Tom Fitton: Mueller-linked prosecutors targeting Roger Stone to 'vindicate the Mueller scam'

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said Wednesday the Justice Department's initial recommendation to imprison Republican political consultant Roger Stone for up to nine years was both extreme and a plot by prosecutors linked to the Mueller probe to legitimize their now-defunct investigation.

"It rises out of the Mueller investigation, which has been thoroughly compromised by not only the FISA come up with the political nature of the investigators, most of whom are Democrats or Democrat donors," Fitton told "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "You also have them investigating Trump for almost two years, knowing the underlying issue -- Russia collusion -- was a big scam and a big lie."

Fitton said Stone's entire case came about because of Mueller's investigation, which found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, and which Fitton said was "compromised" by the FISA abuse scandal and the "political nature" with which the ex-FBI director's probe was executed. Fitton also noted that two of the four prosecutors who withdrew from the Stone case -- Aaron Zelinsky and Jonathan Kravis -- after the Justice Department filed for a reduced sentence are linked to the Mueller investigation.

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And against Roger Stones’s defense attorney objection, the Obama judge intervened to make sure there were anti-Trump activist democrat hacks in the jury, who were known to have been working toward ousting President Trump!

In much of America, even today, this judges anti-Trump courtroom activism and leftist partiality could be prosecuted!

Case should be thrown out on this alone!

Judge should be disbarred and prosecuted!

Definite case of prosecutorial misconduct.

And it was designed to serve in the international coup conspiracy!
Former Memphis City Schools Board President Tomeka Hart revealed Wednesday that she was the foreperson of the jury that convicted former Trump adviser Roger Stone on obstruction charges last year -- and soon afterward, her history of Democratic activism and a string of her anti-Trump, left-wing social media posts came to light.

Hart even posted specifically about the Stone case before she voted to convict, as she retweeted an argument mocking those who considered Stone's dramatic arrest in a predawn raid by a federal tactical team to be excessive force. She also suggested President Trump and his supporters are racist and praised the investigation conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which ultimately led to Stone's prosecution.

Meanwhile, it emerged that U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson had denied a defense request to strike a potential juror who was Obama-era press official with admitted anti-Trump views -- and whose husband worked at the same Justice Department division that handled the probe leading to Stone's arrest. And, another Stone juror, Seth Cousins, donated to former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke and other progressive causes, federal election records reviewed by Fox News show.

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>Hart even posted specifically about the Stone case before she voted to convict, as she retweeted an argument mocking those who considered Stone’s dramatic arrest in a predawn raid by a federal tactical team to be excessive force.

If anything screams "mistrial", this does!!!
All jurors are interviewed prior to selection.

Are you claiming she lied ?
All jurors are interviewed prior to selection.

Are you claiming she lied ?
Possibly....that is why the whole trial needs investigation...and if true she should be prosecuted and a new trial called for....but why am I explaining this to someone that doesn6 have the intelligence to understand....silly me!
Roger Stone jury foreperson comes forward to defend prosecutors - but social media history of the failed Democrat candidate reveals she mocked his arrest, labeled Trump supporters racist and posed with ex-DNC chair Donna Brazil

The foreperson on the jury that convicted Roger Stone has come forward, and is revealed to be a failed Democrat candidate for Congress and activist vehemently opposed to President Donald Trump.

Tomeka Hart, a former Memphis City Schools Board President, came forward as the Stone jury foreperson in a Facebook post on Wednesday, voicing support for prosecutors in the case.

Hart confirmed to The Daily Memphian that she wrote the Facebook post, but she declined an interview with the newspaper.

Stone supporters were shocked when a review of Hart's social media posts showed that she posted on Twitter mocking Stone's dramatic arrest prior to being seated on the jury, and frequently denounced Trump, including calling the president and his supporters racists.

It's unclear whether Stone's political views and social media history were disclosed during jury selection, potentially raising questions about fairness that could impact the verdict on appeal.

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Cernovich has screen caps of some of her political posts.

Social Media Posts Prove the Judge Rigged the Roger Stone Prosecution

Total fraud conviction. Needs to be thrown out before any type of sentencing takes place.
I bet you that if you dig deep enough there is Communication between the Judge and this person or her accomplices.
Despite evidence and reports showing the Weismann-Mueller 'SNAFU' Investigation involved Obama administration agency Constitutional and Legal violations and included prosecutorial misconduct in its pursuit of the President, his team, and anyone associated with / helping him...

According to the Democrats, and echoed by the snowflake sheep:

Any judicial hold on the continuation of the court cases against Flynn and / or Stone in order to review / re-assess the processes / actions taken by the investigators and prosecutors, especially in light of the evidence mentioned in the 1st sentence, is 'Obstruction', is 'interference in the judicial process' - an attempt to 'protect the President's pals - by the DOJ / US AG Barr and / or by the President and must be investigated.

