Trans youth SIX times more likely to experience bullying, abuse and violence than their non-trans peers


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
What's been called an epidemic of all too often deadly violence targeting trans youth raises a number of serious concerns.

First and foremost is the politicization of the issue by conservatives who seek NOT to protect trans youth, but portray them, rather than as the frequent targets of abuse they are, but rather as the perpetrators of same.

Why is this reversal of reality occurring?

Trans youth experience bullying, abuse and violence at SIX TIMES the rate of their gender-conforming peers, but what one tends to see in conservative circles is an ongoing rush to deepen the deadly and destructive divide imperiling trans kids.

What can be done to educate people about the trauma and peril trans kids face on a daily basis?

What We Know About Trans Youth and Bullying
What's been called an epidemic of all too often deadly violence targeting trans youth raises a number of serious concerns.

First and foremost is the politicization of the issue by conservatives who seek NOT to protect trans youth, but portray them, rather than as the frequent targets of abuse they are, but rather as the perpetrators of same.

Why is this reversal of reality occurring?

Trans youth experience bullying, abuse and violence at SIX TIMES the rate of their gender-conforming peers, but what one tends to see in conservative circles is an ongoing rush to deepen the deadly and destructive divide imperiling trans kids.

What can be done to educate people about the trauma and peril trans kids face on a daily basis?

What We Know About Trans Youth and Bullying
The push to demonize trans kids comes from Evangelicals. There is nothing that can educate that dreck
What's been called an epidemic of all too often deadly violence targeting trans youth raises a number of serious concerns.

First and foremost is the politicization of the issue by conservatives who seek NOT to protect trans youth, but portray them, rather than as the frequent targets of abuse they are, but rather as the perpetrators of same.

Why is this reversal of reality occurring?

Trans youth experience bullying, abuse and violence at SIX TIMES the rate of their gender-conforming peers, but what one tends to see in conservative circles is an ongoing rush to deepen the deadly and destructive divide imperiling trans kids.

What can be done to educate people about the trauma and peril trans kids face on a daily basis?

What We Know About Trans Youth and Bullying
Back when i was young, queers would be put into mental institutions where they wouldnt be allowed to harm others or themselves with bodily mutilations. Thanks to Jimmy Carters "Liberal Compassion" those mentally ill people were allowed to go home thinking it would help them. We see today what the spread of the disease has done.

The push to demonize trans kids comes from Evangelicals. There is nothing that can educate that dreck
The real problem comes from the massive tax increases over decades in public schools. This is no joke. Many cities depend on regional and state taxes to keep their schools viable. Massive gambling increases are all over the place in every way to bring much needed revenue in taxes. And a high percentage graduating are not that educated. And there are many who are also. Nations cannot spend ten thousand per cent more to educate children for every friggin social way of living that is those that do so on the edge. It has spent countless trillions of dollars to tell kids to not screw with other kids and they still do. Use sense in your agendas instead of promoting everything is identical.
What's been called an epidemic of all too often deadly violence targeting trans youth raises a number of serious concerns.

First and foremost is the politicization of the issue by conservatives who seek NOT to protect trans youth, but portray them, rather than as the frequent targets of abuse they are, but rather as the perpetrators of same.

Why is this reversal of reality occurring?

Trans youth experience bullying, abuse and violence at SIX TIMES the rate of their gender-conforming peers, but what one tends to see in conservative circles is an ongoing rush to deepen the deadly and destructive divide imperiling trans kids.

What can be done to educate people about the trauma and peril trans kids face on a daily basis?

What We Know About Trans Youth and Bullying
Your headline is based on an online study rather than actual research

But lets assume you believe it even if I dont

What is your remedy?
The real problem comes from the massive tax increases over decades in public schools. This is no joke. Many cities depend on regional and state taxes to keep their schools viable. Massive gambling increases are all over the place in every way to bring much needed revenue in taxes. And a high percentage graduating are not that educated. And there are many who are also. Nations cannot spend ten thousand per cent more to educate children for every friggin social way of living that is those that do so on the edge. It has spent countless trillions of dollars to tell kids to not screw with other kids and they still do. Use sense in your agendas instead of promoting everything is identical.
Again, the driving force behind the hate for trans people comes from "Christians". Real people get real hurt because of those religious yahoos. American churches have become a breeding ground for hate.
What's been called an epidemic of all too often deadly violence targeting trans youth raises a number of serious concerns.

First and foremost is the politicization of the issue by conservatives who seek NOT to protect trans youth, but portray them, rather than as the frequent targets of abuse they are, but rather as the perpetrators of same.

