Trump is upset that Fauci is more popular than him.............


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Yet another likely big fat lie from the proverbial lying assholes.
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Fauci helped facilitate the covid virus to Wuhan.....did you know that?
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Fauci helped facilitate the covid virus to Wuhan.....did you know that?

Got any links to back up your claim, or is this just more crap you pulled outta your ass?
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Yet another likely big fat lie from the proverbial lying assholes.

Hey, read the link I posted. Trump was bitching yesterday at his presser that he's upset that Fauci is more popular than him, and Trump can't seem to understand why.
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Yet another likely big fat lie from the proverbial lying assholes.

The reason people trust Fauci is that he gives it to them straight. He's honest and realistic. Unlike your hero who seems bent on pretending the virus doesn't exist, we can all go back to normal because there's this miracle drug that will make it all go away....except it doesn't.
Another reason people trust Fauci is that he is willing to take in new data about this virus as it comes in and adjusts accordingly.

When the news story came out about all those church choir members catching the virus from a 2 hour practice, my roomie immediately knew that this thing was airborne and told me that when I went out in public, I had to start wearing a mask. Also, had to change the laundromat that I used to dry my clothes, as it was one that was used by a lot o the people working at the local meat packing plant (one of the places it spread the quickest).

Trump on the other hand is just going with what he was first told, and seems to be unable to take in new data about the virus and adjust accordingly. If he was able, he would have said masks should be worn by everyone several months ago.
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TDS running rampant tonight. LOL

Trump Defense Syndrome is certainly running rampant. It's been pushed to Defcon 1 over the last few days.
I've never seen the right wing in a panic mode like this.
If Trump is down to worrying about his ratings over Fauci's...maybe it's time to slink back to Trump Tower before November lays a beating on you...and the Republican Party.
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Yet another likely big fat lie from the proverbial lying assholes.

The reason people trust Fauci is that he gives it to them straight. He's honest and realistic. Unlike your hero who seems bent on pretending the virus doesn't exist, we can all go back to normal because there's this miracle drug that will make it all go away....except it doesn't.
Oh does he now? Well that's fucking news. Fauchi is a typical guberment bureaucratic flunkie and a lying dumbass. Even he freely admitted that he lied when questioned about his flip flop on masks. First he says masks arent necessary then later he says the opposite. And wg0hen questioned as to his flip flop he said he was trying to reserve masks for medical personnel. So was he lying then or lying now?
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Except with the minor subset of (nominal) Americans known as tRumplings everyone is more popular than him.
TDS running rampant tonight. LOL

Trump Defense Syndrome is certainly running rampant. It's been pushed to Defcon 1 over the last few days.
I've never seen the right wing in a panic mode like this.
If Trump is down to worrying about his ratings over Fauci's...maybe it's time to slink back to Trump Tower before November lays a beating on you...and the Republican Party.
I'm actually finding it pretty amusing.

The desperation among the tRuly faithful is gratifying as well.
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Yet another likely big fat lie from the proverbial lying assholes.

Reports were that people in the cabinet were saying Trump was a moron and a fucking idiot. People said it wasn't true... until Tillerson got fired and Kelly and Mattis left. Then it was confirmed true. People said Trump doesn't read his classified daily briefings... that was called a lie. Then come to find out that the Russian bounties being paid to the Taliban was in one and Trump said he never saw it. So Trump either didn't read it or he is lying. Those briefings may stay classified until someone declassifies them, but they don't get deleted.
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?

Trump was upset? LOL, you fricken clowns, he sure didn't look upset or sound upset. Evidently you damn drama queens get upset every time Trump speaks.
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Yet another likely big fat lie from the proverbial lying assholes.

The reason people trust Fauci is that he gives it to them straight. He's honest and realistic. Unlike your hero who seems bent on pretending the virus doesn't exist, we can all go back to normal because there's this miracle drug that will make it all go away....except it doesn't.
Oh does he now? Well that's fucking news. Fauchi is a typical guberment bureaucratic flunkie and a lying dumbass. Even he freely admitted that he lied when questioned about his flip flop on masks. First he says masks arent necessary then later he says the opposite. And wg0hen questioned as to his flip flop he said he was trying to reserve masks for medical personnel. So was he lying then or lying now?

Well, that's not exactly the case. See below. Even so, we are learning about this virus as we go. Information changes. When Fauci gets new information, he adapts. He gives it to you straight.
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Yet another likely big fat lie from the proverbial lying assholes.

The reason people trust Fauci is that he gives it to them straight. He's honest and realistic. Unlike your hero who seems bent on pretending the virus doesn't exist, we can all go back to normal because there's this miracle drug that will make it all go away....except it doesn't.
Oh does he now? Well that's fucking news. Fauchi is a typical guberment bureaucratic flunkie and a lying dumbass. Even he freely admitted that he lied when questioned about his flip flop on masks. First he says masks arent necessary then later he says the opposite. And wg0hen questioned as to his flip flop he said he was trying to reserve masks for medical personnel. So was he lying then or lying now?
So why doesn’t president Trumptard fire him? What’s he waiting for?
Wow..................just when I thought that Trump couldn't go any lower, he manages to do so. Yesterday, he was bitching at his press conference that Fauci was more popular than him, and he appeared to be a bit butt hurt about it.

Sorry, but being president doesn't mean that everyone is going to like you, as some might want different policies enacted. But to bitch that you aren't as popular as a doctor who is working for your admin? That is some first degree man baby bullshit.

“He's got this high approval rating,” Trump said of Fauci on Tuesday. “So why don’t I have a high approval rating and the administration with respect to the virus?”

Trump’s approval rating has suffered from what critics have described as an erratic and inattentive handling of the pandemic. That approval rating now stands at about 40 percent, a dangerously low number for a president seeking reelection.

I wonder if Trump ever thought that the reason people like and trust Fauci more than him is because Trump keeps flip flopping on his policies handling this pandemic?
Oh God give US a break!!! That was a funny sarcastic comment and you try to twist it by saying Trump was 'bitching.' Frankly I think you are projecting what YOU would do onto Trump. That's the way it is with lefties, they seem to have an instinct to project their pitiful self loathing onto everyone else and, being quintessential victims, they blame everyone else. BTW if Trump changes policies it's because Fauci decrees it put the blame where it belongs.
Mary Trump says her uncle is a child in a man’s body. Do we really need anymore proof of the truth of that observation?
Last edited:
Mary Trump says her uncle is a child in man’s body. Do we really need anymore proof of the truth of that observation?
Several women said Bill Clinton raped them. Need any more proof?

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