Transgender badass challenges Trump.

Mentally, I think Chris Beck has always been Kris Beck and that hasn't changed from the day he realized who she was .
But, as he stated in the article. He probably would have been dead if his buddies knew about his longing to be in a woman's body.
Beck dealt with it the best way he could and became a man's man; rugged ,aggressive, and just a plain old badass.
Considering the era that he was a Navy Seals it was wise to keep his proclivities veiled.
How to read the entire article, it became clear what Beck was trying to do. He is saying that transgenders are not all weak Sissys. Some are capable of performing beyond and above the levels required of any combat soldier. And curiously, his story suggests that not all transgenders are homosexuals.

Transgender and homosexuality are two different things. I had a hard time separating the two the first time I heard it too.
Actually if you talk to most Gays....they have issues with Transgenders as well.
Many feel that if you're Gay you shouldn't have to change your sex.
They're more into wearing assless chaps and biker gear.....not dresses.
I guess now they won't show as much bigotry to TS folks because they can use them against Trump.
Wanna make friends with the left.....just start publically cussing out Trump.

I'm sure you come to this understanding based on your vast amount of association with the LGBTQ community
My sister's a part of that community.
Mentally, I think Chris Beck has always been Kris Beck and that hasn't changed from the day he realized who she was .
But, as he stated in the article. He probably would have been dead if his buddies knew about his longing to be in a woman's body.
Beck dealt with it the best way he could and became a man's man; rugged ,aggressive, and just a plain old badass.
Considering the era that he was a Navy Seals it was wise to keep his proclivities veiled.
How to read the entire article, it became clear what Beck was trying to do. He is saying that transgenders are not all weak Sissys. Some are capable of performing beyond and above the levels required of any combat soldier. And curiously, his story suggests that not all transgenders are homosexuals.

Transgender and homosexuality are two different things. I had a hard time separating the two the first time I heard it too.

Not entirely true. Many, if not most transgenders are sexually attracted to the sex they transition into. Making them homosexual.

I suppose some of them are. Just because there is some overlap doesn't mean they are the same thing.
They are similar in that both have been talked to death by the Lefties.

and are now BORING to normal people.


Then why do they still scare you so much?

What do you mean by "Scare"?

Is this one of the word games libs play, where you invent a new definition, and then hold republicans responsible for not knowing what you were thinking inside your head?

Because I posted my feelings on the subject and you choose to ignore that.

So a world where GLBTQ people aren't hated doesn't scare you? Good to know.
Something you idiots can't seem to can't force people to accept your beliefs.
Sure youcan.Right-wing Americans have been doing just that for generations. Not only domestically, but around the entire world.
And it was never right when they did it.
What makes you think it's right to do it now?
Not entirely true. Many, if not most transgenders are sexually attracted to the sex they transition into. Making them homosexual.
Nope. They're still what they were before surgery. A man dressing up as a woman is still a man. Genetic doesn't change. Wishing doesn't make it so.
They are similar in that both have been talked to death by the Lefties.

and are now BORING to normal people.


Then why do they still scare you so much?

What do you mean by "Scare"?

Is this one of the word games libs play, where you invent a new definition, and then hold republicans responsible for not knowing what you were thinking inside your head?

Because I posted my feelings on the subject and you choose to ignore that.

So a world where GLBTQ people aren't hated doesn't scare you? Good to know.
Something you idiots can't seem to can't force people to accept your beliefs.

Something you idiots can't seem to can't limit peoples rights based on your beliefs.
What makes you think that a sex-change is a right?
What makes you think that if I couldn't get a Tonsillectomy when I was active duty, some hoser has a right to have his pecker removal paid for by Uncle Sam?
Not entirely true. Many, if not most transgenders are sexually attracted to the sex they transition into. Making them homosexual.
Nope. They're still what they were before surgery. A man dressing up as a woman is still a man. Genetic doesn't change. Wishing doesn't make it so.

I agree, it seems those that bow to their god Science, are the greatest deniers of them all.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Do you even realize you're making President Trump's case for him, and so is Chris Beck.


"He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death."

This is not something I'd want watching my back in a fight.

But more so, Chris Beck was able to do what he wanted as a Navy Seal before he changed his life. Point is, anyone can serve. They just need to do it as their birth gender. Afterwards, they can do whatever they want just like Chris did.
Mentally, I think Chris Beck has always been Kris Beck and that hasn't changed from the day he realized who she was .
But, as he stated in the article. He probably would have been dead if his buddies knew about his longing to be in a woman's body.
Beck dealt with it the best way he could and became a man's man; rugged ,aggressive, and just a plain old badass.
Considering the era that he was a Navy Seals it was wise to keep his proclivities veiled.
How to read the entire article, it became clear what Beck was trying to do. He is saying that transgenders are not all weak Sissys. Some are capable of performing beyond and above the levels required of any combat soldier. And curiously, his story suggests that not all transgenders are homosexuals.

Transgender and homosexuality are two different things. I had a hard time separating the two the first time I heard it too.
Actually if you talk to most Gays....they have issues with Transgenders as well.
Many feel that if you're Gay you shouldn't have to change your sex.
They're more into wearing assless chaps and biker gear.....not dresses.
I guess now they won't show as much bigotry to TS folks because they can use them against Trump.
Wanna make friends with the left.....just start publically cussing out Trump.

