Transgender Navy Seal To Trump: "Lets Meet Face To Face And You Tell Me I'm Not Worthy


Pick out the transgender patriot in this photo

Kristin Beck, who spent two decades as a Navy SEAL, has a challenge for Donald Trump in the wake of his morning tweetstorm announcing a ban on transgender service members. From Business Insider:

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Kristin Beck, a 20-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, told Business Insider on Wednesday. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Beck is a bonafide American hero:

Beck is not just your average service member. Born Christopher Beck, she served for 20 years in the Navy with SEAL Teams 1, 5, and, eventually, the elite 6. She deployed 13 times over two decades, including stints in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. She received the Bronze Star award for valor and the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in combat.

"I was defending individual liberty," she said. "I defended for Republicans. I defended for Democrats. I defended for everyone."

Beck’s missions in Afghanistan helped take out Osama bin Laden. What an embarrassment to this nation and a stabbing insult to patriots like Beck, who simply want to serve their country.

Transgender Navy SEAL to Donald Trump: 'Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy'

You keep referring to this guy beck as a she. Why is that? If you say it enough times it will somehow become true?
Even Senator Orrin Hatch says they are born that way.

Hatch: 'Transgender people are people'
People that weigh 700 pounds are people. People with asthma are people. People who believe they are animals are people. They just can't serve in the military.

But any healthy, qualified person who meets the requirements can serve.
Requiring constant medical and psychological care isn't exactly healthy. Believing you are something it is biologically impossible to be isn't healthy.

Pick out the transgender patriot in this photo

Kristin Beck, who spent two decades as a Navy SEAL, has a challenge for Donald Trump in the wake of his morning tweetstorm announcing a ban on transgender service members. From Business Insider:

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Kristin Beck, a 20-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, told Business Insider on Wednesday. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Beck is a bonafide American hero:

Beck is not just your average service member. Born Christopher Beck, she served for 20 years in the Navy with SEAL Teams 1, 5, and, eventually, the elite 6. She deployed 13 times over two decades, including stints in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. She received the Bronze Star award for valor and the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in combat.

"I was defending individual liberty," she said. "I defended for Republicans. I defended for Democrats. I defended for everyone."

Beck’s missions in Afghanistan helped take out Osama bin Laden. What an embarrassment to this nation and a stabbing insult to patriots like Beck, who simply want to serve their country.

Transgender Navy SEAL to Donald Trump: 'Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy'

You keep referring to this guy beck as a she. Why is that? If you say it enough times it will somehow become true?
Because you can hold your breath until you turn blue if people don't call Beck a "he"? Sure. Go for it.
Even Senator Orrin Hatch says they are born that way.

Hatch: 'Transgender people are people'
People that weigh 700 pounds are people. People with asthma are people. People who believe they are animals are people. They just can't serve in the military.

But any healthy, qualified person who meets the requirements can serve.[/Q
Requiring constant medical and psychological care isn't exactly healthy. Believing you are something it is biologically impossible to be isn't healthy.
They have surgical sex changes.
Males can now get vaginas.
Love it when Republicans trash Navy Seals.

The really do work for Russia.
They'll trash the military and vets at the drop of a hat or whenever trump orders them to.

Fuck off, most of us are vets.

so you say.....then, so much the worse when you are willing to turn on your own when that pussy in the White House orders you to.

Aw, you sound like such a butthurt wanker. American Veterans overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump over your skank Clinton. That's fact.
Even Senator Orrin Hatch says they are born that way.

Hatch: 'Transgender people are people'
People that weigh 700 pounds are people. People with asthma are people. People who believe they are animals are people. They just can't serve in the military.

But any healthy, qualified person who meets the requirements can serve.
Requiring constant medical and psychological care isn't exactly healthy. Believing you are something it is biologically impossible to be isn't healthy.

Are you a doctor? Do you have any transgender friends?
50,000 homeless Veterns, 22 suicides a day, a broken VA system and this is the bullshit lefties bitch about. Disgusting.
The freakazoid didn't start taking hormones and transitioning to a fake female until "after" he had retired from the Navy Seals. ..... :cuckoo:
The military spends more money on Viagra than on medical care for trans.

Prove it.

Actually 5x as much .
I so love educating your dumb ass
Analysis | The military spends five times as much on Viagra as it would on transgender troops’ medical care

Funny, in 21.5 years active duty, I didn't know anyone who was prescribed it.


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