Trump Commits Another War Crime

The day of the London thing the US slaughtered 33 civilians in a Syrian school room.
Obviously this was less important than people killed by other countries.

Here's another Islam Apologist/ America hater chiming in. Clean up your own shithole
Glad you can enjoy the slaughter you godless slag.

England is falling apart...think hard, Godless Fag

And the US isn't? England doesn't have an orange baboon running their government.

Reckless and stupid ....

The U.S. military acknowledged for the first time Saturday that it launched an airstrike against the Islamic State in the densely packed Iraqi city of Mosul, where residents say more than 100 people were killed in a single event.

If confirmed, the March 17 incident would mark the greatest loss of civilian life since the United States began strikes on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

An “initial review” showed that the coalition struck ISIS fighters and equipment in west Mosul at the request of Iraq forces and “at the location corresponding to allegations of civilian casualties,” the task force leading the coalition said in a statement.

Previously, the U.S.-led coalition had said officials were unsure whether there were any air attacks targeting the specific area of the neighborhood Mosul al-Jadida at the time when residents claim a strike killed 137 civilians.

Iraqi officials working on the rescue said they had pulled 83 bodies — including many women and children — from a destroyed building by sundown on Saturday. They have yet to complete excavations at the site.

The U.S. military is conducting an initial investigation into the incident.

U.S. military acknowledges strike on Mosul site where more than 100 were allegedly killed

Seems to me Iraq was responsible for selecting the target and calling for the strike. The pilots using high altitude guided munitions probably never laid eyes on the target except to see a building and if the target was painted by someone on the ground they may not have even seen the building. They had no idea what or who was there. So if anyone committed a war crime it would have been Iraq.
Your government drops bombs on innocent people in your name and all you see is an opportunity to play partisan politics. Disgusting.

How many posts did you make with regard to 'innocent people dying' when Obama was President?

Anyone else notice how suddenly, body counts matter again?
You have me wrong bud.
I was an outspoken critic of Obama.
Where was that? Another board? Another alias?
Your government drops bombs on innocent people in your name and all you see is an opportunity to play partisan politics. Disgusting.

How many posts did you make with regard to 'innocent people dying' when Obama was President?

Anyone else notice how suddenly, body counts matter again?
You have me wrong bud.
I was an outspoken critic of Obama.
Really? When was that? A different board? A different alias perhaps?
BTW, you can take the same advice as I gave to wrycatcher.

Nazi Party On Rise In Germany & Sweden!
Your government drops bombs on innocent people in your name and all you see is an opportunity to play partisan politics. Disgusting.
Innocent people die in wars. How many did Obama kill? When did douche bags like you call it a "war crime?"
Reckless and stupid ....

The U.S. military acknowledged for the first time Saturday that it launched an airstrike against the Islamic State in the densely packed Iraqi city of Mosul, where residents say more than 100 people were killed in a single event.

If confirmed, the March 17 incident would mark the greatest loss of civilian life since the United States began strikes on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

An “initial review” showed that the coalition struck ISIS fighters and equipment in west Mosul at the request of Iraq forces and “at the location corresponding to allegations of civilian casualties,” the task force leading the coalition said in a statement.

Previously, the U.S.-led coalition had said officials were unsure whether there were any air attacks targeting the specific area of the neighborhood Mosul al-Jadida at the time when residents claim a strike killed 137 civilians.

Iraqi officials working on the rescue said they had pulled 83 bodies — including many women and children — from a destroyed building by sundown on Saturday. They have yet to complete excavations at the site.

The U.S. military is conducting an initial investigation into the incident.

U.S. military acknowledges strike on Mosul site where more than 100 were allegedly killed
You need to get something straight, dumbass. It's only a war crime if civilians are deliberately targeted.

Our military was targeting what they were informed were ISIS militants.

If innocent civilians were killed, it is a terrible tragedy, but is it NOT a war crime.
You hang with die with rads. So it is it is done. Thank you Donald.

The city was attacked and captured by ISIS. You don't want the refugees to flee to the Islamic State and go to Europe, but if they stay they're "hanging with radicals" and are fair targets in your eyes. And you wonder why some Muslims hate Americans.

Radical Muslims are cowards to their core. They purposely use innocents as shields it's just the way it is. You kill them wherever they are period.

You kill them, you kill who harbors them, you kill who aids them...then kill their goats
To be totally fair, they could be totally innocent. They could be prisoners of ISIS. However, if they are there voluntarily, then at least the adults are totally to blame for their own deaths.
Reckless and stupid ....

The U.S. military acknowledged for the first time Saturday that it launched an airstrike against the Islamic State in the densely packed Iraqi city of Mosul, where residents say more than 100 people were killed in a single event.

If confirmed, the March 17 incident would mark the greatest loss of civilian life since the United States began strikes on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

An “initial review” showed that the coalition struck ISIS fighters and equipment in west Mosul at the request of Iraq forces and “at the location corresponding to allegations of civilian casualties,” the task force leading the coalition said in a statement.

Previously, the U.S.-led coalition had said officials were unsure whether there were any air attacks targeting the specific area of the neighborhood Mosul al-Jadida at the time when residents claim a strike killed 137 civilians.

Iraqi officials working on the rescue said they had pulled 83 bodies — including many women and children — from a destroyed building by sundown on Saturday. They have yet to complete excavations at the site.