I'm sure you come to this understanding based on your vast amount of association with the LGBTQ community
My sister's a part of that community.

Beck served as man, due to his penis and XY Chromosomes. Even though he now he wears a dress and lopped off his cock and balls, he is still a male. A male with a mental illness.

Fact is, had he admitted his mental illness while in the service, he would be discharged. .
Well, this is a new day. Transgenderism is no longer considered a mental illness based on Myriad studies. Yet, some major institutions ignore the studies and cling to RW populist views.
Is Being Transgender a Mental Disorder?

n the last couple of decades, many medical institutions have moved away from the view that being transgender is the result of mental illness, as they previously did with homosexuality. Still, stigma persists, and some of the most influential medical bibles, including the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD), continue to categorize a transgender diagnosis as a diagnosis of mental disorder.
Something you idiots can't seem to can't force people to accept your beliefs.
But they can pass laws to punish you for having those beliefs.

Nobody in this country is punished for their beliefs. Believe anything you want. It's your actions that can get you in trouble.
Well there's where you're wrong. People are constantly being punished by you folks on the left for their beliefs.
I remember specifically that some Olympic medalists having their medals taken away because of a tweet.
Mentally, I think Chris Beck has always been Kris Beck and that hasn't changed from the day he realized who she was .
But, as he stated in the article. He probably would have been dead if his buddies knew about his longing to be in a woman's body.
Beck dealt with it the best way he could and became a man's man; rugged ,aggressive, and just a plain old badass.
Considering the era that he was a Navy Seals it was wise to keep his proclivities veiled.
How to read the entire article, it became clear what Beck was trying to do. He is saying that transgenders are not all weak Sissys. Some are capable of performing beyond and above the levels required of any combat soldier. And curiously, his story suggests that not all transgenders are homosexuals.

Transgender and homosexuality are two different things. I had a hard time separating the two the first time I heard it too.
Actually if you talk to most Gays....they have issues with Transgenders as well.
Many feel that if you're Gay you shouldn't have to change your sex.
They're more into wearing assless chaps and biker gear.....not dresses.
I guess now they won't show as much bigotry to TS folks because they can use them against Trump.
Wanna make friends with the left.....just start publically cussing out Trump.

I'm sure you come to this understanding based on your vast amount of association with the LGBTQ community
My sister's a part of that community.

You seem to think that anyone who would back Trump doesn't have any skin in this game.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Do you even realize you're making President Trump's case for him, and so is Chris Beck.


"He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death."

This is not something I'd want watching my back in a fight.

But more so, Chris Beck was able to do what he wanted as a Navy Seal before he changed his life. Point is, anyone can serve. They just need to do it as their birth gender. Afterwards, they can do whatever they want just like Chris did.
well you're sending mixed signals here. First you say that you wouldn't want anyone like Chris having your back, then you turn around and say that it's okay for people like him to have your back as long as they don't change their gender. Which is it? And I don't see why someone used the term reckless to describe Chris's behavior as meaningful since they couldn't possibly know his mindset. BTW, he survived a 20-year career as a Navy SEAL and served in some of the most dangerous places on Earth. If he really wanted to commit suicide there was plenty of opportunity to do it, yah?
Then why do they still scare you so much?

What do you mean by "Scare"?

Is this one of the word games libs play, where you invent a new definition, and then hold republicans responsible for not knowing what you were thinking inside your head?

Because I posted my feelings on the subject and you choose to ignore that.

So a world where GLBTQ people aren't hated doesn't scare you? Good to know.
Something you idiots can't seem to can't force people to accept your beliefs.

Something you idiots can't seem to can't limit peoples rights based on your beliefs.
What makes you think that a sex-change is a right?
What makes you think that if I couldn't get a Tonsillectomy when I was active duty, some hoser has a right to have his pecker removal paid for by Uncle Sam?
I don't know that Unclr Sam paid for that.
Something you idiots can't seem to can't force people to accept your beliefs.
But they can pass laws to punish you for having those beliefs.

Nobody in this country is punished for their beliefs. Believe anything you want. It's your actions that can get you in trouble.
Well there's where you're wrong. People are constantly being punished by you folks on the left for their beliefs.
I remember specifically that some Olympic medalists having their medals taken away because of a tweet.

Sorry, I don't remember that off hand, but a tweet is an action. It's not just a belief.
Personally, I'm not an advocate of transgenderism.

Neither am I.

However, an American hero of any stripe deserves praise from all of us. And she was one of the very best.

And I agree but HIS gender identity in no way requires us to acquiesce to it. If he identified as a lake bass, would you refer to him as a fish?
Well, this is a new day. Transgenderism is no longer considered a mental illness based on Myriad studies. Yet, some major institutions ignore the studies and cling to RW populist views.
Is Being Transgender a Mental Disorder?

n the last couple of decades, many medical institutions have moved away from the view that being transgender is the result of mental illness, as they previously did with homosexuality. Still, stigma persists, and some of the most influential medical bibles, including the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD), continue to categorize a transgender diagnosis as a diagnosis of mental disorder.

Being male or female is a matter of obvious, objective, observable, and provable traits.

One who clearly possesses the traits that identify him as male, and yet insists on believing that he is female, is very obviously suffering from a severe mental illness. This ought to be obvious to any sane person.

Any supposed authority that claims otherwise only discredits itself.

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