Tommy is Welcome in America

He broke the law. Same law you have in the US.
Which law is that, sheep shagger?
Contempt of court. Dont you know anything about the case ?
Some courts are contemptible
So explain to us what the court got wrong.
Liberal Brits love darkness. I realize you dont have Free Speech but it ought to be important to you.

Sorry you don't find that contemptible
He broke the law. Same law you have in the US.
Which law is that, sheep shagger?
Contempt of court. Dont you know anything about the case ?
Some courts are contemptible
So explain to us what the court got wrong.
Liberal Brits love darkness. I realize you dont have Free Speech but it ought to be important to you.

Sorry you don't find that contemptible
You know that you havent answered the question. What did the court get wrong ?
You know that you havent answered the question. What did the court get wrong ?
I'm not sure who this is addressed to. I suspect not me but you have yet to answer my question first (post #15).
What US law is like the British law that Tommy Robinson is charged with breaking? You claimed there was one.

Suspects in U.S. criminal cases are photographed going in and out of court buildings all the time and always have been. So I suspect you are not just talking out of your ass but wildly shouting of it. With a megaphone.

Just the low speed car chase with O.J. Simpson leading a whole pack of cops and California Highway Patrol vehicles to the Mexican border and back alone demonstrates what an absurd clown you are.

No one claimed his trial was jeopardized because of the national coverage his chase got. Grow up. Stop fibbing.
You know that you havent answered the question. What did the court get wrong ?
I'm not sure who this is addressed to. I suspect not me but you have yet to answer my question first (post #15).
What US law is like the British law that Tommy Robinson is charged with breaking? You claimed there was one.

Suspects in U.S. criminal cases are photographed going in and out of court buildings all the time and always have been. So I suspect you are not just talking out of your ass but wildly shouting of it. With a megaphone.

Just the low speed car chase with O.J. Simpson leading a whole pack of cops and California Highway Patrol vehicles to the Mexican border and back alone demonstrates what an absurd clown you are.

No one claimed his trial was jeopardized because of the national coverage his chase got. Grow up. Stop fibbing.
Contempt of court - Wikipedia

Most cases in the UK have no restrictions. But when there are 29 linked trials the Judge has to impose some rules to ensure the 29t.h receives a fair trial. A fair trial is more important than people having to wait a few days to find out the details.
When someone blatantly flouts those rules there are consequences.

Your OJ analogy is irrelevant as you can see.

Robinson was the only "journalist" who flouted the Judges order,primarily because he wants to build his myth. The other journalists were free to report every detail the moment that the trials ended. No secrets,no cover ups just fair trials happening.
Most cases in the UK have no restrictions. But when there are 29 linked trials the Judge has to impose some rules to ensure the 29t.h receives a fair trial. A fair trial is more important than people having to wait a few days to find out the details.
When someone blatantly flouts those rules there are consequences.
Especially when the British government wants this man shut up and put away in prison for political purposes.
To claim video or photos of some men simply entering a court house hopelessly jeopardizes their trial is bullshitery on a grand scale and purely on logical grounds alone it is idiotic.

...You might as well claim that simply putting these men on trial for a vast array of sex crimes prejudices the jury against them because to identify them as defendants against the government's case already raises a certain level of presumption that photos neither confirm or deny.
To paraphrase the thinking here..."Oh, our government says these men did all these bad things. They certainly wouldn't bring them to trial and go to all this trouble f they didn't have good reason"...says Mr. and Mrs Good Conscientious English citizen.
"But I saw a picture of them entering the courthouse. How could I possibly think such a man could be guilty of anything noiw? Now I am certain they are innocent!"
Read this ^ as many times as it takes to sink into your fetid skull. Take your time. Try breaking up the words into small groups of three and four at a time if it helps.

Your OJ analogy is irrelevant as you can see.
No! I can't see that at all. It is a relevant AF!
Show me how it is not.

Robinson was the only "journalist" who flouted the Judges order,primarily because he wants to build his myth. The other journalists were free to report every detail the moment that the trials ended. No secrets,no cover ups just fair trials happening.
Bullshit again! Celebrities in legal jeopardy get photographed all the time.
Fuck off, loser.
Most cases in the UK have no restrictions. But when there are 29 linked trials the Judge has to impose some rules to ensure the 29t.h receives a fair trial. A fair trial is more important than people having to wait a few days to find out the details.
When someone blatantly flouts those rules there are consequences.
Especially when the British government wants this man shut up and put away in prison for political purposes.
To claim video or photos of some men simply entering a court house hopelessly jeopardizes their trial is bullshitery on a grand scale and purely on logical grounds alone it is idiotic.

