Teacher says questions about citizenship are RACIST. Refuses to answer BP agent


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
To liberals everything is racist - except affirmative action which is the ONLY racism in america.

San Diego Teacher Thinks Citizenship Question Is 'Racist,' Refuses to Answer - Breitbart

july 29 2017 A San Diego middle school teacher refused to answer a border patrol agent’s question regarding her citizenship at a New Mexico checkpoint and was briefly detained. Her family members recorded the incident that has since gone viral, with her proclamation that “enforcing racist laws perpetuates institutional racism.”
According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, Shane Parmely was driving through New Mexico when she was stopped at an immigration checkpoint–a common setup within 100 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border in southern border states. Then the following exchange took place:

“Citizens?” an agent asked her as she drove up to the checkpoint.

“Are we crossing a border?” Parmely responded.

“No. Are you United States citizens?” he repeated.

“Are we crossing a border?” Parmely repeated. “I’ve never been asked if I’m a citizen before when I’m traveling down the road.”

As the agent continued to repeat his question, Parmely told him that he could ask her the question, but she didn’t have to answer.

“You are required to answer an immigration question,” the agent said. “You are not required to answer any other questions.”

When Parmely refused to answer the question, the agent told her that she was being detained for an immigration inspection.

“So if I just come through and say, ‘Yes, I’m a citizen,’ I can just go ahead?” Parmely asked.

“If the agent is justified by the answer, then yes,” the agent responded.

“So if I have an accent, and I’m brown, can I just say, ‘Yes,’ and go ahead or do I have to prove it?” she asked. “I have a bunch of teacher friends who are sick of their kids being discriminated against.”

“OK, I’m not discriminating against anybody,” the agent said.
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Why don't liberals complain about affirmative action? We are drowning in programs that discriminate against white ppl in getting jobs and scholarships And yet libs accept that. In fact they call AA a way to FIGHT racism!!!
Why are you constantly complaining? I bet your a barrel of laughs to be around in real life...
She could at least have clarified which race was being racists...
To liberals everything is racist - except affirmative action which is the ONLY racism in america.

San Diego Teacher Thinks Citizenship Question Is 'Racist,' Refuses to Answer - Breitbart

july 29 2017 A San Diego middle school teacher refused to answer a border patrol agent’s question regarding her citizenship at a New Mexico checkpoint and was briefly detained. Her family members recorded the incident that has since gone viral, with her proclamation that “enforcing racist laws perpetuates institutional racism.”
According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, Shane Parmely was driving through New Mexico when she was stopped at an immigration checkpoint–a common setup within 100 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border in southern border states. Then the following exchange took place:

“Citizens?” an agent asked her as she drove up to the checkpoint.

“Are we crossing a border?” Parmely responded.

“No. Are you United States citizens?” he repeated.

“Are we crossing a border?” Parmely repeated. “I’ve never been asked if I’m a citizen before when I’m traveling down the road.”

As the agent continued to repeat his question, Parmely told him that he could ask her the question, but she didn’t have to answer.

“You are required to answer an immigration question,” the agent said. “You are not required to answer any other questions.”

When Parmely refused to answer the question, the agent told her that she was being detained for an immigration inspection.

“So if I just come through and say, ‘Yes, I’m a citizen,’ I can just go ahead?” Parmely asked.

“If the agent is justified by the answer, then yes,” the agent responded.

“So if I have an accent, and I’m brown, can I just say, ‘Yes,’ and go ahead or do I have to prove it?” she asked. “I have a bunch of teacher friends who are sick of their kids being discriminated against.”

“OK, I’m not discriminating against anybody,” the agent said.
Withholding information dealing with national security is a serious felony. Patriots would submit to common-sense profiling because it protects them just as much as it protects the rest of us. RICO organizations such as LULAC are subversives who instruct legals to abet this invasion through the indiscrinate use of the race card.
Liberals don't want to end racism, they want to keep it alive. They HAVE to keep it alive in order to keep minorities on their plantation.
For me, this a is really about exploitation, illegals can immigrate legally, but that's besides the point. Follow the money, exploiting illegals is lucrative industry of mostly whites that are cynical capitalistic swine. And they don't care who or what or when or what it takes to maintain their cash cow, illegal aliens.Now illegals are redefined as a more palatable "immigrants" and illegal alien is the new N word, because it's a pejorative. Is it? it's perfectly acceptable and definitive. And we ignore all these homeless out of work Americans and blame them for being stupid and lazy.That is just plain rationalizing blaming the victim mentality. And being Mexican dosen't excuse illegal immigration, either.
For me, this a is really about exploitation, illegals can immigrate legally, but that's besides the point. Follow the money, exploiting illegals is lucrative industry of mostly whites that are cynical capitalistic swine. And they don't care who or what or when or what it takes to maintain their cash cow, illegal aliens.Now illegals are redefined as a more palatable "immigrants" and illegal alien is the new N word, because it's a pejorative. Is it? it's perfectly acceptable and definitive. And we ignore all these homeless out of work Americans and blame them for being stupid and lazy.That is just plain rationalizing blaming the victim mentality. And being Mexican dosen't excuse illegal immigration, either.
More proof that Preppy Progressives are agents of the plutocracy they were born in. Both entitled ideologies have created a society based on birth, not worth. Class-climbing brownnoses need to quit preaching that we have to pick one side or the other. Pre-positioned Preppies must be pushed out of the way.

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