The U.S. military is conducting an initial investigation into the incident.

U.S. military acknowledges strike on Mosul site where more than 100 were allegedly killed

Yes, and it's even worse than that.

Trump Is Dragging Us Into Another War... And No One Is Talking About It

Yo nitwit, your boy screwed the pooch on Syria...along with Yemen, Egypt, Iraq....

No, Dubya screwed the pooch in Iraq.

Everything since is a direct result.

Pottery Barn rules.

Then where do you get off blaming Trump for any of this? It's all Bush's fault, isn't it?
In fact it IS oshitass's fault for leaving the theatre before it was secure. We are having to go back into places that were secure before the mess-I-ah removed our support for the new government, and didn't let it get secure and stable before leaving. The entire war in the region is the dimshit scums fault. billy boy monicafucker started it, and let the world trade center be bombed TWICE by the same group of people. You can't prove any of this wrong because it is the truth, and it is correct like all of the posts I make, Well except when I am just playing you stupid liberals for the joke you are.
Reckless and stupid ....

The U.S. military acknowledged for the first time Saturday that it launched an airstrike against the Islamic State in the densely packed Iraqi city of Mosul, where residents say more than 100 people were killed in a single event.

If confirmed, the March 17 incident would mark the greatest loss of civilian life since the United States began strikes on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

An “initial review” showed that the coalition struck ISIS fighters and equipment in west Mosul at the request of Iraq forces and “at the location corresponding to allegations of civilian casualties,” the task force leading the coalition said in a statement.

Previously, the U.S.-led coalition had said officials were unsure whether there were any air attacks targeting the specific area of the neighborhood Mosul al-Jadida at the time when residents claim a strike killed 137 civilians.

Iraqi officials working on the rescue said they had pulled 83 bodies — including many women and children — from a destroyed building by sundown on Saturday. They have yet to complete excavations at the site.

The U.S. military is conducting an initial investigation into the incident.

U.S. military acknowledges strike on Mosul site where more than 100 were allegedly killed

Seems to me Iraq was responsible for selecting the target and calling for the strike. The pilots using high altitude guided munitions probably never laid eyes on the target except to see a building and if the target was painted by someone on the ground they may not have even seen the building. They had no idea what or who was there. So if anyone committed a war crime it would have been Iraq.

The buck stops where?
In fact it IS oshitass's fault for leaving the theatre before it was secure. We are having to go back into places that were secure before the mess-I-ah removed our support for the new government, and didn't let it get secure and stable before leaving. The entire war in the region is the dimshit scums fault. billy boy monicafucker started it, and let the world trade center be bombed TWICE by the same group of people. You can't prove any of this wrong because it is the truth, and it is correct like all of the posts I make, Well except when I am just playing you stupid liberals for the joke you are.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.
Reckless and stupid ....

The U.S. military acknowledged for the first time Saturday that it launched an airstrike against the Islamic State in the densely packed Iraqi city of Mosul, where residents say more than 100 people were killed in a single event.

If confirmed, the March 17 incident would mark the greatest loss of civilian life since the United States began strikes on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

An “initial review” showed that the coalition struck ISIS fighters and equipment in west Mosul at the request of Iraq forces and “at the location corresponding to allegations of civilian casualties,” the task force leading the coalition said in a statement.

Previously, the U.S.-led coalition had said officials were unsure whether there were any air attacks targeting the specific area of the neighborhood Mosul al-Jadida at the time when residents claim a strike killed 137 civilians.

Iraqi officials working on the rescue said they had pulled 83 bodies — including many women and children — from a destroyed building by sundown on Saturday. They have yet to complete excavations at the site.

The U.S. military is conducting an initial investigation into the incident.

U.S. military acknowledges strike on Mosul site where more than 100 were allegedly killed

Seems to me Iraq was responsible for selecting the target and calling for the strike. The pilots using high altitude guided munitions probably never laid eyes on the target except to see a building and if the target was painted by someone on the ground they may not have even seen the building. They had no idea what or who was there. So if anyone committed a war crime it would have been Iraq.

The buck stops where?

You seem to want it to stop with Trump....but give Obama a pass. Why is that? I mean other than you're a whiny sniveling partisan shill
Reckless and stupid ....

The U.S. military acknowledged for the first time Saturday that it launched an airstrike against the Islamic State in the densely packed Iraqi city of Mosul, where residents say more than 100 people were killed in a single event.

If confirmed, the March 17 incident would mark the greatest loss of civilian life since the United States began strikes on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

An “initial review” showed that the coalition struck ISIS fighters and equipment in west Mosul at the request of Iraq forces and “at the location corresponding to allegations of civilian casualties,” the task force leading the coalition said in a statement.

Previously, the U.S.-led coalition had said officials were unsure whether there were any air attacks targeting the specific area of the neighborhood Mosul al-Jadida at the time when residents claim a strike killed 137 civilians.

Iraqi officials working on the rescue said they had pulled 83 bodies — including many women and children — from a destroyed building by sundown on Saturday. They have yet to complete excavations at the site.

The U.S. military is conducting an initial investigation into the incident.

U.S. military acknowledges strike on Mosul site where more than 100 were allegedly killed

So this is the plan Trump's generals came up with after he ordered them to come with a plan?
When Obama was President did you also complain about his usage of drone strikes that killed innocent people?

If not why do you care now about innocent lives lost?

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