...You might as well claim that simply putting these men on trial for a vast array of sex crimes prejudices the jury against them because to identify them as defendants against the government's case already raises a certain level of presumption that photos neither confirm or deny.
To paraphrase the thinking here..."Oh, our government says these men did all these bad things. They certainly wouldn't bring them to trial and go to all this trouble f they didn't have good reason"...says Mr. and Mrs Good Conscientious English citizen.
"But I saw a picture of them entering the courthouse. How could I possibly think such a man could be guilty of anything noiw? Now I am certain they are innocent!"
Read this ^ as many times as it takes to sink into your fetid skull. Take your time. Try breaking up the words into small groups of three and four at a time if it helps.

Your OJ analogy is irrelevant as you can see.
No! I can't see that at all. It is a relevant AF!
Show me how it is not.

Robinson was the only "journalist" who flouted the Judges order,primarily because he wants to build his myth. The other journalists were free to report every detail the moment that the trials ended. No secrets,no cover ups just fair trials happening.
Bullshit again! Celebrities in legal jeopardy get photographed all the time.
Fuck off, loser.
I cant waste any more time on you. You obviously have a primitive grasp of legal process and have not even read anything about the case other than what is shat out on your right wing sewer sites.
I cant waste any more time on you. You obviously have a primitive grasp of legal process and have not even read anything about the case other than what is shat out on your right wing sewer sites.
I know what you posted but it seems to me you are admitting you can't possibly counter or address anything I posted. You've waived your white flag.
So good bye, eff you, and have a good cry when you come to terms with what a fraud you are.
Likely framed.
Undoubtedly. Robinson yells about the government covering up Muslim rape gangs and the government responds by demonizing him and putting a target on his back.

A victim of Britain's unwillingness to take on Muslim grooming gangs for fear of being seen as mean to Islam.
How many girls were consigned to hellish lives because English politicians didn't want someone calling them racist or Islamophobic. Incredible.

Robinson was scapegoated, like all political prisoners are.
Likely framed.
Undoubtedly. Robinson yells about the government covering up Muslim rape gangs and the government responds by demonizing him and putting a target on his back.

A victim of Britain's unwillingness to take on Muslim grooming gangs for fear of being seen as mean to Islam.
How many girls were consigned to hellish lives because English politicians didn't want someone calling them racist or Islamophobic. Incredible.

Robinson was scapegoated, like all political prisoners are.
Are these the "secret" grooming gangs that have been arrested, charged, tried and convicted of their crimes ?
All without yaxley doing a thing.
Are these the "secret" grooming gangs that have been arrested, charged, tried and convicted of their crimes ?
All without yaxley doing a thing.
Back so soon? :icon_rolleyes:

Without doing a thing? Where do you get the balls to claim that? Robinson has been the international public face for opposing Muslim sex gangs in England. It's impossible to deny all the attention he has brought to the issue and no doubt lit a fire under cowardly bureaucrat's asses!

He wasn't tried, sentenced and put in jail all in a few hours because he did nothing, you fucking puke!
Are these the "secret" grooming gangs that have been arrested, charged, tried and convicted of their crimes ?
All without yaxley doing a thing.
Back so soon? :icon_rolleyes:

Without doing a thing? Where do you get the balls to claim that? Robinson has been the international public face for opposing Muslim sex gangs in England. It's impossible to deny all the attention he has brought to the issue and no doubt lit a fire under cowardly bureaucrat's asses!

He wasn't tried, sentenced and put in jail all in a few hours because he did nothing, you fucking puke!
He knew there were restrictions and carried on. Fuck him and fuck the international public who get their info from
He knew there were restrictions and carried on. Fuck him and fuck the international public who get their info from
Civil disobedience is a well known way to oppose bad law. Fuck your cowardly herding behavior. And fuck
your masters that turned a blind eye to gang rape until Robinson spoke up and they couldn't deny the truth anymore.
He knew there were restrictions and carried on. Fuck him and fuck the international public who get their info from
Civil disobedience is a well known way to oppose bad law. Fuck your cowardly herding behavior. And fuck
your masters that turned a blind eye to gang rape until Robinson spoke up and they couldn't deny the truth anymore.
You are a fucking cretin.The rapists were caught and charged before that wanker got involved. And his antics nearly got them off the hook.
Are you illiterate ?
Ironic. I bet THAT Tommy would donate to his GoFundMe page if it was a one way ticket
I would too. Hes a great future American.

Yeah, he's exactly what we need to be importing

Robinson, a convicted fraudster who has been jailed for assaulting an off-duty police officer, was sentenced to 10 months in 2013 for entering the US illegally.

He used a false passport to gain entry to the United States a year earlier after being banned from the country for a drugs offence.

We’ll take him over Muslim trash any day.

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