Republicans are greasing the skids for Rosenstein firing


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
McDonnell and Ryan know damn well that there ISN'T "no chance" for Rosenstein to be fired. They are in fact, actively clearing the runway. Now we have Head Interference Elf Devin Nunes and pals DEMANDING the original Comey memos even they already know what's in them.

Rosenstein is of course hesitant because if he hands them over, then a) they''ll then just demand something else and b) these items are part of an active investigation and should remain under the watch of Special Council. Clearly the House and Senate investigations are full-blown clown shows.

Should he refuse, they'll all whine about how Rosenstein is obstructing justice and running a corrupt Secret Society within the Deep State and must be fired, thus inflaming Trump's base clearing the path for Trump to fire him. And THEN, it begins.

Watch - within three weeks Rod is out of there. Just imagine the shocked look on the faces of Ryan and McConnell. :icon_rolleyes:

Three GOP House chairmen have given the Department of Justice (DOJ) an extension to decide whether it will provide lawmakers with access to former FBI Director James Comey's memos.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein asked the three House lawmakers — Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) — to give him extra time to decide on the matter, a Gowdy aide confirmed on Tuesday.​

GOP chairmen extend deadline for DOJ decision to turn over 'Comey memos'
First, I hope you're dead wrong about Rosenstein being fired. Second, is it even kosher for the House to request information that has already been collected in the Special Investigation? I thought they had a deconfliction line to avoid that.
First, I hope you're dead wrong about Rosenstein being fired. Second, is it even kosher for the House to request information that has already been collected in the Special Investigation? I thought they had a deconfliction line to avoid that.

There IS a deconfliction line to avoid that. But as long as Paul Ryan let's Little Devin flaunt the rules and act like Trump's lil bitch, it will continue.

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