Never Pick A Fight With Reality


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Two ways of looking at recent history:
a. Either Democrats/Liberals lie from the moment they get up in the morning...
b. They actually are sooooo dumb, that they believe the nonsense they spout

2. Remember this?
"There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?"
Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

Wanna know why not?

3. "Iā€™d learned how to become a female ...

All I needed to do was switch over my hormone operating fuel and get my penis turned into a vagina. Then Iā€™d be the same as any other woman. Thatā€™s the fantasy the transgender community sold me. Itā€™s the lie I bought into and believed.

4. Hereā€™s how things began.
After convincing myself that I was a woman during a severe mental health crisis, I visited a licensed nurse practitioner in early 2013 and asked for a hormone prescription.

5. I should have been stopped, but out-of-control, transgender activism had made the nurse practitioner too scared to say no.

6. Thereā€™s abundant online literature informing transgender people that their sex change isnā€™t real. But when a licensed medical doctor writes you a letter essentially stating that you were born in the wrong body and a government agency or court of law validates that delusion, you become damaged and confused. I certainly did.

7. The best thing that could have happened would have been for someone to order intensive therapy. That would have protected me from my inclination to cross-dress and my risky sexual transgressions, of which there were many.
Instead, quacks in the medical community hid me in the womenā€™s bathroom with peopleā€™s wives and daughters. ā€œYour gender identity is female,ā€ these alleged professionals said.

8. The medical community is so afraid of the trans community that theyā€™re now afraid to give someone Blanchardā€™s diagnosis. Trans men are winning in medicine, and theyā€™ve won the battle for language.

9. Trauma, hypersexuality owing to childhood sexual abuse, and autogynephilia are all supposed to be red flags for those involved in the medical arts of psychology, psychiatry, and physical medicineā€”yet nobody except for the one therapist in Pittsburgh ever tried to stop me from changing my sex. They just kept helping me to harm myself.

10.Three years into my gender change from male to female, I looked hard into the mirror one day. When I did, the facade of femininity and womanhood crumbled."
I Was Americaā€™s First ā€˜Nonbinaryā€™ Person. It Was All a Sham.

The damage that Liberalism/Democrats have done to this individual is a microcosm of the damage they are doing to America and Western Civilization.
I go with Spengler Western Civilization died in the trenches of WWI but the earlier Russo-Japanese War is another possible date.
Thread title is ironically hilarious considering who the OP is.
I go with Spengler Western Civilization died in the trenches of WWI but the earlier Russo-Japanese War is another possible date.
Once you cut the beans and franks off, you are a pussy, and can never go back to being Jack, Jill!

This is why there is an alarming number of suicides for both Transgenders, and those who are deluded enough to go through sexual reassignment surgery.
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I go with Spengler Western Civilization died in the trenches of WWI but the earlier Russo-Japanese War is another possible date.
I go with The Cold War, which was not ended, but went Underground only to have it's Communist Gopher Head reappear at DNC Headquarters.

An immutable truth is that Leftism infantilizes their subjects. Nowhere is this more true than in the transgender fantasy: little children dress in a costume, and believe they are that individual.

Same with those who believe Liberals/Democrats.

11. ā€œThree years into my gender change from male to female, I looked hard into the mirror one day. When I did, the facade of femininity and womanhood crumbled.Despite having taken or been injected with every hormone and antiandrogen concoction in the VAā€™s medical arsenal, I didnā€™t look anything like a female. People on the street agreed. Their harsh stares reflected the reality behind my fraudulent existence as a woman. Biological sex is immutable.

It took three years for that reality to set in with me.


I Was Americaā€™s First ā€˜Nonbinaryā€™ Person. It Was All a Sham.

12. ā€œTo escape the delusion of having become a woman, I did something completely unprecedented in American history. In 2016, I convinced an Oregon judge to declare my sex to be nonbinaryā€”neither male nor female.

In my psychotic mind, I had restored the mythical third sex to North America. And I became the first legally recognized nonbinary person in the country.ā€
Never Pick A Fight With Reality

That is actually a really good piece of advice for a batshit crazy nutbag like you.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats: you dopes post this sort of thing, ignoring the actual substance of the thread.
You're simply furious that the truth is revealed....but can't find a way to defend against it.

Don't forget....Save the barrelā€¦and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.
Never Pick A Fight With Reality

That is actually a really good piece of advice for a batshit crazy nutbag like you.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats

Just another example of how fucked up you are. Everything revolves around some silly point scoring against THEM.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats: you dopes post this sort of thing, ignoring the actual substance of the thread.
You're simply furious that the truth is revealed....but can't find a way to defend against it.

