Trump has lowest pres-elect popularity in many decades

So none of you want to defend your belief that Trump has a 90% favorable rating?
I scientifically polled all my friends, like liberals do, and it's 100%....with your liberal 60-40 poll of your liberal friends, you're fucked....:lol:

So how do you know Trump is at 90% favorable?
I never said he was....

So you concede he can't possibly be at 90%.

What about 80%? 70%? 60%?

Which one do you believe and what's your evidence to support it?
The Dems shot themselves in the foot with Hillary, you bet. But, the great thing, is that Trump is already moving left to the center. And the trumpers continue to melt.

I will for the sake of this post agree with you assertion that something great is happening, but I gotta tell ya, I think there may be some wishful thinking in the rest of that post
That's fine. If he pleases us both, then that will be a good thing.
So none of you want to defend your belief that Trump has a 90% favorable rating?
I scientifically polled all my friends, like liberals do, and it's 100%....with your liberal 60-40 poll of your liberal friends, you're fucked....:lol:

So how do you know Trump is at 90% favorable?
I never said he was....

So you concede he can't possibly be at 90%.

What about 80%? 70%? 60%?

Which one do you believe and what's your evidence to support it?
I scientifically have him at 100%, and I'm a scientist too....
Why would you think Trump is more popular than the polls show?

What would lead you to that conclusion?

I'll take the stunned silence to mean that none of you can make a logical rational argument supporting your belief that Trump is much more popular than the polls show.

Case closed.
I never was polled on my feelings for Trump and I can bet you 1 billion dollars, which would take a welfare puke like you a long time to amass, that over 50% of the US weren't polled either. The lickspittle will head to Californification, or New Fork, and poll those stupid liberal elites(I know redundant statement) and get their liberal slant to try to make news. Real intelligent people, who work for a living know better. I am still waiting for those liberals to leave the US because they would never live in a country that has Trump for president. Bunch of fucking liars.
What if 40% approval is Trumps Honeymoon period?

What if that is as good as it gets?
He'll need to do something to change it. Simply denying it only makes him and his supporters look either stupid or liars. You know, like Trump's denial he mocked the disabled reporter when everyone who has seen the Youtube video can see he did.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable
What if 40% approval is Trumps Honeymoon period?

What if that is as good as it gets?
He'll need to do something to change it. Simply denying it only makes him and his supporters look either stupid or liars. You know, like Trump's denial he mocked the disabled reporter when everyone who has seen the Youtube video can see he did.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable
So Trump mocks a liberal reporter, how many times did Obama mock the US citizens? 1 vs millions, I choose Trump. Dumbass liberals never learn. They just keep on bitching and moaning, precious little snowflakes.....
What if 40% approval is Trumps Honeymoon period?

What if that is as good as it gets?
He'll need to do something to change it. Simply denying it only makes him and his supporters look either stupid or liars. You know, like Trump's denial he mocked the disabled reporter when everyone who has seen the Youtube video can see he did.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable
View attachment 107268
You'll be a great lackey at the Ministry of Truth!
What if 40% approval is Trumps Honeymoon period?

What if that is as good as it gets?
He'll need to do something to change it. Simply denying it only makes him and his supporters look either stupid or liars. You know, like Trump's denial he mocked the disabled reporter when everyone who has seen the Youtube video can see he did.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable
So Trump mocks a liberal reporter, how many times did Obama mock the US citizens? 1 vs millions, I choose Trump. Dumbass liberals never learn. They just keep on bitching and moaning, precious little snowflakes.....
Fuck Obama. He's a lame duck soon to be unemployed.

Did Trump mock the reporter or not? If so, why did Trump lie about it?
What if 40% approval is Trumps Honeymoon period?

What if that is as good as it gets?
He'll need to do something to change it. Simply denying it only makes him and his supporters look either stupid or liars. You know, like Trump's denial he mocked the disabled reporter when everyone who has seen the Youtube video can see he did.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable
View attachment 107268
You'll be a great lackey at the Ministry of Truth!
RCP is fake news....I am taking they don't tell you that, so I figured I would...:lol:
RCP is fake news....I am taking they don't tell you that, so I figured I would...:lol:
You are free to live in a world of denial, but if Trump doesn't get a grip on this by 2018, it could cost the Republicans the Senate and/or the House. A problem that could also see the fucking Democrats taking back the WH in 2020.
What if 40% approval is Trumps Honeymoon period?

What if that is as good as it gets?
He'll need to do something to change it. Simply denying it only makes him and his supporters look either stupid or liars. You know, like Trump's denial he mocked the disabled reporter when everyone who has seen the Youtube video can see he did.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable
So Trump mocks a liberal reporter, how many times did Obama mock the US citizens? 1 vs millions, I choose Trump. Dumbass liberals never learn. They just keep on bitching and moaning, precious little snowflakes.....
Fuck Obama. He's a lame duck soon to be unemployed.

