
Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?
Infinitely better than the America hating Russia loving POS we have now!!!!!
I judge people on performance...not rhetoric. Barack Obama was over his head as President for his entire two terms. He talked a good game but was clueless about how to stimulate an economy and how to create jobs! So bad in fact that his administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic in order to hide how few jobs they had created despite record spending and a near zero interest rate from the Fed!
Poor, lying con tool. Despite you being shown repeatedly that Obama used the term, ‘jobs saved and created,’ before ARRA was even implemented, you continue to lie and falsely claim he only started using it after it was implemented.

Do you ever stop lying?


What I "claimed" was that the Obama Administration started using "jobs created or saved" as a major talking point when the ARRA failed to create even a fraction of the jobs that Democrats promised it would!

Do you ever stop lying to protect Barry's legacy? He was awful with the economy.
Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?
Infinitely better than the America hating Russia loving POS we have now!!!!!
I judge people on performance...not rhetoric. Barack Obama was over his head as President for his entire two terms. He talked a good game but was clueless about how to stimulate an economy and how to create jobs! So bad in fact that his administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic in order to hide how few jobs they had created despite record spending and a near zero interest rate from the Fed!
Poor, lying con tool. Despite you being shown repeatedly that Obama used the term, ‘jobs saved and created,’ before ARRA was even implemented, you continue to lie and falsely claim he only started using it after it was implemented.

Do you ever stop lying?


What I "claimed" was that the Obama Administration started using "jobs created or saved" as a major talking point when the ARRA failed to create even a fraction of the jobs that Democrats promised it would!

Do you ever stop lying to protect Barry's legacy? He was awful with the economy.
And you’re lying since they were using that term before even the first job was saved or created. You simply can’t stop yourself from lying because you’re a lying con tool.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2's that working out for you so far, Faun?
So far, pretty good. We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.

That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun! You didn't win the Senate...did you?
Prove that....

You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.
So far, pretty good. We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.

That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun! You didn't win the Senate...did you?
Prove that....

You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
The day I "run" from you, Faun is the day that the sun doesn't rise in the East and set in the West!
Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?
Infinitely better than the America hating Russia loving POS we have now!!!!!
I judge people on performance...not rhetoric. Barack Obama was over his head as President for his entire two terms. He talked a good game but was clueless about how to stimulate an economy and how to create jobs! So bad in fact that his administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic in order to hide how few jobs they had created despite record spending and a near zero interest rate from the Fed!
Poor, lying con tool. Despite you being shown repeatedly that Obama used the term, ‘jobs saved and created,’ before ARRA was even implemented, you continue to lie and falsely claim he only started using it after it was implemented.

Do you ever stop lying?


What I "claimed" was that the Obama Administration started using "jobs created or saved" as a major talking point when the ARRA failed to create even a fraction of the jobs that Democrats promised it would!

Do you ever stop lying to protect Barry's legacy? He was awful with the economy.
And you’re lying since they were using that term before even the first job was saved or created. You simply can’t stop yourself from lying because you’re a lying con tool.

Was it their "go to" economic statistic on jobs...or was it a term that was used once or twice by obscure government officials? Hmmmm? The real liar on this has always been you, Faun. You do linguistic back bends trying to excuse that bit of farce put out by the Obama Administration!
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

….and yet Barry, Hillary and every other Dem lies too and you don't care. Why is that?
He doesn't answer questions. He's a propaganda parrot.

Within 2 years thusands of Agents were gone, the Companies started to pull out the individual market and terminating appointments. Today it's not profitable for agents to sell individual products because their making somewhere around 15 an app. With the problems STILL being dealt with is the Exchanges it's just not worth it. Most agents are only doing it as a courtesy to their existing clients

Did you read your own link?

As I explain here, while this evidence is anecdotal there is more than enough to show that Obamacare has caused layoffs and reduced hours for many workers. Thankfully, employment on the whole is on the rise due to other factors. (It would be difficult to tell a story where Obamacare is behind job growth.) Whatever the employment numbers, though, there would be more jobs available, and Americans would be producing more and earning higher incomes, without Obamacare.

So the guy admits to having only "anecdotal" evidence to support his contentions, and job creation numbers continued to climb at a much higher rate than before, and certainly at a better rate than they are now, and yet Obamacare didn't work.

No he didn’t.. re listen moron

That you would deny the evidence of your own eyes and ears is the reason why no one trusts a Trump supporter. You will believe anything that Trump tells you, even when he's lying and it's proven to you.
It’s how he talks.. re listen there was a pause

If you mean he makes ridiculous gaffes, makes a complete fool of himself, and then denys that what we have him on tape saying and doing, you're correct.

But that's now what you're saying. You idiots still deny that he mocked the disabled reporter. If you keep denying the evidence of our own eyes and ears and tell us we didn't see and hear what we saw and heard, it's YOU who has a comprehension problem.

We're not buying the lies.
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'
This is really big news. I think the left has Trump right where they want him.
He's going down for this one.....I see a path to the big house over this one.
It's big big big.............Oh Man!!!!!! The democrats will have the oval office for the next
100 years by the time this goes through the courts.
Glad this came out, I'll never vote for another republican in my life time.
Where's Hillary?
In 20 doubt, you clowns are still bashing Reagan...dumbass.
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.

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