To the bleeding hearts over illegals......what now?

Illegal workers are like an necessary evil in America. They’ve been doing the jobs we don’t want. I’m sure none of us here want to pick fruit in a field all day.

The time of illegals being limited to migrant farm work is long, long gone, if it ever was.

I've done plenty of those jobs that they say "Americans don't want", from busboy to tax driver.
We all have, especially us darkies...hello....its just another sound bite big corpra put out there that seems to linger. Before illegals took over this venue, poor blacks and whites back in the 60's and 70's use to do this work. It wasn't until congress enacted laws protecting children and demanding a min. wage for this work, that big corporations began exploiting illegals.

Those jobs would be far less shitty, and far more well paid, if we have better trade and immigration policies.

My mother in law was a nurse-s aide. Literally a shitty job.

She worked out in a more rural area small city/large town hospital, that was bought by a large city hospital.

There was a problem with combining the systems, because the nurese's aides at the more rural setting made several dollars an hour more than the aides in the big city, where there was more poor people, including immigrates and illegals, looking for work.

The difference for the Poor, with immigration, is the difference between being poor and being able to support your family at a low level, and being utterly fucked.
I've always contended that immigration period is the number one reason, wages in this country is at a stand still. I work with a lot of foreigners, hispanics, asians, africans, russians etc.....and our pay sucks....need I say more.....God bless em, but these people are happy to be in this country, happy to have a job and could care less if they never got a raise...they don't speak much, they stick to themselves, never miss days... I mean these people are what employers crave!!

When I was a taxi driver, the daily leases were absurd. The only reason they company could get away with shit like that, was because they had a large pool of desperate drivers.

White supremacist groups are actually a bigger threat to America than Islamic terrosism.

How are White supremacists a bigger threat to America than Islamic terrorism? How did you work that out? Please explain.

Also, do you know what onanism is?
Sounds like Tiger got "red pilled" on this issue.

I actually agree with hammering down on businesses that hire illegals - now go tell your reps to stop preventing them from asking about citizenship before hire so business owners could do that. Yell at your reps about their open border policies that encourage businesses to treat illegals as US citizens; voting in local elections, preventing ICE from doing their job, stopping them at the border, and abusing our ERs (and thus increasing our medical bills) and there's more if one looks into it.

I will however disagree with a premise that African American's are "the ones" who used to work these "less desired jobs," however, I do believe that those African American's stuck in generational welfare would certainly benefit from their availability and hopefully break out of that situation. (That is not to say that white folks don't have generational welfare either, nor that they might not benefit from less desirable jobs. Merely that I suspect most white folk "stuck" in generational welfare are content to stay in it regardless of job availability because they believe in a... shall we say, "simpler" life. Whereas I believe that more African American's desire to get out of that situation - as evidenced by their adulation of rap and sports stars; they want the "bling," they want the fame and wealth, and they'll work for it if the opportunity is there.)
Illegal workers are like an necessary evil in America. They’ve been doing the jobs we don’t want. I’m sure none of us here want to pick fruit in a field all day.

The time of illegals being limited to migrant farm work is long, long gone, if it ever was.

I've done plenty of those jobs that they say "Americans don't want", from busboy to tax driver.
We all have, especially us darkies...hello....its just another sound bite big corpra put out there that seems to linger. Before illegals took over this venue, poor blacks and whites back in the 60's and 70's use to do this work. It wasn't until congress enacted laws protecting children and demanding a min. wage for this work, that big corporations began exploiting illegals.

Those jobs would be far less shitty, and far more well paid, if we have better trade and immigration policies.

My mother in law was a nurse-s aide. Literally a shitty job.

She worked out in a more rural area small city/large town hospital, that was bought by a large city hospital.

There was a problem with combining the systems, because the nurese's aides at the more rural setting made several dollars an hour more than the aides in the big city, where there was more poor people, including immigrates and illegals, looking for work.

The difference for the Poor, with immigration, is the difference between being poor and being able to support your family at a low level, and being utterly fucked.
I've always contended that immigration period is the number one reason, wages in this country is at a stand still. I work with a lot of foreigners, hispanics, asians, africans, russians etc.....and our pay sucks....need I say more.....God bless em, but these people are happy to be in this country, happy to have a job and could care less if they never got a raise...they don't speak much, they stick to themselves, never miss days... I mean these people are what employers crave!!

When I was a taxi driver, the daily leases were absurd. The only reason they company could get away with shit like that, was because they had a large pool of desperate drivers.
Number one reason why this country will never stop immigration....they need these people to make the mega profits, else they'd have to deal with born americans, which they don't want to. Ask big bad Trump why his shit is still being made overseas...all the shit talk and still his family's empire is in China
Sounds like Tiger got "red pilled" on this issue.

I actually agree with hammering down on businesses that hire illegals - now go tell your reps to stop preventing them from asking about citizenship before hire so business owners could do that. Yell at your reps about their open border policies that encourage businesses to treat illegals as US citizens; voting in local elections, preventing ICE from doing their job, stopping them at the border, and abusing our ERs (and thus increasing our medical bills) and there's more if one looks into it.

