Transgender Navy Seal To Trump: "Lets Meet Face To Face And You Tell Me I'm Not Worthy

Love it when Republicans trash Navy Seals.

The really do work for Russia.
They'll trash the military and vets at the drop of a hat or whenever trump orders them to.

Fuck off, most of us are vets.

so you say.....then, so much the worse when you are willing to turn on your own when that pussy in the White House orders you to.

So I say??????? I've actually posted my 214 on this board, the scum bag in my sig refused to do the same after promising to do so. Also the guy in the OP didn't serve as a shemale either. What he does after he retires is his business. But I've never favored your dear leaders using the military for one of his social engineering projects, unlike you I don't need anyone to give me my opinions.


Pick out the transgender patriot in this photo

Kristin Beck, who spent two decades as a Navy SEAL, has a challenge for Donald Trump in the wake of his morning tweetstorm announcing a ban on transgender service members. From Business Insider:

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Kristin Beck, a 20-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, told Business Insider on Wednesday. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Beck is a bonafide American hero:

Beck is not just your average service member. Born Christopher Beck, she served for 20 years in the Navy with SEAL Teams 1, 5, and, eventually, the elite 6. She deployed 13 times over two decades, including stints in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. She received the Bronze Star award for valor and the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in combat.

"I was defending individual liberty," she said. "I defended for Republicans. I defended for Democrats. I defended for everyone."

Beck’s missions in Afghanistan helped take out Osama bin Laden. What an embarrassment to this nation and a stabbing insult to patriots like Beck, who simply want to serve their country.

Transgender Navy SEAL to Donald Trump: 'Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy'

And served without being a transgender.....that came out after he left....right?
I would live to see him whup Trump's fat, draft-dodging, POW-insulting ass

But what if Kristin is on the rag and is flowing like a mighty river??????? LMAO!!!!!

You mean like all the other women in the military?

If they are in combat, they are a liability....bottom line.

Please give us some credible proof to support your claim. I've always found women having their period to be more aggressive and dangerous.
I would live to see him whup Trump's fat, draft-dodging, POW-insulting ass

But what if Kristin is on the rag and is flowing like a mighty river??????? LMAO!!!!!

You mean like all the other women in the military?

If they are in combat, they are a liability....bottom line.

Please give us some credible proof to support your claim. I've always found women having their period to be more aggressive and dangerous.

It's called common sense and the introduction of queers and women into combat positions is the biggest social engineering mistake EVER made and they put their fellow brothers in arms at risk...there MIGHT be a few exceptions but it is the general rule. It also affects morale and that is a very basic important factor in a fight.
The only reason the left loves the military is that their Presidents can force policies on them that they can't pass through actual votes in congress.....this qualifies as that....

And what about the women....the ones the democrats say they support......what they support is humiliating women, and then blaming republicans....

New Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men

The policy allows transgender soldiers to switch their “gender marker” in the Army’s personnel database without undergoing sex reassignment surgery or any other physical changes.

For a soldier to officially change gender requires only some paperwork. A military doctor or civilian medical professional must certify that the transgender person has achieved “stability in the preferred gender” and the soldier must change the gender designation on the soldier’s passport or birth certificate. From that point on, the transgender soldier is “expected to adhere to all military standards associated with their gender,” and “use the billeting, bathroom and shower facilities” of their new gender.

For example, “Vignette Four” of the training module presents the following scenario:

“following her transition from male to female (which did not include sex reassignment surgery) and gender marker change in DEERS [DEERS is the military’s personnel database], a transgender Soldier begins using female barracks, bathroom and shower facilities. Because she did not undergo a surgical change, the Soldier still has male genitalia.”

How should troops respond? “Soldiers must accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive, and characterized by little or no privacy.”


The slide tells soldiers to “understand that you may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker in DEERS.” The next bullet point adds, “all Soldiers should be respectful of the privacy and modesty concerns of others. However, transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers.” This is a first. The military is normally in the business of telling soldiers to “modify or adjust their behavior” all the time.

Consider what these policies mean in real life: Most Army showers look like a prison cell with several showerheads on the wall. Anyone who has dealt with the practical challenges of funneling 30 people through them in ten minutes understands that “privacy” will be incompatible with reality. Female soldiers who feel uncomfortable sharing facilities with individuals who still have “physical characteristics of the opposite sex” will just have to put up with it.

The adjustments to “billeting” are equally intrusive. Modern barracks resemble college dorms, with two soldiers of the same sex — now “gender marker” — sharing rooms just large enough to accommodate the basic necessities of military life. The training forbids any commander from ordering a transgender soldier to use a facility that is inconsistent with his “gender marker,” and rejects the idea of separate facilities for transgender soldiers.

If separate facilities of any kind are created, they must be for soldiers who feel uncomfortable sharing facilities with a member of the opposite biological sex. In short, the rest of the unit must adjust, not the individual transgender soldier.

Watch My Genitals While I Urinate
The changes also affect drug-testing procedures. DoD Instruction 1010.16 requires urine specimens to be “collected under the direct observation of a designated individual of the same sex as the Service member providing the specimen.” To be blunt, “observers” must watch the urine sample leave the tested soldier’s body and enter the collection cup.

Under the new rules, however, “absent an exception to policy, the observer will be the same gender as the Soldier being observed (as reflected by the gender marker in DEERS).”

The change is justified by interpreting the term “sex” in existing drug testing regulations to mean the same thing as “gender.”

Lest there be any confusion: the policy means that an 18-year-old female soldier may be forced to drop her pants and urinate in a cup in front of an anatomically male non-commissioned officer who has a female “gender marker,” and vice versa.

The freakazoid didn't start taking hormones and transitioning to a fake female until "after" he had retired from the Navy Seals. ..... :cuckoo:
I knew this story was bullshit...Thanks for doing the homework.
So this sexaully confused individual went screw loose AFTER the end of military service, Now he'she is a crusader...Pfft
First of all, Beck... He didn’t say you trannies were unworthy... he said you were too expensive and disruptive to unit cohesion to be allowed to serve in the military.

Second of all, Beck, You may have once been worthy, but now you are mentally ill.

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