Trump informs our allies that we will withdraw from Paris Accord

Who in the FUCK does he think he is?
I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
Yeah being the only country not concerned about planet earth sure is good news!

What's so sttuuuupid about this--is that we proposed this Paris Climate accord--got 90 nations, including China to sign onto it--then the ASS CLOWN says he's going to opt out of it. Who in the FUCK does he think he is?


When you elect a CLOWN the circus is bound to show up.

A real American. I'm certain you can't understand that, but I do.

You've elected a 3 a.m. tweety brain fart--& certainly not an American. This is an agreement made with 90 countries, including China--that we proposed. You don't opt out of an agreement through a tweety account--and without a lot of discussion going on in congress regarding the ramifications FIRST. As everything else-- this is going nowhere. I am certain he doesn't have the authority to break ongoing written agreements with countries at his whim.

Via the Tweety account he just threw his supporters a bone to keep your spirits up.


Treaties aren't valid unless approved by a 2/3rds vote of the Senate. This is a non-treaty. Trump can simply ignore it. At least he's giving the suckers notification that he is going to ignore it.
With China and India exempt from the accord, it is a useless piece of paper. Good on Trump for backing out of that economy killing garbage.

Well you're WRONG there. China does abide by the Paris climate agreement.

This was a 90 country agreement to lessen the carbon dioxide released into the automosphere--and the blowback to the United States is going to be fierce--should this actually occur--(where the United States now opts out of this agreement--that we proposed.)

Right now our allies consider Trump to be the drunken uncle that you're forced to invite to the bar b q--that sits in the yard by himself and blurts out something outrageous every now and then.


This is the Donald Trump show for very stupid people. If congress has anything to say about this--it won't happen.


You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride his scandals and these kinds of actions to hell and back.

Your ignorance of the facts is not surprising. Typical Progressive.

From YOUR source.

“In recent years, the Obama administration has sought to highlight cooperation on climate change, but China’s commitments, first made in 2014, have been less a concession to American pressure than a restatement on its own goals. They include a promise for China’s emissions to reach a plateau or decline “around 2030.” But without any specific target for reductions like those Mr. Obama pledged for the United States (between 26 and 28 percent of 2005 levels by 2025). That means China has plenty of room to continue burning fossil fuels to power its economy."

As you know, or should know if you're not just chugging the cool aid from the DemocratUnderground or The Nation, is that China is currently building one highly sophisticated ultra-clean burning coal power plant per month and have more nuclear power plants under construction and in the planning stage that the rest of the world combined.

China has learned from us that in order to have a robust economy, they need a plentiful supply of cheap power. At the same time, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama did all he could to radically increase the cost of our energy. He was thwarted in his goal because of the massive production of natural gas from fracking on private and state lands. President Obama, as you also know, had prohibited fracking on Federal Land.

When, or do you ever, tire of our former president doing everything possible to turn this nation into a third rate country?

What's so sttuuuupid about this--is that we proposed this Paris Climate accord--got 90 nations, including China to sign onto it--then the ASS CLOWN says he's going to opt out of it. Who in the FUCK does he think he is?

What's sttuuupid about it? Simple China and India are exempt from any requirements for many years to come while petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama foolishly committed to unattainable goals.
I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
Yeah being the only country not concerned about planet earth sure is good news!

What's so sttuuuupid about this--is that we proposed this Paris Climate accord--got 90 nations, including China to sign onto it--then the ASS CLOWN says he's going to opt out of it. Who in the FUCK does he think he is?


When you elect a CLOWN the circus is bound to show up.
Who's "we"?
It's Obama's baby.
And Dems and the modern countries and everyone not duped, bought off, or selfish and stupid at this point, dupe.
You've elected a 3 a.m. tweety brain fart--& certainly not an American. This is an agreement made with 90 countries, including China--that we proposed. You don't opt out of an agreement through a tweety account--and without a lot of discussion going on in congress regarding the ramifications FIRST.

