Transparency and openness, finally: The GOP & Obama Q&A show


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
A little Different Perspective than Huffingsome has..

Transparency and openness, finally: The GOP & Obama Q&A show
By Michelle Malkin • January 29, 2010 01:21 PM

It’s our own version of Britain’s Prime Minister’s questions and it’s been happening for nearly an hour live.

Hurry and tune in now on C-SPAN online if you aren’t near a TV.

Yes, Obama has shown some of his finger-wagging tendencies, ignored GOP Rep. Tom Price’s question, complained that health care critics likened Demcare to a “bolshevik” plan, and complained when some questioners went long (chutzpah).

But the session has been most compelling — the most transparency and openness we’ve seen since the start of his term.

Good on the House Republicans for throwing the doors open.

And, yes, I’m going to compliment the president: Good on him for taking part.

Yet another dividend of the Massachusetts Miracle.

Forget the staged dog-and-pony campaign rallies and stacked town halls.

Do this every week.

Michelle Malkin Transparency and openness, finally: The GOP & Obama Q&A show

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