Top level meetings between U.S. and N. Korea


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
This is certainly a surprise, and continues to give us hope of that most precious of international conditions, peace.
It is difficult to tell where things are now and where they will go. What motivated the actors in this drama to make these moves now? It will be fascinating to see. To be honest, if, indeed, Trump is an element in the positive development of all this, it is to his credit.
This is certainly a surprise, and continues to give us hope of that most precious of international conditions, peace.
It is difficult to tell where things are now and where they will go. What motivated the actors in this drama to make these moves now? It will be fascinating to see. To be honest, if, indeed, Trump is an element in the positive development of all this, it is to his credit.

Look how important Kim Jong Un is. The world is watching him.

Doesn't he feel good about himself?
For many of us, it has always been apparent that not much would happen until China got serious about change.
Also, it is possible that there is a real problem in the nuclear test site N. Korea has been using.
Many unseen, or only partially visible, elements are at play. It may be one or a combination that has brought us to a new place.
Those who are sincere about peace remain hopeful and cautiously optimistic. Those so disposed could offer up a prayer, as well.
If one thing can make the hawks negotiate its nukes. Watch them stammering about peace and talks, those were never before on the table.
We can say North Korean nukes force Trump to the negotiating table. Sad, Phrump tried the carrier thingy and the economic strangulation thingy before, instead of just doing what he promised. He is so eager using the military like a crazed mad warlord from movies.

Phrump campaign promise No. 137
One can see it is not up to the Koreas to decide their own fate so the status quo will remain essentially unchanged.
There appear to be very few nations where the population truly decides its 'fate'. Vested interests rule, in general.
Americans want peace, traditionally, and have always voted in that direction, yet they have often been led into conflict without clear reason or resolution.
If the North Korean leader is ready for peace, it is certainly because he sees it to his advantage. His people will be better of, nonetheless.
North Korea appears to have dropped its demand that U.S. troops be withdrawn before any talks on nuclear disarming.
Is peace breaking out? Are we ready for it this time?

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