Oh yes we do! :banana::banana::banana:
Are you an idiot?
You want Trump to go to China and close down every factory?
Moron doesn't know what LEADING BY EXAMPLE MEANS. And it was also a pleasure kicking your ass on your uninformed China comment..
China is going to start becoming Green in about 20 years.
You didn't know how China is a leader in the battle against climate change and thought " leading by example" meant going to China.
God damn you're stoopid.
I look at their actions, not sound bites.
I have friends who go several times a year on business.
They have no handle on pollution control.
Well if your friend says so. That's so much more convincing than a science site.
Renewable Energy Surges Globally with China and India in the Lead

There has been renewable energy for many years now. It's not that it can't be done, it's at what cost and how much reliability.

Charity starts at home. How many solar panels do you have on the roof of your house? What did that windmill in your backyard cost you? How much does it cost you to take the bus to and from work every day? Or if you do drive, how much more is your electric bill from charging your electric car every night?
Well if your friend says so. That's so much more convincing than a science site.
Renewable Energy Surges Globally with China and India in the Lead

True, they also take the lead in new coal and oil power plants as well. Given the population of both those countries, plus all the third world countries where hundreds of millions burn peat or dung for heat and cooking anything we do is like a bucket out of the ocean, all of them.
Twaddle: Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions
What's so sttuuuupid about this--is that we proposed this Paris Climate accord--got 90 nations, including China to sign onto it--then the ASS CLOWN says he's going to opt out of it. Who in the FUCK does he think he is?

The President of the United States.
71% in favor of the Paris agreement.

Even 57% of the backwards Republican Party in favor.

Will Trump go with the people or the fossil fuel industry v& the idiots?

Here you go climate denier.
Trump wants to dump the Paris climate deal, but 71 percent of Americans support it, survey finds
Funny how you DEPLORABLES are always wrong about everything.

Oh, how tricky you are. Give me a link to a site that you can't read unless you subscribe.
Well if your friend says so. That's so much more convincing than a science site.
Renewable Energy Surges Globally with China and India in the Lead

True, they also take the lead in new coal and oil power plants as well. Given the population of both those countries, plus all the third world countries where hundreds of millions burn peat or dung for heat and cooking anything we do is like a bucket out of the ocean, all of them.
Twaddle: Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions

francoHFW: Derp! I'm a Dupe, so I'll call everyone else Dupes and hope they don't notice!

I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
Yeah being the only country not concerned about planet earth sure is good news!

What's so sttuuuupid about this--is that we proposed this Paris Climate accord--got 90 nations, including China to sign onto it--then the ASS CLOWN says he's going to opt out of it. Who in the FUCK does he think he is?


When you elect a CLOWN the circus is bound to show up.
Who's "we"?
It's Obama's baby.
And Dems and the modern countries and everyone not duped, bought off, or selfish and stupid at this point, dupe.
These "concerned" nations need to be bribed by the US to "care" about Green?
Then they're all a bunch of phonies, aren't they?
China and India are leading players in this global clean energy revolution—a fact that was underscored in a recent report that ranked them at the top of Ernst and Young’s renewable energy country attractiveness index, outperforming the US.

You ignored the fact or wasn't it in your briefings from MediaMatters and The Nation that China and India also lead in the building of fossil fuel plants and nuclear plants. Try out reality for a change!
Well if your friend says so. That's so much more convincing than a science site.
Renewable Energy Surges Globally with China and India in the Lead

True, they also take the lead in new coal and oil power plants as well. Given the population of both those countries, plus all the third world countries where hundreds of millions burn peat or dung for heat and cooking anything we do is like a bucket out of the ocean, all of them.
Twaddle: Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions

francoHFW: Derp! I'm a Dupe, so I'll call everyone else Dupes and hope they don't notice!

Tell me a lie I believe, brainwashed functional moron. You believe our justice system is a CONSPIRACEEE!!! to protect crooked Hillary....

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