Trump has lowest pres-elect popularity in many decades


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
People generally don't trust or like him, as well, considering his on-stage performance the last two years, they should not: except in one area.

But all of that may not matter if he does come through, according to analysis, on jobs. I would also add in fighting ISIS as well.

If he gets a Single Payer system through, all the better. It won't matter if he deports or does not deport 11 million people, or if he builds or does not build a wall.

If he can get the lower working classes on the job again with good paying wages, his popularity will improve . . . dramatically.

If he fails on jobs and ISIS, his chance for a second term would seemingly dramatically decrease.

Trump to take office with dismal ratings -- except on jobs
Donald Trump's transition has hurt his popularity, not helped
Trump Transition Winning No Popularity Points
Yesterday it was proven that the numbers are manipulated to show that by the same losers who predicted Hillary's 'Landslide victory'. (See the thread about it.)

Masdive over-sampling of Democrats was proven....

Sorry, the reports of Trump's horrible numbers are as real as Hillary's Landslide Victory! :p
The MSM is so clueless. They think people haven't learned about their fake polls and fake news. Since the MSM is essentially being phased out as the fraud that it is, maybe a real, unbiased polling company can start up. A presentation to the folks on Shark Tank would be funny. Mark Cuban would go crazy.
The MSM is so clueless. They think people haven't learned about their fake polls and fake news. Since the MSM is essentially being phased out as the fraud that it is, maybe a real, unbiased polling company can start up. A presentation to the folks on Shark Tank would be funny. Mark Cuban would go crazy.

Why did Trump praise the polls for a year?
Will taking the oath of office represent the unveiling of his heart, so that what he really means when he says something will be revealed?
People generally don't trust or like him, as well, considering his on-stage performance the last two years, they should not: except in one area.

But all of that may not matter if he does come through, according to analysis, on jobs. I would also add in fighting ISIS as well.

If he gets a Single Payer system through, all the better. It won't matter if he deports or does not deport 11 million people, or if he builds or does not build a wall.

If he can get the lower working classes on the job again with good paying wages, his popularity will improve . . . dramatically.

If he fails on jobs and ISIS, his chance for a second term would seemingly dramatically decrease.

Trump to take office with dismal ratings -- except on jobs
Donald Trump's transition has hurt his popularity, not helped
Trump Transition Winning No Popularity Points
I'm tellin ya, all the left had to do was put up someone who was even slightly or remotely qualified to be president to beat him...instead they pulled an Al Gore and put up the only one in the country who couldn't beat him.
The MSM is so clueless. They think people haven't learned about their fake polls and fake news. Since the MSM is essentially being phased out as the fraud that it is, maybe a real, unbiased polling company can start up. A presentation to the folks on Shark Tank would be funny. Mark Cuban would go crazy.

Why did Trump praise the polls for a year?
The ones showing him winning? :lol:
Yesterday it was proven that the numbers are manipulated to show that by the same losers who predicted Hillary's 'Landslide victory'. (See the thread about it.)

Masdive over-sampling of Democrats was proven....

Sorry, the reports of Trump's horrible numbers are as real as Hillary's Landslide Victory! :p

Proven by what? Which national polls were wrong?
The MSM is so clueless. They think people haven't learned about their fake polls and fake news. Since the MSM is essentially being phased out as the fraud that it is, maybe a real, unbiased polling company can start up. A presentation to the folks on Shark Tank would be funny. Mark Cuban would go crazy.

Why did Trump praise the polls for a year?
The ones showing him winning? :lol:

Polls don't predict, idiot. They are snapshots of the opinions at that time. Goddam you're stupid.
People generally don't trust or like him, as well, considering his on-stage performance the last two years, they should not: except in one area.

But all of that may not matter if he does come through, according to analysis, on jobs. I would also add in fighting ISIS as well.

If he gets a Single Payer system through, all the better. It won't matter if he deports or does not deport 11 million people, or if he builds or does not build a wall.

If he can get the lower working classes on the job again with good paying wages, his popularity will improve . . . dramatically.

If he fails on jobs and ISIS, his chance for a second term would seemingly dramatically decrease.

Trump to take office with dismal ratings -- except on jobs
Donald Trump's transition has hurt his popularity, not helped
Trump Transition Winning No Popularity Points
From the same polls that told us Trump was going to get crushed on election day. Just more dying gasps from a media thats apart of the democratic machine trying to sway the country again. Yawn!
Polls don't predict, idiot. They are snapshots of the opinions at that time. Goddam you're stupid.
These 'snapshots' were doctored, snowflake. It has been proven - massive over-sampling.

Hillary lost - move on.
The only polls that matter right now are the internal polls of GOP lawmakers facing tough challenges in 2018.

They're the people being targeted by the Left with all this stuff, because the Left knows they might be able to pick a few off on votes now and then.

Makes sense. It doesn't explain the madness that has gripped the Left, but I do understand this strategy.

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