Tri color border collie...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
but he looks just like an Aussie.

He's a ptsd therapy dog, my dil's but this is my daughter with him.

He's an absolutely wonderful pup.

Looks pure white to me, and standing in a snowbank
Crap! LOL!
I think "tri color border collie" might mean "border collie with some aussie genes somewhere" but what do I know lol.

He's a wonderful dog.
Both of my border collies were tri colored. One was a rough coast, the other a smooth and both were super sheep herders.
That's Jake. He told me on multiple occasions he wants to live with me, and in fact wrote me a letter begging me to come get him.
So far his pleas have fallen on deaf ears, mom and dad are partial to him..but I will not give up easily.
That's Jake. He told me on multiple occasions he wants to live with me, and in fact wrote me a letter begging me to come get him.
So far his pleas have fallen on deaf ears, mom and dad are partial to him..but I will not give up easily.

Jake was my smooth coated border collies name.

He had such eye he could work sheep from twenty or thirty feet away. One hell of a sheep dog that I trialed in North Carolina and Virginia. One good dog.

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