Yeah, the US AG has no business investigating Political Partisan-Based Criminal Prosecutorial Misconduct, as has been proven to have occurred during the Obama/Weismann-Mueller COUP attempt...nah. The actions of the proven criminal Democrats shall not be questioned - to do so is 'OBSTRUCTION'....according to the traitorous Democrats and snowflakes.

According to Democrats / Snowflakes:

- President Trump clearing house and appointing his own Directors / People would be / is 'Illegal...

- President Trump firing proven untrustworthy, lying, undermining, admitted classified leakers is 'illegal' / 'Obstruction'

- President Trump speaking out publicly against the false accusations made against him, exercising his Constitutional protected Right of Freedom of Speech, is 'illegal' - 'Obstruction'

- President Trump claiming 'Executive Privilege' - as many Presidents have done before him, as Barry did during his Fast-and-Furious scandal - is 'illegal' / 'Obstruction' (And their complete breach of precedence, jumping straight to Impeachment instead of challenging the President's claim to Executive Privilege, violated Constitutional Due Process rights).

- President Trump's removal and re-assignment of lying, undermining, anti-Trump, Deep State Obama-appointed administration / officials ... who just proved themselves to be untrustworthy, undermining, classified-leaking, conspirators by eagerly participating in a highly publicized and admitted political partisan Impeachment / coup attempt that was based on NO crime, NO evidence, and NO witnesses, replacing them with his own trusted, loyal team members - which he has the Constitutional and legal right to do - is somehow 'illegal' and potentially 'Impeachable.


They are infected with a DISEASE far worse than the Coronavirus.

TDS is a terrible thing, and theirs - it appears - seems to be TERMINAL. They can not help themselves, can not help from flinging themselves headlong into one ridiculous, irrational, known false, incorrect, seditious, treasonous conspiratorial accusation / coup plot against the President after another, driven by insanity, hate, and the inability to accept the results of the 2016 election and resulting loss of power.

Their inability to move on from the 2016 election loss, the Mueller Report debacle, and now the House's FAILURE in its 1st Political Partisan Impeachment ever in US history has now risen to the point where they simply need to be removed from office.

If their fixation / derangement is so great that they are unwilling to work for the country / people who elected them and instead spend all their time and tax payer dollars to continue to remove the President from office, thereby exacting a measure of revenge and getting their power back then they have indeed reach the 'terminal' phase of TDS, resulting in them becoming lie a rabid their case, an official 'Enemy of the State' and / or Criminal Organization

Former Memphis City Schools Board President Tomeka Hart revealed Wednesday that she was the foreperson of the jury that convicted former Trump adviser Roger Stone on obstruction charges last year -- and soon afterward, her history of Democratic activism and a string of her anti-Trump, left-wing social media posts came to light.

Hart even posted specifically about the Stone case before she voted to convict, as she retweeted an argument mocking those who considered Stone's dramatic arrest in a predawn raid by a federal tactical team to be excessive force. She also suggested President Trump and his supporters are racist and praised the investigation conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which ultimately led to Stone's prosecution.

Meanwhile, it emerged that U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson had denied a defense request to strike a potential juror who was Obama-era press official with admitted anti-Trump views -- and whose husband worked at the same Justice Department division that handled the probe leading to Stone's arrest. And, another Stone juror, Seth Cousins, donated to former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke and other progressive causes, federal election records reviewed by Fox News show.

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>Hart even posted specifically about the Stone case before she voted to convict, as she retweeted an argument mocking those who considered Stone’s dramatic arrest in a predawn raid by a federal tactical team to be excessive force.

If anything screams "mistrial", this does!!!

So only Trump supporters are allowed to be on the jury?
Of course this should be a mistrial.

2 of the 4 prosecutors are Mueller toadies and a juror is a rabid anti Trump activist? That’s utter bullshit.

And for any lefties who will cry....just flip the script and insert names Obama and Barr for Trump and Mueller. Now you want a STFU.

Do we even know what Stone specifically did to warrant 9 years in prison?
Former Memphis City Schools Board President Tomeka Hart revealed Wednesday that she was the foreperson of the jury that convicted former Trump adviser Roger Stone on obstruction charges last year -- and soon afterward, her history of Democratic activism and a string of her anti-Trump, left-wing social media posts came to light.

Hart even posted specifically about the Stone case before she voted to convict, as she retweeted an argument mocking those who considered Stone's dramatic arrest in a predawn raid by a federal tactical team to be excessive force. She also suggested President Trump and his supporters are racist and praised the investigation conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which ultimately led to Stone's prosecution.

