out of work because natural gas is a better alternative

I guess you can't read links. Your post = Fail. Try again. :(

Queenie, your own link said regulations had not taken effect, and BR was due to intl competition and low cost of coal. LOL You can't even fact check your own links, you fat old witch. LOL
...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?

Reverse Obama's policies concerning the coal industry would be enough. Whether Trump could figure that out.. Who knows?

Wrong. Coal can't compete with natural gas at current prices. Put your ODS on the shelf for a moment.
global coal demand has been on a long decline. that's obama's fault, apparently.
...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?

Have you ever considered coal as an export product?

Coal could be a better export product if the coal and rail companies would get together and devise a car that doesn't spew coal dust on the tracks. THAT is the issue here in The PNW. We don't want communities covered in coal dust just so China can get our coal. OOPS! did I say OUR coal? I meant to say coal from other states than Washington.

If the coal companies want to ship coal across the country they need to secure their product INSIDE the cars and not disrespect the environments we live and breath in. I personally don't car if coal miners have jobs or not. If their companies can haul coal safely without leaving coal dust all over the place then let them sell their coal overseas. If they cannot haul it safely then they cannot haul it through Washington state.

I dont have a problem with that.
It's no different than tarping gravel trucks when they drive down our highways.
If it hurts the public in obvious ways fix it.
But then who owns all the train hauling companies? Thats who you should be be bitching about.

It's not OUR problem to make the coal companies or the rail companies to do the obvious. The protests that have gone against the coal being transported to our region and closed to our ports to the ships for coal loading to be shipped to China have been specifically aimed at the pollution. Actually we do allow a portion of the coal to be transported through our region but it is limited. The rail companies could transport a lot more if they made their methods more environmentally friendly.

There is another factor that our communities are not happy about and that is the length of these coal trains. They close too many roads for too long and that is a concern for our residents. The train companies could break up the inconvenience by running shorter trains and using more locomotives but they don't seem to care if they tie up the RR crossings. The citizens have a right to what is theirs without being taken over by the greed and lack of consideration exercised by these mamouth companies. They would get better press and co-operation if they showed more respect to the citizen's who's land they currently show little concern for.

Didnt read the wall of text.
It's a simple matter to tarp a load...just do it.

What they normally do is spray water on the coal to keep the dust down. I haven't noticed that dust coming off coal trains is a significant problem.
...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?

Reverse Obama's policies concerning the coal industry would be enough. Whether Trump could figure that out.. Who knows?

Wrong. Coal can't compete with natural gas at current prices. Put your ODS on the shelf for a moment.
global coal demand has been on a long decline. that's obama's fault, apparently.

Global coal demand is up sharply. China and India are building new coal plants every day. What planet are you living on?
...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?

Reverse Obama's policies concerning the coal industry would be enough. Whether Trump could figure that out.. Who knows?

Wrong. Coal can't compete with natural gas at current prices. Put your ODS on the shelf for a moment.
global coal demand has been on a long decline. that's obama's fault, apparently.

Global coal demand is up sharply. China and India are building new coal plants every day. What planet are you living on?
December: Global coal demand stalls after more than a decade of relentless growth
...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?

Reverse Obama's policies concerning the coal industry would be enough. Whether Trump could figure that out.. Who knows?

Wrong. Coal can't compete with natural gas at current prices. Put your ODS on the shelf for a moment.
global coal demand has been on a long decline. that's obama's fault, apparently.

Global coal demand is up sharply. China and India are building new coal plants every day. What planet are you living on?
December: Global coal demand stalls after more than a decade of relentless growth

You said it was "on a long decline." Your article says coal consumption in China has been skyrocketing until just last year.
Have you ever considered coal as an export product?

Coal could be a better export product if the coal and rail companies would get together and devise a car that doesn't spew coal dust on the tracks. THAT is the issue here in The PNW. We don't want communities covered in coal dust just so China can get our coal. OOPS! did I say OUR coal? I meant to say coal from other states than Washington.