I will however disagree with a premise that African American's are "the ones" who used to work these "less desired jobs," however, I do believe that those African American's stuck in generational welfare would certainly benefit from their availability and hopefully break out of that situation. (That is not to say that white folks don't have generational welfare either, nor that they might not benefit from less desirable jobs. Merely that I suspect most white folk "stuck" in generational welfare are content to stay in it regardless of job availability because they believe in a... shall we say, "simpler" life. Whereas I believe that more African American's desire to get out of that situation - as evidenced by their adulation of rap and sports stars; they want the "bling," they want the fame and wealth, and they'll work for it if the opportunity is there.)
First off you need to get with the times and I mean it....generational welfare? That was yesterdays sound, there are more black women working who are degreed than there are white women. As a matter of fact, black women and white men are almost neck n neck in the working numbers.

BY RYAN SIT ON 1/12/18 AT 3:53 PM
In fact, whites are the biggest beneficiaries when it comes to government safety-net programs like the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, commonly referred to as welfare.

White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank’s 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.


White supremacist groups are actually a bigger threat to America than Islamic terrosism.

How are White supremacists a bigger threat to America than Islamic terrorism? How did you work that out? Please explain.

Also, do you know what onanism is?
In this country, who do you think have murdered more people over the decades.....white crackers or muslims....I'll be waiting!!
Illegal workers are like a necessary evil in America. They’ve been doing the jobs we don’t want. I’m sure none of us here want to pick fruit in a field all day.

There it is folks, this is typical of liberals. They want illegals here, and they have no problem with illegals driving blue collar salaries down.
Sounds like Tiger got "red pilled" on this issue.

I actually agree with hammering down on businesses that hire illegals - now go tell your reps to stop preventing them from asking about citizenship before hire so business owners could do that. Yell at your reps about their open border policies that encourage businesses to treat illegals as US citizens; voting in local elections, preventing ICE from doing their job, stopping them at the border, and abusing our ERs (and thus increasing our medical bills) and there's more if one looks into it.

I will however disagree with a premise that African American's are "the ones" who used to work these "less desired jobs," however, I do believe that those African American's stuck in generational welfare would certainly benefit from their availability and hopefully break out of that situation. (That is not to say that white folks don't have generational welfare either, nor that they might not benefit from less desirable jobs. Merely that I suspect most white folk "stuck" in generational welfare are content to stay in it regardless of job availability because they believe in a... shall we say, "simpler" life. Whereas I believe that more African American's desire to get out of that situation - as evidenced by their adulation of rap and sports stars; they want the "bling," they want the fame and wealth, and they'll work for it if the opportunity is there.)
First off you need to get with the times and I mean it....generational welfare? That was yesterdays sound, there are more black women working who are degreed than there are white women. As a matter of fact, black women and white men are almost neck n neck in the working numbers.

BY RYAN SIT ON 1/12/18 AT 3:53 PM
In fact, whites are the biggest beneficiaries when it comes to government safety-net programs like the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, commonly referred to as welfare.

White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank’s 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.

All you've done here is prove that you don't read what people write and see the entire world through the eyes of racism ~shrug~
The time of illegals being limited to migrant farm work is long, long gone, if it ever was.

I've done plenty of those jobs that they say "Americans don't want", from busboy to tax driver.
We all have, especially us darkies...hello....its just another sound bite big corpra put out there that seems to linger. Before illegals took over this venue, poor blacks and whites back in the 60's and 70's use to do this work. It wasn't until congress enacted laws protecting children and demanding a min. wage for this work, that big corporations began exploiting illegals.

Those jobs would be far less shitty, and far more well paid, if we have better trade and immigration policies.

My mother in law was a nurse-s aide. Literally a shitty job.

She worked out in a more rural area small city/large town hospital, that was bought by a large city hospital.

There was a problem with combining the systems, because the nurese's aides at the more rural setting made several dollars an hour more than the aides in the big city, where there was more poor people, including immigrates and illegals, looking for work.

The difference for the Poor, with immigration, is the difference between being poor and being able to support your family at a low level, and being utterly fucked.
I've always contended that immigration period is the number one reason, wages in this country is at a stand still. I work with a lot of foreigners, hispanics, asians, africans, russians etc.....and our pay sucks....need I say more.....God bless em, but these people are happy to be in this country, happy to have a job and could care less if they never got a raise...they don't speak much, they stick to themselves, never miss days... I mean these people are what employers crave!!

When I was a taxi driver, the daily leases were absurd. The only reason they company could get away with shit like that, was because they had a large pool of desperate drivers.
Number one reason why this country will never stop immigration....they need these people to make the mega profits, else they'd have to deal with born americans, which they don't want to. Ask big bad Trump why his shit is still being made overseas...all the shit talk and still his family's empire is in China

If Trump changes the policy so that the illegals are deported, and legal immigration is curtailed, and employers have to deal with "born Americans"

then that is a win for America and Americans.

Yes, it is somewhat hypocritical that he makes his shit overseas, yet ran on a platform of being against that.

But there was no one else who was better on the issue.
In this country, who do you think have murdered more people over the decades.....white crackers or muslims....I'll be waiting!!
I honestly don't know what you mean by "crackers" so I'll just assume you're talking about Whites in general. And if we include the 3,000 mostly Whites who died in the 9/11 attack I'd say the answer is pretty clear in the example of the U.S. alone. But if your reference is the whole world, while I have no figures to offer, the killing that goes on and has been going on forever in the Middle East is rather common knowledge.

The simple fact is because Muslims breed like roaches their internal extermination rate is a natural necessity. Because a number of male Muslim "refugees" in various European nations have brought up to six wives with them, each of whom is constantly pregnant, we can expect to observe the consequences of this phenomenon rather soon.

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