Meanwhile, it emerged that U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson had denied a defense request to strike a potential juror who was Obama-era press official with admitted anti-Trump views -- and whose husband worked at the same Justice Department division that handled the probe leading to Stone's arrest. And, another Stone juror, Seth Cousins, donated to former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke and other progressive causes, federal election records reviewed by Fox News show.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


>Hart even posted specifically about the Stone case before she voted to convict, as she retweeted an argument mocking those who considered Stone’s dramatic arrest in a predawn raid by a federal tactical team to be excessive force.

If anything screams "mistrial", this does!!!
it was a purely political prosecution designed to hurt Trump
So only Trump supporters are allowed to be on the jury?

Ever heard of the term 'TAINTED JURY'?

The US AG has every right to review / assess a court case when Constitutional and Legal violations and prosecutorial misconduct is proven. To top it off, discovering the head of the jury and several others are rabid Trump-haters.

If Hillary or Barry were taken to court and faced a jury that included a head jurist and other jurors who were open, publicly-known Hillary / Barry-haters, Democrats and snowflakes would be screaming like little girls about how unfair / illegal it is / would be.

One last thing, Stone is getting up to 9 (NINE) years in prison for (being associated with Trump &) 'FOR MISREPRESENTING THE FACTS'

CONSIDER THAT FOR A SECOND...while you also remember:
- Obama and his administration was caught violating Constitution and law in initiating and running a FISA Court Abuse-fuelled illegal investigation in which Democrats / FBI Agents commit Perjury, 'Obstruction' by withholding exculpatory evidence, Obstruction by falsifying / illegally altering official documents and witness testimony, lying to a FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants and illegally spy on Americans...and so far none of those sons of bitches have been indicted / charged / convicted for THEIR crimes.

Consider Democrats / Snowflakes demand Stone Be Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison for Misleading Statements, while:
- Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey were all proven to have lied under oath
- Rosenstein lied on an official document / to the FISA Court
- Comey lied on an official document / to the FISA Court & is being investigated for HIS 'misleading' contradicting statements before Congress
- Brennan committed Perjury when he initially declared under oath he knew nothing about the Steele Dossier.
- Clapper lied twice under oath before admitting to his part in the failed coup attempt and before saying he was just obeying Barry's orders
- Schiff spent over 2 years lying to Congress and the American people, claiming falsely he had evidence of crimes committed by Trump
- Schiff lied about the Whistle Blower, lied about a law affording a WBer anonymity and Immunity
- Schiff attempted to present personally manufactured fiction as 'evidence'
- Schiff admitted to Espionage, like Comey - illegally leaking classified to hurt the President

...and none of these proven criminals face indictment (YET - even though Comey, McCabe, and Strzok have been recommended) or have been indicted, charged, and sentenced to prison...which Democrats and snowflakes are fine with.

Claiming the US AG, again, is criminal for reviewing / assessing this case...or that Trump must be Impeached for thanking Barr and the DOJ for taking a 2nd look at this text-book Terminal TDS-Suffering insanity.
Of course this should be a mistrial.

2 of the 4 prosecutors are Mueller toadies and a juror is a rabid anti Trump activist? That’s utter bullshit.

And for any lefties who will cry....just flip the script and insert names Obama and Barr for Trump and Mueller. Now you want a STFU.

Do we even know what Stone specifically did to warrant 9 years in prison?

He is a weak man that bragged about his connections and ability to get things done. He then lied to satiate his ego so he needs to go to jail for 9 years. The only laws he actually broke were lying about his bragging. YCMTSU.

He wouldn't have even been questioned if it weren't for his bragging. The investigators actually thought he was engaged in potentially illegal activities. He wasn't.

That's the story as I understand so don't take it as gospel. Anyone care to clarify?
Of course this should be a mistrial.

2 of the 4 prosecutors are Mueller toadies and a juror is a rabid anti Trump activist? That’s utter bullshit.

And for any lefties who will cry....just flip the script and insert names Obama and Barr for Trump and Mueller. Now you want a STFU.

Do we even know what Stone specifically did to warrant 9 years in prison?

He is a weak man that bragged about his connections and ability to get things done. He then lied to satiate his ego so he needs to go to jail for 9 years. The only laws he actually broke were lying about his bragging. YCMTSU.

He wouldn't have even been questioned if it weren't for his bragging. The investigators actually thought he was engaged in potentially illegal activities. He wasn't.

That's the story as I understand so don't take it as gospel. Anyone care to clarify?

It’s a political dare to get Trump to do something that the Dimms can try to impeach him on again.

Dimms are filthy. It’s time for Pubs to get dirty.
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One last thing, Stone is getting up to 9 (NINE) years in prison for (being associated with Trump &) 'FOR MISREPRESENTING THE FACTS'

He was found guilty by a trial of his peers. The prosecutors read and followed the sentencing guidelines. His sentence recommendation increased because his intimidation involved violent threats as was proven at trial. There is no guideline that says you get a lighter sentence because you’re buddies with the president.

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