Trump Is Finally Realizing How He's Hated

Trump is going to prison for a long-long time. In fact, Trump will be buried "Face Down" to help usher his descent into HELL! Satan is waiting for Trump and is first in line to ass rape Trump to welcome him into hell.

Boy, you really ARE a Kool-Aid drinker! Last Spring when I joined someone here SWORE that Trump would be out of office by year's end. Either impeached or resigned himself. I wanted to bet him but he disappeared when I offered. But the offer still stands. I'll put up $500 that Trump will still be in office Jan. 1 2018, he will never be impeached and removed, much less go to prison. Willing to back up your claims?!

Not only that but IMO, he will be reelected in 2020. Oh, I so hope to still be on this group then to see the Lefties twist and squirm.
More talking points given out by the Media? That's funny, because over the first 70 years of his life, he was celebrated as an innovator, one of the first to promote women to high positions and champion their opportunities and equality, a man that gets straight to the heart of the matter, as a brilliant and determined businessman, as a selfless giver to everyone from the city level right down to his blue collar workers.

And the signs are coming in again! Latest reports are that Kim Jong-Un has been calling people in Washington DC to ask them: "Is that Trump guy really serious? Would he really blow NK off the face of the map?" You see, no one from the Washington bureaucrats to world leaders are really quite sure of Trump! He's not of their crowd, he is an outsider, he doesn't play by their set of rules and he isn't predictable to them. In other words, it's working! And you know what their reply was back to Kim?

"Yeah. He means it."

The fat boy is very worried. So are the Chinese. They are scrambling to shut down every business tie in China back to NK to put the real hurt on Kim, because the last thing they want to see is:

A cutting of trade ties with the USA
A nuclear war in their backyard.
A mass exodus of NK immigrants fleeing into China, and
The USA to establish a permanent military presence right across their border.

VIVA La Trump! He is like the master chess player that makes you think his west flank is weak then just as you think you've got him figured out and have him, he sweeps in from the North and checkmates you!

Total utter BS. He was never lauded as an innovator. Only in sychophantic rags like The NY Post was he ever given any credit. In more circumspect publications he was at best questioned about the ethics of how he ran his businesses.

Those AROUND him might be brilliant. He far from so. His housing projects are littered with stories of ripping off sub-contractors, six Chapter 11 bankruptcies. I could go on. He's intelligent like Eric the Eel was a great swimmer.

It is his unpredictability that makes him so dangerous. Those who see him as a straight shooter being a good thing don't see how dangerous he is due to those massive short comings. How many world crises do you think have been avoided because adults have been in charge? Think the Cuban Missile Crisis and the thousands of other incidents over the past 70 years. The Orange Buffoon is not only ill-equipped for the job, he is way too immature. Have you actually read some of his tweets. They sound like the team mascot on the freshman team at high school.
Fuck the world. They all hate us. Hillary shares their disdain and her presidency would have been absolutely disastrous.

Actually that is untrue. The free world loves the US. They just hate it having a retard in the WH.

What alternate reality are you living in? The only time the "free world" loves America is when we have a marxist president who hates the american way of life as much as they do.
As much as the Left likes to blame the world's woes on Trump and hate him, imagine for a second what kind of person they will insist is their candidate in 2020.....

Maxine Waters?

John Lewis?

It'll have to be someone radical, racist and willing to take a knee on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Putin loves Trump!

More people hate Queef Olbermann than hate Trump.

Only Red State conservative Republicant's love Uncle Trump. Trump received 62 million votes out of 200 million registered voters! Hillary received 61 million votes while over 80 million voters didn't bother to vote!


The states elect the president. He won the states. He has all the mandate he needs.

Putin helped Trump win the WH!!!!!!
And he cares not, for the people who hate him are long term idiots.

(Not a huge Trump fan - he's doing okay. But you people, hoo boy ... strange)
You should get a lot of stars and check marks for praising a president who does not care about all Americans, only his deplorable base.

So, his base isn't American.

How leftwingish of you......
Conservative red State Trumpanzee's are not American they IDEOLOGUES!!!!!!!
Trump is the most loved person in history....believe me

Another non-starter from a total jerk slash "news-reporter." EVERY president is hated by some group! The only difference here is that Trump didn't have to do anything to be hated. He was hated just for running. He was hated just for telling the bald, undiluted truth. He was hated just for winning. He was hated just for being right. And now he is hated for continuously exposing the bull and hypocrisy and corruption in Washington, proving eternally that the more he is hated, the more justified was his winning, and win again he shall do! Because the Left's hatred shows just how close he is to busting up the old boy's game and how much he really is needed! And the funny thing is that those who hate him so much never say who they might have voted for that was demonstrably better!

Trump won't stand up against hate so he's hated because he stands for NOTHING.

Plain bull.

Trumpanzee's love Trump. They are Trump "RECTUM LICKERS"
Obama, at the last, did get an idea of how much he was hated and it bewildered him. He never quite understood it. He knew that he was called a joke, a caricature of a man and on some level it bothered him.

Obama blames media for 'caricature'

I admit that I truly despised the little creature, So it's certainly not unusual for a president to be hated. In fact, they should expect it.
So liberals hate him. We hate liberals and love him. It all works out.
Yep! Fuck Trump and Red State conservative VOTERS.........

No thanks.....AIDs was never in my goals.

You lost.....

Suck on it.

BTW: Are you saying that to MI/WI/PA.......

You know those places that didn't go in the direction of your bitch-from-hell candidate ?
Hey look at Trump positing himself for Putin's meat stick INVASION!!!

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