Did Trump mock the reporter or not? If so, why did Trump lie about it?
At this point what the fuck difference does it make? Obama is gone, and is leaving with 12 millions dollars. Did you after 8 years of Obama get 12 millions dollars? Where is the redistribution of wealth other than into his grubby hands?
People generally don't trust or like him, as well, considering his on-stage performance the last two years, they should not: except in one area.

But all of that may not matter if he does come through, according to analysis, on jobs. I would also add in fighting ISIS as well.

If he gets a Single Payer system through, all the better. It won't matter if he deports or does not deport 11 million people, or if he builds or does not build a wall.

If he can get the lower working classes on the job again with good paying wages, his popularity will improve . . . dramatically.

If he fails on jobs and ISIS, his chance for a second term would seemingly dramatically decrease.

Trump to take office with dismal ratings -- except on jobs
Donald Trump's transition has hurt his popularity, not helped
Trump Transition Winning No Popularity Points

You progressives can have all the polls you want. You take your "moral victory" from polls, we'll take our real victory of winning the election.
At this point what the fuck difference does it make? Obama is gone, and is leaving with 12 millions dollars. Did you after 8 years of Obama get 12 millions dollars? Where is the redistribution of wealth other than into his grubby hands?
Translation: Yes, DW, Trump mocked the disabled reporter and is such a big fucking spineless egomaniac, he won't fess up to it. Partisan asshats like myself would rather blow him than admit he fucked up.

Thanks. Fuck Obama. Let's hope Trump does better. All I'm saying is that Trump is only hurting himself by lying, denying and otherwise failing to stand up like a man.
RCP is fake news....I am taking they don't tell you that, so I figured I would...:lol:
You are free to live in a world of denial, but if Trump doesn't get a grip on this by 2018, it could cost the Republicans the Senate and/or the House. A problem that could also see the fucking Democrats taking back the WH in 2020.
I guess you didn't notice but after 8 years of fucked up Obama policies, that more Republicans gained the White House, Senate, Congress, Governors, and State Legislatures, and that wont change for the next 4 generations. But now is the time for you libtards to leave, Cuba is open for business, go rub elbows with Raul Castro, in the Socialist Utopian Dream that you all want to live in. We the People don't want you here.

Cuba before Communism..........................Cuba after Communism We aren't going to let you libidiots do this to the US of A.

You progressives can have all the polls you want. You take your "moral victory" from polls, we'll take our real victory of winning the election.
True, but let's not forget there's always a "next election". The Mid-Terms are on 2018. Lies, bullshitting and attacking others is not the way to win it. Americans will be expecting results and I strongly doubt they'll accept excuses for failure. Resting on one's laurels by constantly saying "we won in 2016" will not satisfy the American public.

Exclusive — Republican National Committee ‘Getting Ready for 2018’ Midterms, Planning to Increase Majorities for President Trump - Breitbart
There are 23 Senate Democrats up in 2018, and 10 of them are from states that President-elect Donald J. Trump won in the 2016 election: Florida, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Montana, Missouri, and North Dakota. There are only eight Republicans up for re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2018, and just one of them is up in a state that failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton won: Nevada’s Dean Heller. Independent Angus King of Maine—who caucuses with Democrats—is also up, something that may be trouble for the Democrats since Trump and Clinton split Maine in half, each winning one of the state’s two congressional districts, breaking the electoral vote prize in two for the first time in U.S. history. Vermont’s Bernie Sanders, another independent who caucuses with Democrats, may not even be safe because his reliably liberal state just elected a Republican governor in Phil Scott this cycle. Other Democratic seats, like the ones in New Mexico, Minnesota, Virginia, and more, are from states Clinton barely won with less than 50 percent of the vote.

There are two gubernatorial elections in 2017, in Virginia and New Jersey. Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, a Republican, is leaving office so Republicans will be hoping to find a suitable replacement for him in the Garden State, but GOP figures say that they’ve got their eyes on Virginia’s governorship with Clinton ally and current Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe looking weaker and weaker by the minute as he’s engulfed by scandal.

There are a number of gubernatorial elections in 2018 in which Republicans could succeed in taking back control from Democrats as well, in places like Colorado, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania; but the GOP will need to play some defense on this front in places like Florida, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Illinois, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Maryland.

That doesn’t even get into House races, and with a number of Democrats making critical mistakes already out the gate—like skipping President-elect Trump’s inauguration—many of the incumbent House Democrats, especially the ones who rallied around lightning rod controversial House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, may find themselves in seriously vulnerable spots in 2018 and beyond.
What if 40% approval is Trumps Honeymoon period?

What if that is as good as it gets?
He'll need to do something to change it. Simply denying it only makes him and his supporters look either stupid or liars. You know, like Trump's denial he mocked the disabled reporter when everyone who has seen the Youtube video can see he did.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

40% approval is not a death sentence for his is only a point in time

But it does show that Trump needs to reach out to the other 60% during his speech on Friday. More platitudes and empty slogans will not cut it

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