The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Well, America Woke up and decided they did not like being lied to for 3 years, and they liked it even less, when The Obama Government was in on the lie, colluded with The Media and Hollywood to Demonize a duly elected president, and seek to overturn the 2016 election through the use of Russian Propaganda and Democrat-Russian Moles in The Obama FBI and DOJ.

America also saw that The President's claim of a Deep State being in power, engaging in a Resistance movement and COUP was real, and that these people will stop at nothing to sweep their crimes under the rug and the crimes of their allies under the rug, while weaponizing The Government against their political enemies with a minutia of contrived so called process crimes.

The Deep state is the very definition of "Straining to swallow a gnat" on one hand while "swallowing a whole camel" on the other. The Entire Clinton Obama Cabal of Career Criminals enjoyed unheard of and unprecedented immunity and protected status as Civil Rights of The President, his family, his campaign staff were repeatedly violated. Espionage, Campaign Finance Violations, Treason, Sedition, and Gross Abuse of Power, and Corruption were white washed, while simple misstatements over already disclosed and documented events were prosecuted with a zeal one would use to go after a major drug kingpin.

If you got a date wrong on a disclosure statement you filed in good faith and you were a REPUBLICAN and supporter of President Trump, rest assured, James Comey and Robert Mueller would send an entire Armored Division against your family, bristling to the teeth with armored vehicles, machine gun equipped helicopters, Assault weapon armed thugs with body armor, to drag you and your wife out of your bed in your pajamas in a pre-dawn raid, but not before they called CNN to get it all on tape.

Nazi Germany looked like a better place to be a Jew, than America looked like to a Trump Supporter. The Message was clear, if you supported the president, The Left was going to terrorize you. One could only imagine how far The Left would have taken this, if they could have taken away our guns and left us defenseless.

But if you are Clinton or Obama, you can take Millions from Russia, share National Secrets with our enemies, accept bribes, and pay Putin for a Dirty Dossier to defraud a FISA court so you can spy on your political rival, engage in entrapment, and destroy evidence, and electronic devices, and 33,000 emails which proved you were selling out America and it's secrets to your friends and highest bidder.

If you are a Clinton, your friends are Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, and Al Franken. You can be head of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, or NSA and commit treason, break your oath of office, plot a COUP, and share classified information like Benedict Arnold with our enemies, all the while 23 Investigations, and $100 Million Dollars IGNORE the Only SOURCE of Russian Collusion and interference in our Election, The Clinton-Obama-Putin Dirty Dossier paid for with Campaign Finances.

America is sick of you and there is going to be Hell to pay in 2020.

Here is the first shot across the bow. You think a reasonable person would take a hint, but radicals and hate filled political Jihadists are not Reasonable or Honest about their intentions and agendas.

Dems admit Trump helped GOP candidates sweep North Carolina special elections

In a major victory for both President Trump and national Republicans, North Carolina GOP state Sen. Dan Bishop was projected to win a fiercely contested special U.S. House election for the 9th District that was widely seen as a bellwether for the president's chances in the 2020 election.

And another Republican House candidate, Greg Murphy, decisively won a separate special election in North Carolina's more solidly GOP-leaning 3rd District earlier Tuesday evening — frustrating Democrats who spent millions trying to make a splash in the state.

Even Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairwoman Cheri Bustos acknowledged that the president contributed to Bishop's win, writing in a statement, "We fell an inch short tonight, but it took more than $6 million in outside Republican spending and a last-minute Trump rally" to seal Democratic candidate Dan McCready's fate in the 9th District.

McCready's campaign spent approximately $4.7 million on the race, while Bishop's spent only $1.9 million. Outside spending primarily from national party committees helped Bishop to the tune of $5.8 million, though, compared to McCready's roughly $1.4 million.

The clean sweep heartened the president, who has long emphasized the national implications at stake. Trump unloaded on McCready in the fiery rally on Monday night, telling attendees that "to stop the far-left, you must vote in tomorrow's special election."

That effort, Trump said late Tuesday, had clearly paid dividends.

"Dan Bishop was down 17 points 3 weeks ago," Trump wrote on Twitter. "He then asked me for help, we changed his strategy together, and he ran a great race. Big Rally last night. Now it looks like he is going to win. @CNN &@MSNBC are moving their big studio equipment and talent out. Stay tuned!"


“The voters said no to radical, liberal polices pushed by today’s Democratic Party,” Bishop said in a victory speech.


The pain is coming. Maybe you will get your next shot at destroying America when The Anti-Christ runs for election and you Leftist Fall all over yourselves worshiping the ground he walks on. But for now, America sees your EVIL, and will not turn a blind eye to it. America will show up at the polls and throw your corrupt wicked souls out in the streets, and replace you with people who love our flag, our country, and our constitution.
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Trump held serve in NC. That's a relief not a major victory.
It does bode well for 2020 if the NC elections prove that the Trump voters are at least as motivated as the socialists.
I can't understand how CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the MSM fake news outlets can keep bashing Trump knowing that he will be president for another 4-years?
Creeps like Michael Steele, Nicole Wallace, and Bill Krystol have to know they were wrong about Trump by now, I hope MSNBC is paying the well for their conversion to socialism?!
Trump held serve in NC. That's a relief not a major victory.
It does bode well for 2020 if the NC elections prove that the Trump voters are at least as motivated as the socialists.
I can't understand how CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the MSM fake news outlets can keep bashing Trump knowing that he will be president for another 4-years?
Creeps like Michael Steele, Nicole Wallace, and Bill Krystol have to know they were wrong about Trump by now, I hope MSNBC is paying the well for their conversion to socialism?!

All they had to do was be Journalists and show some integrity and fairness. Instead they went all Joseph Goebbels on America.

The filthy Democrats couldn't even win in NC lying about being moderates.

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