Trump Crossing The 'Black Chasm' Is The Democrat's End...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Very interesting article by Thomas Luongo on Donald Trump's significant progress in capturing more African American support.

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat”
— Jaws

Do you remember the Zune? I barely do.

Do you remember the iPod? Silly question.

The iPod changed everything.

While the Zune was technically superior in nearly every way to the iPod, the iPod became a phenomenon. And then it became the iPhone and the rest was history.

Why? Because Apple focused on how the iPod made your life better.

In marketing there is something called “The Chasm.” It’s an idea put forth by Geoffrey Moore in the early 90’s. Getting 16% market share is easy. There are nearly always one in six people who are willing to adopt the new or different thing.

But, to become a social phenomenon that ‘new thing’ has to ‘cross the chasm’ by shifting the marketing message from its newness and superiority to why this ‘new thing’ will make your life better.

The message has to appeal to people’s sense of shared experience and community. And if that shift is successful your product or message will ‘cross the chasm’ and see mass adoption.

Conditions have to be right and the message aligned perfectly with them.
If you do your new thing will explode in the public consciousness literally overnight...

Read More:
Trump Crossing the Black Chasm - LewRockwell

Look at how quickly Jordan Peterson has blown up.

Conditions were right for people to receive his message. And all it took was the right moment for him to stand up to a virulent ideologue like Kathy Newman of the BBC to become a hero to millions.

So, what does all this 16% Chasm stuff have to do with Donald Trump?

After all, he crossed the chasm and won the presidency.

But to destroy the Democrats and his Deep State opposition the chasm Trump needed to cross was a demographic one...

Trump Crossing the Black Chasm - LewRockwell
Dems will just import more illegal immigrants if they lose the blacks, but I would love to see prosperity among our true underclass, African Americans.

We brought them here, they didn’t sneak in.

We owe it to them to lift up their demographic, not import more people that need help.

African Americans should be vehemently against illegal immigration.
Dems will just import more illegal immigrants if they lose the blacks, but I would love to see prosperity among our true underclass, African Americans.

We brought them here, they didn’t sneak in.

We owe it to them to lift up their demographic, not import more people that need help.

African Americans should be vehemently against illegal immigration.

Well said. Good on ya. :thup:
Minorities, specifically black voters.

And because he did, nothing about our electoral politics will ever be the same.

Rasmussen released a bombshell report on Friday stating that Trump’s support among black voters is now a whopping 36%.

This versus 19% a year ago.

Now, Rasmussen skews Republican in his sampling like Gallup skews Democrat, so lop 3-5% off both of those numbers, the margin of error. Go back to Trump’s polling with black voters just a few months ago and you’ll see numbers in the 17% range.

Today 36%. That, my friends, is crossing the chasm in a big way.

YUGE even...

Trump Crossing the Black Chasm - LewRockwell
And it’s typical. Italy’s Northern League ‘crossed the chasm’ in January and doubled support in six months.

So, now the question is what caused this? What changed?

In my mind it was Kanye West. Yes, Kanye West’s “Seven Words that Changed Everything” made it acceptable for millions of black voters to see Trump differently.

Conditions were ripe. The Democrats were going to places unacceptable to most people – insane, intersectionalism, calling everyone a racist, extreme gun control, censorship, etc.

It didn’t hurt that things have improved quickly under Trump for Black Americans. We’ve all seen the statistics – lowest unemployment in decades, rising wages, etc.

Trump Crossing the Black Chasm - LewRockwell
But, that’s not “crossing the chasm” material. What is, is controlling immigration, the crackdown on drug trafficking and tax reform. These things speak to black parents and community leaders. And Trump’s messaging has been letter perfect via Twitter.

Then Kanye met with Trump at the White House and Kanye’s new album sold like bottles of water in the middle of the desert. And people thirsting for a little truth got a red-pill to go along with that bottle.

I live in rural North Florida among hard-working, family oriented, church-going black families, and I can tell you none of these people voted for Hillary...

Trump Crossing the Black Chasm - LewRockwell
These people aren’t looking for handouts, they are looking for someone to get out of their way.

And they have even less patience for the insane spectacle the Democrats are putting on about Trump’s supposed foibles than the white people who voted for him.

Kanye’s support of Trump was the Battle of the Bulge in the Culture War with Marxism. He punctured all their myths. He rubbed their noses in their smugness. My latest video reminds us of this.

Trump Crossing the Black Chasm - LewRockwell

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