Trump and his family could save more than $1 billion under House tax bill

We haven't tried cutting spending yet. Maybe we should try that.

My proposal would be this: Leave the estate tax as is - we CANNOT afford to eliminate. But at the same time (since all righties are so concerned with "money grubbing bureaucrats") - have those taxes go DIRECTLY toward reducing the national debt.


With regards to spending, Trump is cutting literally everything of actual importance but has made little attempt to actually reduce spending. He just doesn't give a fuck because he is NOT a conservative.

Trickle-down/Supply-side economics is a proven miserable failure. Look at the 2000s when Junior inherited an awesome budget surplus, left Obama with a 1.4 trillion budget deficit and paying interest on his 5 trillion in additional debt (see unfunded 2 trillion dollar Iraq invasion and unfunded Medicare D).

2008 ended with our economy in ruins.

So much for Trickle-Down


All tax money goes into a common pool. The theory that you can designate specific sources to to specific purposes is shear idiocy. It's also a con. If all inheritance taxes went to pay off the deficit, the politicians would simply use some that was being used to pay the interest for some other boondoggle.
All tax money goes into a common pool. The theory that you can designate specific sources to to specific purposes is shear idiocy. It's also a con. If all inheritance taxes went to pay off the deficit, the politicians would simply use some that was being used to pay the interest for some other boondoggle.

Thanks (i guess) for not addressing my post. Sorry, but indeed our Congress could earmark all inheritance taxes to directly pay down the national debt.

But as long YOUR clowns are in charge, it ain't gonna happen. They'll use it in some manner to appease their overlords and fuck the middle class.
That benefits everyone you freakin dork :lol:
I did my 2016 taxes using the GOP's new plan. I ended up with my taxes being 29 percent higher under the new plan.
I saw that.
I dont understand all that shit. Thats why i use turbo tax lol
You won't need Turbo Tax with a postcard tax return. That's why the accountancy lobby is against simplifying the tax code.

Your corrupt masters in government depend on you not paying attention to how much tax you pay.
It would have saved him 20 million on his 2005 tax return (the only one we have) alone. What a damn liar Fuckface Von Clownstick is eh? :blahblah:

President Donald Trump has insisted, for months, that the Republican tax plan he supports won’t benefit him.

“It’s not good for me. Believe me,” he said at a Sept. 27 event in Indiana to sell the plan. “My plan is for the working people, and my plan is for jobs. I don’t benefit,” he also said that day.

And earlier this month, according to NBC News, Trump told a group of Democratic senators in a phone call, "My accountant called me and said 'you're going to get killed in this bill.’”

In fact, Trump and his heirs potentially could save more than $1 billion overall under the GOP tax proposal that the House of Representatives passed Thursday, with most of that amount coming from a repeal of the estate tax, according to an analysis NBC News commissioned of Trump’s one known 2005 tax return and his estimated net worth.​

Trump and his family could save over $1 billion under House tax bill


I thought Trump admitted that because of paper losses he showed he hasn't paid any federal income tax in years?
More money in Americans pockets is good. Period.

The Federal government wastes our money. Spending is out of control. Congress is full of cowards and will never do a thing about it. The only way to rein in federal spending is to starve the beast.
I thought Trump admitted that because of paper losses he showed he hasn't paid any federal income tax in years?

Trump didn't admit that actually - we don't know because he refuses to release his taxes other than a two page summary from 2005 (which HE leaked because that particular year made him look halfway decent).

But it is estimated that he may have gone as many as 14 years without paying a dime.
Poor LWNJ's. They hate paying taxes ,but love it when "the rich" pay.

If you uh, don't like our ,, um, policies, well, uhhh, umm, Go out and umm, win some elections.
- Saint Obama , the clean and articulate

Poor LWNJ's. They hate paying taxes ,but love it when "the rich" pay.

