Trump Becomes 1st POTUS to Speak at Right For Life

Pandering to his base. He doesn't seem to be someone who would have any qualms paying for an abortion, if need be.
Apparently you didn't know Donald Trump has a lot of children, and he is proud of and loves every one of them. Baron is my favorite Trump kid. He's a trooper for taking all that shit off demented Democrats who think Republicans are stupid. This kid has an iq in the 160s, and will likely be higher because both of his parents do all they can to improve his mind.
Sorry, while interesting, it's irrelevant to my post.
Every Republican here is irrelevant to you, konradv, because you make it that way.
My grandfather taught me that the common man can understand what the Bible says without being coached by anybody else. I believe that my grandfather knew what he was talking about, because I did when I was only 14 years old when he told me that.

I agree with your grandfather.

So, now about that question...have you actually read the whole bible?
Twice, but the second time, a lot of it I didn't remember. I'm on the third reading now, have been for several months, and wouldn't you know, I'm reading stuff I don't remember ever having read before. Who knew? :laughing0301:
“I trust Donald Trump to do what is best for the country,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham
My grandfather taught me that the common man can understand what the Bible says without being coached by anybody else. I believe that my grandfather knew what he was talking about, because I did when I was only 14 years old when he told me that.

I agree with your grandfather.

So, now about that question...have you actually read the whole bible?
Twice, but the second time, a lot of it I didn't remember. I'm on the third reading now, have been for several months, and wouldn't you know, I'm reading stuff I don't remember ever having read before. Who knew? :laughing0301:

The bible is like that, it is really an amazing book.

If you ever have the time I would suggest reading it without the chapter and verses, the way it was written and meant to be read. It really changes the way you look at the bible.
Let the women and families decide when to have a baby. Worry about your own baby factory and let others worry about theirs. The State should not co-op the baby factories. I blame God. She should never have put the baby factory so close to the play ground.......but then again nature is a cruel beast and will eat your babies when you're not looking.

Why cut off the time to kill a baby to before it is born? Why not give parents a year to make that choice?

Hell no. You made it, you live with the consequences of the little brats. Can't live with it, shoot yourself, not the brat. And keep those fuckers out of restaurants and public transportation until you teach um to put a lid on that whining and crying shit, okay!

Kids, ya just can't kill um.

Hell no. You made it, you live with the consequences of the little brats. Can't live with it, shoot yourself, not the brat. And keep those fuckers out of restaurants and public transportation until you teach um to put a lid on that whining and crying shit, okay!

Kids, ya just can't kill um.


But you seem to be ok with killing them up to a certain point...or did I misunderstand the post I first responded to?
Pandering to his base. He doesn't seem to be someone who would have any qualms paying for an abortion, if need be.

He's talked about it before, he had an epiphany at one point regarding the preborn.
I dunno, you may have not been paying attention.
My grandfather taught me that the common man can understand what the Bible says without being coached by anybody else. I believe that my grandfather knew what he was talking about, because I did when I was only 14 years old when he told me that.

I agree with your grandfather.

So, now about that question...have you actually read the whole bible?
Twice, but the second time, a lot of it I didn't remember. I'm on the third reading now, have been for several months, and wouldn't you know, I'm reading stuff I don't remember ever having read before. Who knew? :laughing0301:

The bible is like that, it is really an amazing book.

If you ever have the time I would suggest reading it without the chapter and verses, the way it was written and meant to be read. It really changes the way you look at the bible.
Well, I'm listening and reading right after I listen, er, provided I didn't fall asleep while listening, that is. That only happened in the Chronicles, which is in the Old Testament. I fall asleep while listening, sometimes. I do not fall asleep when reading how to make the next charity quilt, though. It lights my fire and I get up to the sewing room and it's pure oxygen till that quilt is done. Even so, I love the Bible and recall what means something to someone of my experiences. The who's who of ancestry and which king or governor caused his enemies to conquer his country tends to fill the air with snoring. Speaking of which, I've been coughing for the last half hour and need a nap and some medicine. :bigbed: See you. Thanks for your amazing book opinion of the Bible. :thanks:
What about the eight women Trump paid to have abortions?
Even one additional time, please refer to post #8 in this thread. This is hilarious!
Juanlaw sees what he wants to see and doesn't see things he doesn't want to see. :laughing0301:
Tell me then, what is consistent with supporting a president like Trump who has never denied paying for 8 abortions for his mistresses? If abortion is murder, then why are you supporting a man who is the abortion equivalent of John Wayne Gacy? Or is that you beliefs are shallow and they matter in some circumstances but not others. Do tell
PLZ get more than one note on that kazoo, Mr. Law. You're droning when you play the same note.
A drone bee lookin' for love:

Aftermath of a drone finding love:

There bee differences:
Yep, little Johnny DOES appear to be a bit soft in the head. Poor fella............
Says someone too stupid to answer the simplest of questions. Of course you're just the creme of the crop stupid the other pro-lifers are just to afraid and quake in their boots where called out on their hypocrisy.
The Republican Party could win over more women voters if they'd stay out of their wombs.
Pandering to his base. He doesn't seem to be someone who would have any qualms paying for an abortion, if need be.

He's talked about it before, he had an epiphany at one point regarding the preborn.
I dunno, you may have not been paying attention.

Yep he sure did, the day he choose to run as a Repub and not a Dem.
The Republican Party could win over more women voters if they'd stay out of their wombs.

The Repub party will never get rid of RvW, which is why Trump put two justices that do not favor doing so.

Abortion is the single largest vote collecting issue out there.
Pandering to his base. He doesn't seem to be someone who would have any qualms paying for an abortion, if need be.

He's talked about it before, he had an epiphany at one point regarding the preborn.
I dunno, you may have not been paying attention.

Yep he sure did, the day he choose to run as a Repub and not a Dem.

It was before that.

No it was not, he lied. Nobody had ever heard him tell that story till after he choose to run as a Repub.
Pandering to his base. He doesn't seem to be someone who would have any qualms paying for an abortion, if need be.

He's talked about it before, he had an epiphany at one point regarding the preborn.
I dunno, you may have not been paying attention.

Yep he sure did, the day he choose to run as a Repub and not a Dem.

It was before that.

No it was not, he lied. Nobody had ever heard him tell that story till after he choose to run as a Repub.

Poor baby.

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