If the coal companies want to ship coal across the country they need to secure their product INSIDE the cars and not disrespect the environments we live and breath in. I personally don't car if coal miners have jobs or not. If their companies can haul coal safely without leaving coal dust all over the place then let them sell their coal overseas. If they cannot haul it safely then they cannot haul it through Washington state.

I dont have a problem with that.
It's no different than tarping gravel trucks when they drive down our highways.
If it hurts the public in obvious ways fix it.
But then who owns all the train hauling companies? Thats who you should be be bitching about.

It's not OUR problem to make the coal companies or the rail companies to do the obvious. The protests that have gone against the coal being transported to our region and closed to our ports to the ships for coal loading to be shipped to China have been specifically aimed at the pollution. Actually we do allow a portion of the coal to be transported through our region but it is limited. The rail companies could transport a lot more if they made their methods more environmentally friendly.

There is another factor that our communities are not happy about and that is the length of these coal trains. They close too many roads for too long and that is a concern for our residents. The train companies could break up the inconvenience by running shorter trains and using more locomotives but they don't seem to care if they tie up the RR crossings. The citizens have a right to what is theirs without being taken over by the greed and lack of consideration exercised by these mamouth companies. They would get better press and co-operation if they showed more respect to the citizen's who's land they currently show little concern for.

Didnt read the wall of text.
It's a simple matter to tarp a load...just do it.

What they normally do is spray water on the coal to keep the dust down. I haven't noticed that dust coming off coal trains is a significant problem.

We dont see much coal around my parts so I really couldnt say if it's messy or not.
The only time I see it on trains is when i'm fishing Fayette County lake which is a power plant lake.
Funny thing though,i've never noticed any pollution of any kind around the lake or the plant.
But they do have some monster bass.

...because the next state is West Virginia, that he's going to get the coal miners back to work.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of cheap natural gas.

What's Trump's plan?
Actually - that is not true at all. You are either completely misinformed or a pathological liar.

The coal industry has had to scale back because of Democrat "green" regulation. Barack Obama said on the campaign trail before his first election that he would put the coal industry out of business and he has done a great job sticking to that promise.
I'll tell you several statements YOU will NEVER hear in a Trump presidency:
Trump will never degrade the military by telling the insurgents that the military has "air-raiding villages, killing civilians"!
Trump will never say he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies!
Trump will never say" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
Trump will never say "I prefer higher gas prices".
Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
Trump will never say "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
Trump will never tear America down.

Trump will also never build the wall.
All win
Reverse Obama's policies concerning the coal industry would be enough. Whether Trump could figure that out.. Who knows?

Wrong. Coal can't compete with natural gas at current prices. Put your ODS on the shelf for a moment.
global coal demand has been on a long decline. that's obama's fault, apparently.

Global coal demand is up sharply. China and India are building new coal plants every day. What planet are you living on?
December: Global coal demand stalls after more than a decade of relentless growth

You said it was "on a long decline." Your article says coal consumption in China has been skyrocketing until just last year.
sorry, price decline. it's been on a price decline for some time
put the coal miners to work sweeping up his bullshit .. 3 - 8 hour shifts, 24/7/365
These stupid Moon Bats wants to give up cheap plentiful energy because they believe this idiotic AGW scam and besides the environmental wacko lobby pays Libtard politicians well.
put the coal miners to work sweeping up his bullshit .. 3 - 8 hour shifts, 24/7/365
next he'll be promising to bring back the typewriter factory jobs and the camera film industry.

There's nothing obsolete about coal. We'll be using it for the next 250 years, at least.
sure we will. and whale oil to light our homes, covered wagons to move west, and the barber will become your dentist and surgeon again.
put the coal miners to work sweeping up his bullshit .. 3 - 8 hour shifts, 24/7/365
next he'll be promising to bring back the typewriter factory jobs and the camera film industry.

There's nothing obsolete about coal. We'll be using it for the next 250 years, at least.
sure we will. and whale oil to light our homes, covered wagons to move west, and the barber will become your dentist and surgeon again.

You have failed to demonstrate any equivalence between those things.

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