Trump decertifies Iran deal

This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

There goes Boeing's 20 billion dollar contract with Iran. They'll go with Airbus now, and the brits will build their passenger jets for them.
Trump admin. delays decision on $17B Boeing, Iran aircraft deal - CNNPolitics

It is highly unlikely that Senate would decide to blackout of the deal. Trump could have backed out instead just refusing to certify it. Had Trump withdrawn the US from the agreement after the UN inspectors had certified that Iran has met all requirements, a peacefully solution with North Korea would be impossible. North Korea has maintained that the US can not be trusted. Withdrawal from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement would just prove they are right.

The US can't be trusted. The US stabbed both Saddam and Qaddafi when they disarmed. And, Trump, prompted by the Republican version of libtards (Christian Zionists) has dishonestly refused to certify Iran's compliance. These say Republican "libtards" want war with Iran, because lying and murdering is their nature.
It is highly unlikely that Senate would decide to blackout of the deal. Trump could have backed out instead just refusing to certify it. Had Trump withdrawn the US from the agreement after the UN inspectors had certified that Iran has met all requirements, a peacefully solution with North Korea would be impossible. North Korea has maintained that the US can not be trusted. Withdrawal from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement would just prove they are right.

The US can't be trusted. The US stabbed both Saddam and Qaddafi when they disarmed. And, Trump, prompted by the Republican version of libtards (Christian Zionists) has dishonestly refused to certify Iran's compliance. These say Republican "libtards" want war with Iran, because lying and murdering is their nature.
US presidents sign agreements with foreign countries that are never voted on by the Senate. In fact about 90% of the agreements between the US and foreign powers are never approved by the Senate. The nations that are a party to those agreements consider them legally binding although in US law they are not.

In the past, both democrats and republicans have avoided dissolving agreements that they opposed knowing it would damage the trust and reputation of nation. If Senate Republicans were to dissolve the Iranian nuclear arms deal negotiated by a Democrat president that meets certification requirements, this would be an open invitation for future Democrat controlled Senates to renege on agreements of Republican presidents. The faith and trust other nations put in US is far more important than this agreement.
This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

The Iranians people are speaking badly about down with the U.S.A. and their government's officials are not trying to stop it. And if that is how they feel about the U.S. So then, why are we supporting them to have nukes? It has already shows what they will do with the nukes. And if they keeps it up, that He should put a sanction on them and all of those countries that supports them.
The Iranians people are speaking badly about down with the U.S.A. and their government's officials are not trying to stop it. And if that is how they feel about the U.S. So then, why are we supporting them to have nukes? It has already shows what they will do with the nukes. And if they keeps it up, that He should put a sanction on them and all of those countries that supports them.

People like you and libtards don't give a sht1t about the truth. The US isn't supporting Iran having nukes. Obama didn't support Iran having nukes. The US intelligence agencies deny Iran is trying to build nukes. The UN inspectors deny Iran is trying to build nukes. You have only the fags at Fox News, and their Zionist ilk, to support the bullsh1t that Iran is trying to build nukes. And, even if Iran was, so what. It's their right. And, there's an international agreement in place which Iran is abiding by. People who support Israel are liars and murders, and God will give them what they deserve.
The Iranians people are speaking badly about down with the U.S.A. and their government's officials are not trying to stop it. And if that is how they feel about the U.S. So then, why are we supporting them to have nukes? It has already shows what they will do with the nukes. And if they keeps it up, that He should put a sanction on them and all of those countries that supports them.

People like you and libtards don't give a sht1t about the truth. The US isn't supporting Iran having nukes. Obama didn't support Iran having nukes. The US intelligence agencies deny Iran is trying to build nukes. The UN inspectors deny Iran is trying to build nukes. You have only the fags at Fox News, and their Zionist ilk, to support the bullsh1t that Iran is trying to build nukes. And, even if Iran was, so what. It's their right. And, there's an international agreement in place which Iran is abiding by. People who support Israel are liars and murders, and God will give them what they deserve.

The Iranians people are speaking badly about down with the U.S.A. and their government's officials are not trying to stop it. And if that is how they feel about the U.S. So then, why are we supporting them to have nukes? It has already shows what they will do with the nukes. And if they keeps it up, that He should put a sanction on them and all of those countries that supports them.

People like you and libtards don't give a sht1t about the truth. The US isn't supporting Iran having nukes. Obama didn't support Iran having nukes. The US intelligence agencies deny Iran is trying to build nukes. The UN inspectors deny Iran is trying to build nukes. You have only the fags at Fox News, and their Zionist ilk, to support the bullsh1t that Iran is trying to build nukes. And, even if Iran was, so what. It's their right. And, there's an international agreement in place which Iran is abiding by. People who support Israel are liars and murders, and God will give them what they deserve.


So still waiting for that proof that Iran is making nuclear weapons...

You know, the thing we probably should have asked for before we invaded Iraq.
The Iranians people are speaking badly about down with the U.S.A. and their government's officials are not trying to stop it. And if that is how they feel about the U.S. So then, why are we supporting them to have nukes? It has already shows what they will do with the nukes. And if they keeps it up, that He should put a sanction on them and all of those countries that supports them.

People like you and libtards don't give a sht1t about the truth. The US isn't supporting Iran having nukes. Obama didn't support Iran having nukes. The US intelligence agencies deny Iran is trying to build nukes. The UN inspectors deny Iran is trying to build nukes. You have only the fags at Fox News, and their Zionist ilk, to support the bullsh1t that Iran is trying to build nukes. And, even if Iran was, so what. It's their right. And, there's an international agreement in place which Iran is abiding by. People who support Israel are liars and murders, and God will give them what they deserve.


So still waiting for that proof that Iran is making nuclear weapons...

You know, the thing we probably should have asked for before we invaded Iraq.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave Moscow a list of Russian scientists Israel believes are helping Iran in its quest to build nuclear weapons, the Times reported on Saturday.
According to the report, Netanyahu delivered the list when he paid a secret, undisclosed trip to Moscow last month.
read more: 'Israel hands Kremlin list of Russians helping Iran build nukes'

Russians helped Iran with nukes – Israel

I thought Donnie Dealmaker was going to get us a better deal with Iran

Where is it?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave Moscow a list of Russian scientists Israel believes are helping Iran in its quest to build nuclear weapons, the Times reported on Saturday.
According to the report, Netanyahu delivered the list when he paid a secret, undisclosed trip to Moscow last month.

Yeah, I wouldn't believe the Zionists if they told me the sky was blue.

I think we've let these assholes manipulate us into enough wars, don't you?
This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

Lets see if Trump made the right move.
Now we have no input into what happens in Iran and the world moves on past us one more time.

Trump is doing his best to make us irrelevant to the rest of the world

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Now we have no input into what happens in Iran and the world moves on past us one more time.

Trump is doing his best to make us irrelevant to the rest of the world

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Oh blah blah blah whinge whinge whinge so sleeepy....zzzzz

The Iran Deal was a chump's bargain that the inanely incompetent and corrupt Obabble Admin violated the Constitution to enact. Iran has violated it left and right, no doubt enabled by the planeload of CASH Obbble sent them.

The Progs are desperate to preserve this fake bit of Obabble's fake legacy...mainly because it serves their agenda to destroy Western Civilization.
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!
That happened already under Obama. Red line in Syria & attacking Libya
If netanyahu says is a good idea then it is a bad move for the United States

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