Watch out, ā€˜fore I move that laser dot around the room so you run into the wall.
13. Liberals/Democrats raise oddities to the highest status, as it fits, their never-ending attempt to disrupt society, to abolish morality and tradition, substitute insanity for rationality.

One finds the very same designs in the Bolsheviks that came to power in the early 20th centuryā€¦..and we all know how that worked out.

14. ā€œTo escape the delusion of having become a woman, I did something completely unprecedented in American history. In 2016, I convinced an Oregon judge to declare my sex to be nonbinaryā€”neither male nor female. The landmark court decision catapulted me to instant fame ā€¦

Becoming a woman had gotten me into The New York Times. Convincing a judge that my sex was nonbinary got my photos and story into publicationsaround the world.ā€ I Was Americaā€™s First ā€˜Nonbinaryā€™ Person. It Was All a Sham.

ā€œā€¦.catapulted me to instant fame ā€¦ā€

15. Here, we need to consider the meaning: fame vs infamyā€¦.which actually fits? Fame



1. the state of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements.




1. the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed.

Thanks, Liberals/Democrats....
Never Pick A Fight With Reality

That is actually a really good piece of advice for a batshit crazy nutbag like you.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats

Just another example of how fucked up you are. Everything revolves around some silly point scoring against THEM.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats.

Hey nutbag you just posted exactly the same thing as you did in the privious post with zero account for how pathetic it was the first time around.

Sure seems to be some sort of mental disorder going on here.
Never Pick A Fight With Reality

That is actually a really good piece of advice for a batshit crazy nutbag like you.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats

Just another example of how fucked up you are. Everything revolves around some silly point scoring against THEM.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats.

Hey nutbag you just posted exactly the same thing as you did in the privious post with zero account for how pathetic it was the first time around.

Sure seems to be some sort of mental disorder going on here.
ask her who she sides with in the ann coulter(her actual hero) vs. donald trump beef and watch her head explode :lol:
Never Pick A Fight With Reality

That is actually a really good piece of advice for a batshit crazy nutbag like you.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats

Just another example of how fucked up you are. Everything revolves around some silly point scoring against THEM.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats.

Hey nutbag you just posted exactly the same thing as you did in the privious post with zero account for how pathetic it was the first time around.

Sure seems to be some sort of mental disorder going on here.

You can't figure out why I posted the same thing???

No wonder you majored in summer school, dope.

BTW.....thanks for posting the reason my threads wound you so deeply:
" Everything revolves around some silly point scoring against THEM."

I'll keep it in mind for future burrs to put under your saddle, you donkey.

Conservatives vs Liberals in debate? Kinda like Notre Dame vs the Tumble Tots.
That is actually a really good piece of advice for a batshit crazy nutbag like you.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats

Just another example of how fucked up you are. Everything revolves around some silly point scoring against THEM.

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats.

Hey nutbag you just posted exactly the same thing as you did in the privious post with zero account for how pathetic it was the first time around.

Sure seems to be some sort of mental disorder going on here.
ask her who she sides with in the ann coulter(her actual hero) vs. donald trump beef and watch her head explode :lol:

Glad you posted: always good to have input from a grad of Wassamatta-U!

I can always tell when I've decisively scored points against Liberals/Democrats: you dopes post this sort of thing, ignoring the actual substance of the thread.
You're simply furious that the truth is revealed....but can't find a way to defend against it.

BTW....I have a lovely picture of myself and Queen Ann.....I may use it as my avi sometime.....
16. Everyone knows the Liberal/Democrat motto, ā€œNever let an insane idea go without putting it into effect.ā€

That includes socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, anti-white racismā€¦.and pretending that men can turn into women.

So, no surprise at all the Liberals/Democrats rushing to push the transgender fallacy:

"Then, before the judgeā€™s ink had even dried on my Oregon sex change court order, a Washington, D.C.-based LGBT legal aid organization contacted me. ā€œWe want to help you change your birth certificate,ā€ they offered.

Within months, I scored another historic win after the Department of Vital Records issued me a brand new birth certificate from Washington, D.C., where I was born. A local group called Whitman-Walker Health had gotten my sex designation on my birth certificate switched to ā€œunknown.ā€ It was the first time in D.C. history a birth certificate had been printed with a sex marker other than male or female.

LGBT organizations [read ā€œLiberal/Democrat] helping me to screw up my life had become a common theme.ā€ I Was Americaā€™s First ā€˜Nonbinaryā€™ Person. It Was All a Sham.

Nothing the Left likes more than putting on a pedestal those who should be put in therapy.

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