Why is this reversal of reality occurring?

Trans youth experience bullying, abuse and violence at SIX TIMES the rate of their gender-conforming peers, but what one tends to see in conservative circles is an ongoing rush to deepen the deadly and destructive divide imperiling trans kids.

What can be done to educate people about the trauma and peril trans kids face on a daily basis?

What We Know About Trans Youth and Bullying

Grooming and pedophilia are extreme forms of bullying.
What's been called an epidemic of all too often deadly violence targeting trans youth raises a number of serious concerns.

First and foremost is the politicization of the issue by conservatives who seek NOT to protect trans youth, but portray them, rather than as the frequent targets of abuse they are, but rather as the perpetrators of same.

Why is this reversal of reality occurring?

Trans youth experience bullying, abuse and violence at SIX TIMES the rate of their gender-conforming peers, but what one tends to see in conservative circles is an ongoing rush to deepen the deadly and destructive divide imperiling trans kids.

What can be done to educate people about the trauma and peril trans kids face on a daily basis?

What We Know About Trans Youth and Bullying
Any one on the fringes is subject to that

Besides don't we all know that children are particularly cruel little beasts ?

And you'll never stop that bullying and today it's even harder for a kid to get away from it because of social media
Again, the driving force behind the hate for trans people comes from "Christians". Real people get real hurt because of those religious yahoos. American churches have become a breeding ground for hate.
There is no utopia. Since there is no utopias comes resentment. And from that comes blame for the decline. What you support is acceptance everywhere and more than that. We live with authoritarians in positions that rule over us all. The era from the 1960's with what you may disagree with does not exist. Yet the powerful has increased their abuses on citizens in areas with demanding complying to their demands. You spout Jan. 6. I say that any building that demeans a person needs to come down then. You invaded police buildings. Political and judicial buildings need to come down then also. Total revolution needs total new ways. With new people.
The push to demonize trans kids comes from Evangelicals. There is nothing that can educate that dreck

No one is demonizing them. We ARE demonizing the unethical doctors pushing irreversible medical procedures on children, that will FOREVER alter their lives, all in the name of a buck.

And of course the pedophiles who seek shelter from the LGBT label so they can commit their sick actions.
Again, the driving force behind the hate for trans people comes from "Christians". Real people get real hurt because of those religious yahoos. American churches have become a breeding ground for hate.
No, the REPULTION of "trans people" comes from Human Nature, aka NORMAL PEOPLE!
Who are these "Real people" you are referring to???? You sound like a 15 y/o know it all teenage philosopher, lol.
Religion has little to do with the disposition expressed!

They appear to be completely obsessed with trans folk.
Since the gender crap has been taught in schools, gender confusion is up 4000%. So by your own admission, you support a curriculum that has increased bullying by 4000% in the schools.


Do I support bullying? Hell no. That is absurd, but YOU think that YOU can normalize being trans so they stop being bullied.

That is obviously an abject failure by your own admission.
What's been called an epidemic of all too often deadly violence targeting trans youth raises a number of serious concerns.

First and foremost is the politicization of the issue by conservatives who seek NOT to protect trans youth, but portray them, rather than as the frequent targets of abuse they are, but rather as the perpetrators of same.

Why is this reversal of reality occurring?

Trans youth experience bullying, abuse and violence at SIX TIMES the rate of their gender-conforming peers, but what one tends to see in conservative circles is an ongoing rush to deepen the deadly and destructive divide imperiling trans kids.

What can be done to educate people about the trauma and peril trans kids face on a daily basis?

What We Know About Trans Youth and Bullying

The gender bending trend is just that--a social contagion. There's no way 20% and more of teens are suddenly non-binary, trans and whatnot. How sad for them that they will come out of this fad not with weird clothes and bad hair, but a period of their life where they changed their names, pronouns and identity.
No, the REPULTION of "trans people" comes from Human Nature, aka NORMAL PEOPLE!
Who are these "Real people" you are referring to???? You sound like a 15 y/o know it all teenage philosopher, lol.
Religion has little to do with the disposition expressed!
It is the rush to be "NORMAL" so that no one picks on you, no matter what that may entail.

So the Left simply tries to increase the trans numbers so that they are NORMAL because according to the Left being normal is being like most people. The Left is obsessed with being in the majority, or they literally think something is wrong with them and either need to make the majority like them or join the crowd.

The attempt is absurd and destructive, especially for kids who have transitioned and now regret it as adults.

How about this, beat the hell out of children who bully others in school for being different in any way?

Call me crazy.
Who cares?

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