
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'
Oh, Eddie! You haven't quite figured out that the only "collusion" that took place in the last election took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Fusion GPS, the Obama Administration and the liberal media...have you? All Trump did was run a better campaign and get elected!
Oh that's rich! None of them met directly with any Russians, but they colluded with the Russians, and the Tramp campaign met directly with the Russians, in Tramp Tower no less, but that was NOT collusion. :cuckoo:

Oh, they didn't meet "directly" with any Russians? You mean they went through a law firm and then Fusion GPS so that nobody would KNOW that they were using Russians to smear the other Party's candidate? Gotcha! (eye roll)

What's amazing about the Trump tower meeting is that in order for that Russian lawyer to get into the country she needed a special visa "amnesty" that could only be granted by the Obama State Department! What's also amazing is that she met Glenn Simpson from GPS the day before the Trump tower meeting and then the day after the Trump tower meeting. So let's review...someone contacts the Trump campaign and says they have dirt on Hillary Clinton. In order for that person to get into the country...they need help from the Obama State Department...and then they meet with Glenn Simpson...the guy that Hillary Clinton has already hired to smear Donald Trump both before the Trump tower meeting and then right after! Here's the capper though...that meeting lasted only moments before Donald Trump Jr. realized that the Russian lawyer had no dirt on Hillary and ended the meeting. Amazingly a nothing meeting like that was almost instantly leaked to the press as the Trump campaign colluding with a Kremlin lawyer to affect our election! This whole thing REEKS of another political dirty trick played on Trump by the sleaziest politician ever to run for office!
Yep, baffles us how you fricken idiots didn't know about Hillary's faults.
So put her and bill in god damn jail Just put the complete AH you put in our WH next to them You think in 20 years we'll be bashing trump like you morons have bashed the clintons?

In 20 doubt, you clowns are still bashing Reagan...dumbass.
Reagan?? News to me I've read posts of republicans bashing JFK and FDR

Great, you need a new news source, Fakebook just ain't working for ya.
AOC blames reagan - Bing video
Wonderful You pick out a nut job that can't control her mouth At least she has the excuse of youth on her side What excuse do those dirty old men on the republican side have?

I'm pretty sure it was your far left liberals that "picked" Ocasio Cortez, Eddie! Haven't you heard? She's the new "face" of the Democratic Party! You're going to have that "nut job" around for years now! With that liberal district she's from you've got a better chance of getting rid of a bad case of herpes than getting rid of AOC!
Oh, Eddie! You haven't quite figured out that the only "collusion" that took place in the last election took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Fusion GPS, the Obama Administration and the liberal media...have you? All Trump did was run a better campaign and get elected!
Oh that's rich! None of them met directly with any Russians, but they colluded with the Russians, and the Tramp campaign met directly with the Russians, in Tramp Tower no less, but that was NOT collusion. :cuckoo:

Oh, they didn't meet "directly" with any Russians? You mean they went through a law firm and then Fusion GPS so that nobody would KNOW that they were using Russians to smear the other Party's candidate? Gotcha! (eye roll)

What's amazing about the Trump tower meeting is that in order for that Russian lawyer to get into the country she needed a special visa "amnesty" that could only be granted by the Obama State Department! What's also amazing is that she met Glenn Simpson from GPS the day before the Trump tower meeting and then the day after the Trump tower meeting. So let's review...someone contacts the Trump campaign and says they have dirt on Hillary Clinton. In order for that person to get into the country...they need help from the Obama State Department...and then they meet with Glenn Simpson...the guy that Hillary Clinton has already hired to smear Donald Trump both before the Trump tower meeting and then right after! Here's the capper though...that meeting lasted only moments before Donald Trump Jr. realized that the Russian lawyer had no dirt on Hillary and ended the meeting. Amazingly a nothing meeting like that was almost instantly leaked to the press as the Trump campaign colluding with a Kremlin lawyer to affect our election! This whole thing REEKS of another political dirty trick played on Trump by the sleaziest politician ever to run for office!
As usual, lies all lies.
the Clinton campaign hired a law firm who hired Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign didn't know who the law firm hired. Fusion GPS hired Steele, but the law firm didn't know who Fusion GPS hired. Steele, who was banned from entering Russia consulted with fellow British agents who were still active in Russia, so Steele had no direct contact with any Russians, so there was nothing for the Clinton Campaign to hide or lie about like everyone in The RAT's, Russian Agent Tramp, campaign did.

