It was quite a sales job!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
It was quite a sales job, was it not? A New York billionaire managed to convince a big percentage of the working class that he and a cabinet full of other billionaire CEO types who've spent their careers exporting jobs, and exploiting the working class are now going to do a "180" and bring all those jobs back, provide healthcare for all, and become the working man's friend. I guess you really can fool some of the people all of the time. You wanted him folks...well now you're stuck with him! What are the chances you'll still be singing his praises 4 years from now?
Still better than hitlary.

Hitlary worked for those billionaires.

Now they will be working for Trump.

The results might suck, but I'm optimistic Trump will be better for the country than that soulless criminally insane sociopath hag.

The Democratic Party and Washington Establishment GOP actually made it easy for him.

The Democrats ran the worst candidate in history AND was exposed through their own personal e-mails as racists, sexists, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, to have rigged their Primary, engaged in voter fraud, gave Hillary debate questions in advance, and a personal server / email scandal that went all the way to the President.

The GOP were just a bunch of Washington Establishment douches and / or unliked candidates.

Americans had had enough of politicians.

It was the perfect storm.
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No, it is better to have racist, douchebag, illiterate failures like John Lewis who are clueless about the world of finance and would rather pit one racial group against another for their political power! :p
It was quite a sales job, was it not? A New York billionaire managed to convince a big percentage of the working class that he and a cabinet full of other billionaire CEO types who've spent their careers exporting jobs, and exploiting the working class are now going to do a "180" and bring all those jobs back, provide healthcare for all, and become the working man's friend. I guess you really can fool some of the people all of the time. You wanted him folks...well now you're stuck with him! What are the chances you'll still be singing his praises 4 years from now?


Sales job my ass. Americans are sick of the direction this country was taking under douchebag in the WH.

The DNC ran the worst candidate in history and Trump got his message out there and he got the presidency.

Smart moves by Trump all around and a piss poor campaign by Hillary.
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You just showed how utterly stupid and clueless you are.

She does that in every post.

She's a libturd parrot. Weapons Grade Stupid on top of it.


Libturds don't understand Alpha Males. They just hate them. Trump is not under anyone else's employ.

It was quite a sales job, was it not? A New York billionaire managed to convince a big percentage of the working class that he and a cabinet full of other billionaire CEO types who've spent their careers exporting jobs, and exploiting the working class are now going to do a "180" and bring all those jobs back, provide healthcare for all, and become the working man's friend. I guess you really can fool some of the people all of the time. You wanted him folks...well now you're stuck with him! What are the chances you'll still be singing his praises 4 years from now?
Actually I think the sales job was one that was put over on you...ya know, Hillary winning the election[ to be fair I bough into it as well]...had to be one stomach wrenching night for those poor folk who were already celebrating the ascension to the throne...Hope in 4 years the crying stops
That's not how being in charge works. TRY TO BE LESS CRAZY.

You aren't talking to crazy, you're talking to STUPID.

Crazy people can sometimes be medicated and rehabilitated.

Stupid is permanent. Especially the sort of stupid that resists acknowledging facts and information.

Trump can have anyone in the country (in 2 days) arrested and charged with crimes and they're powerless to do anything beyond fend for themselves in court. No one else will have power over Trump in his administration. Except the people who will put him back in 2020 if he wants to stay.

Bed wetters will continue to parrot the narrative no matter what. It's what they do.


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