If you uh, don't like our ,, um, policies, well, uhhh, umm, Go out and umm, win some elections.
- Saint Obama , the clean and articulate

Nope, I feel patriotic every time I stroke a check for my quarterly estimated.
My proposal would be this: Leave the estate tax as is - we CANNOT afford to eliminate. But at the same time (since all righties are so concerned with "money grubbing bureaucrats") - have those taxes go DIRECTLY toward reducing the national debt.


The problem is your assuming people in government are responsible.

With regards to spending, Trump is cutting literally everything of actual importance but has made little attempt to actually reduce spending. He just doesn't give a fuck because he is NOT a conservative.

What is your definition of important?

As long as military and the federal courts are up and running I couldn't care about anything else because that is the main function of the federal government.

Trickle-down/Supply-side economics is a proven miserable failure. Look at the 2000s when Junior inherited an awesome budget surplus, left Obama with a 1.4 trillion budget deficit and paying interest on his 5 trillion in additional debt (see unfunded 2 trillion dollar Iraq invasion and unfunded Medicare D).

2008 ended with our economy in ruins.

So much for Trickle-Down

We haven't had real "trickle down" since Hoover.
Won't Trump be dead?

Yep, it benefits his family the most but himself mightily in the meantime.

This estate tax repeal crap is nonsense - nobody needs to inherit more than 5.43 million without paying taxes on amounts over that.

Whether they NEED it isn't the issue. It's their money, and the country is better off if it stays with the family rather than government bureacrats getting their greedy fingers on it.

That's a matter of opinion. I inherited a good amount less than what at the time was a cap of a couple million. But had i inherited three million, i'd have been happy to pay taxes on that extra mil.

We're all in this together - or perhaps you could share some ideas about how we pay down the 20 trillion we owe?
No, we aren't all in this together. You have no legitimate claim on what I earn, and visa versa. That fact that you would be happy being looted doesn't mean jack shit other than that you're a fool.
Poor LWNJ's. They hate paying taxes ,but love it when "the rich" pay.

If you uh, don't like our ,, um, policies, well, uhhh, umm, Go out and umm, win some elections.
- Saint Obama , the clean and articulate

Nope, I feel patriotic every time I stroke a check for my quarterly estimated.
No one is stopping you from writing as big a check to the IRS as you want.
Won't Trump be dead?

Yep, it benefits his family the most but himself mightily in the meantime.

This estate tax repeal crap is nonsense - nobody needs to inherit more than 5.43 million without paying taxes on amounts over that.
why should you have the right to say what someone else does with their money?
All tax money goes into a common pool. The theory that you can designate specific sources to to specific purposes is shear idiocy. It's also a con. If all inheritance taxes went to pay off the deficit, the politicians would simply use some that was being used to pay the interest for some other boondoggle.

Thanks (i guess) for not addressing my post. Sorry, but indeed our Congress could earmark all inheritance taxes to directly pay down the national debt.

But as long YOUR clowns are in charge, it ain't gonna happen. They'll use it in some manner to appease their overlords and fuck the middle class.

If Congress keeps borrowing money, then what difference does it make if it "earmarks" certain revenues to pay it off?
It would have saved him 20 million on his 2005 tax return (the only one we have) alone. What a damn liar Fuckface Von Clownstick is eh? :blahblah:

President Donald Trump has insisted, for months, that the Republican tax plan he supports won’t benefit him.

“It’s not good for me. Believe me,” he said at a Sept. 27 event in Indiana to sell the plan. “My plan is for the working people, and my plan is for jobs. I don’t benefit,” he also said that day.

And earlier this month, according to NBC News, Trump told a group of Democratic senators in a phone call, "My accountant called me and said 'you're going to get killed in this bill.’”

In fact, Trump and his heirs potentially could save more than $1 billion overall under the GOP tax proposal that the House of Representatives passed Thursday, with most of that amount coming from a repeal of the estate tax, according to an analysis NBC News commissioned of Trump’s one known 2005 tax return and his estimated net worth.​

Trump and his family could save over $1 billion under House tax bill


I thought Trump admitted that because of paper losses he showed he hasn't paid any federal income tax in years?

That's a leftwing myth. Trump certainly never said so.

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