The Russian lawyer who met directly with the Tramp Campaign was in the US because she was representing another Russian client in court, but she was not the only Russian operative in the Tramp Tower meeting, there were at least 4 other Russians that we know about in that meeting. You have only the word of liars like Jr who lied about the meeting and what it was about and how long it lasted, yet you believe the liars. Clinton did not hire Simpson, as you well know, and never lied about anything regarding the dossier. There has never been a sleazier politician than The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, and you know that more than anyone!
So put her and bill in god damn jail Just put the complete AH you put in our WH next to them You think in 20 years we'll be bashing trump like you morons have bashed the clintons?

In 20 doubt, you clowns are still bashing Reagan...dumbass.
Reagan?? News to me I've read posts of republicans bashing JFK and FDR

Great, you need a new news source, Fakebook just ain't working for ya.
AOC blames reagan - Bing video
Wonderful You pick out a nut job that can't control her mouth At least she has the excuse of youth on her side What excuse do those dirty old men on the republican side have?

I'm pretty sure it was your far left liberals that "picked" Ocasio Cortez, Eddie! Haven't you heard? She's the new "face" of the Democratic Party! You're going to have that "nut job" around for years now! With that liberal district she's from you've got a better chance of getting rid of a bad case of herpes than getting rid of AOC!

AOC is not the new face of a damn thing but a republican smear campaign. You call her a nut job while you support a demented pathological liar who made up a deep state that is out to get him ran by people he picked.
In 20 doubt, you clowns are still bashing Reagan...dumbass.
Reagan?? News to me I've read posts of republicans bashing JFK and FDR

Great, you need a new news source, Fakebook just ain't working for ya.
AOC blames reagan - Bing video
Wonderful You pick out a nut job that can't control her mouth At least she has the excuse of youth on her side What excuse do those dirty old men on the republican side have?

I'm pretty sure it was your far left liberals that "picked" Ocasio Cortez, Eddie! Haven't you heard? She's the new "face" of the Democratic Party! You're going to have that "nut job" around for years now! With that liberal district she's from you've got a better chance of getting rid of a bad case of herpes than getting rid of AOC!

AOC is not the new face of a damn thing but a republican smear campaign. You call her a nut job while you support a demented pathological liar who made up a deep state that is out to get him ran by people he picked. it was the GOP that got her pictures on the covers of Time and Newsweek? It was us dastardly conservatives that had her on Good Morning America and the night time talk shows? You can't admit that you liberals elected a moron, IM2 and gave her "celebrity status"! Now you're stuck with her...idiotic statements and all!
In 20 doubt, you clowns are still bashing Reagan...dumbass.
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?
Infinitely better than the America hating Russia loving POS we have now!!!!!
In 20 doubt, you clowns are still bashing Reagan...dumbass.
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?
Infinitely better than the America hating Russia loving POS we have now!!!!!
I judge people on performance...not rhetoric. Barack Obama was over his head as President for his entire two terms. He talked a good game but was clueless about how to stimulate an economy and how to create jobs! So bad in fact that his administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic in order to hide how few jobs they had created despite record spending and a near zero interest rate from the Fed!
He talked a good game but was clueless about how to stimulate an economy and how to create jobs!

He pulled us out of the Great Recession (the worst economic disaster since the Great Recession) despite the foot dragging of the GOP.

So there's that...
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?
Infinitely better than the America hating Russia loving POS we have now!!!!!
I judge people on performance...not rhetoric. Barack Obama was over his head as President for his entire two terms. He talked a good game but was clueless about how to stimulate an economy and how to create jobs! So bad in fact that his administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic in order to hide how few jobs they had created despite record spending and a near zero interest rate from the Fed!
Poor, lying con tool. Despite you being shown repeatedly that Obama used the term, ‘jobs saved and created,’ before ARRA was even implemented, you continue to lie and falsely claim he only started using it after it was implemented.

Do you ever stop lying?

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He talked a good game but was clueless about how to stimulate an economy and how to create jobs!

He pulled us out of the Great Recession (the worst economic disaster since the Great Recession) despite the foot dragging of the GOP.

So there's that...

Dude, he oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! At a time when the country's economy was reeling and millions were out of work...he pushed through the Affordable Care Act...something that cost jobs. If the GOP hadn't taken back the House in the first midterms (due in large part to how ineffective you liberals were with the economy!) the next thing up on Barry's wish list was Cap & Trade legislation that would have increased costs to American industries and FURTHER cost jobs! One of the major drivers of the economy was the energy boom created by fracking techniques...something that Obama resisted! If Barry had had his way that would have never happened!

So there's that… (eye roll)

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