Time to solve the muslim problem

Rotten, post #1.

The US announces a new ZERO TOLERANCE policy. Any act of aggression against any US entity (military, business, embassy, etc.) results in complete & total obliteration. It is far time we break out the nuclear arsenal and remind the world why you don't fuck with the U.S. Japan went from being a nation of maniacs (kamikazes sound familiar?) aligned with the Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini to a very productive member of the global community just by dropping a couple of nukes on their head.

I mean, seriously, who does that? What kind of farm animal sub-human do you have to be to wish that people die

Um, hey stupid, you do realize there is a difference between killing someone in SELF-DEFENSE and killing someone because they disagree with your communism, don't you?

Please, for the love of God, PLEASE, tell me you are truly not that stupid and that you were just trying to be inflammatory here? Please?

Nuking people who aren't themselves nuking you is not self defense. It's not even called defense in that case, it's called Mutually Assured Destruction. Cause you're both going to fucking be destroyed.

What you speak of is Pre-Meditated murder. Mass Murder. Genocide. Nuclear Holocaust. Potential destruction of the entire world.
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Surrender would involve them capturing something...

ROTFLMFAO!!! If they already "captured" something, then it is theirs already, and thus cannot be "surrendered" by us. My god, you are dumber than a box of rocks. I'm laughing so hard right now, I can barely type.

I know by now I shouldn't be surprised, but still you idiot liberal dumbocrats are able to shock me with the new levels of stupidity you are able to achieve... :lol:
I do not speak for all liberals, but I can tell you that I do not stand up in defense of Islam, but against intolerance and injustice. I would never view all Christians through the Westborough or Terry Jones lens and yet far too many want to view all Muslims through their far right extremists. I stand against that.

Except that the Terry Jones incidents are once every 100 years, while the muslim incidents are once every 100 minutes.

Here, take a look at the muslim terrorist attacks for just 2012 (and just so far) alone and then tell me you think that it's not the culture of these animals, but rather just some "extremists". There are more incidents on this page for 2012 alone than there are in the entire history of Christianity.

TheReligionofPeace.com - List of Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012
I do not speak for all liberals, but I can tell you that I do not stand up in defense of Islam, but against intolerance and injustice. I would never view all Christians through the Westborough or Terry Jones lens and yet far too many want to view all Muslims through their far right extremists. I stand against that.

Except that the Terry Jones incidents are once every 100 years, while the muslim incidents are once every 100 minutes.

Here, take a look at the muslim terrorist attacks for just 2012 (and just so far) alone and then tell me you think that it's not the culture of these animals, but rather just some "extremists". There are more incidents on this page for 2012 alone than there are in the entire history of Christianity.

TheReligionofPeace.com - List of Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012

have you ever met a Muslim ?..my sister in law is a Muslim from Palestine
wonderful girl..very nice family..no desires to kill anyone..speaks 4 languages ..excellent mother...with your hate filled racist rants it is you that comes across as the animal
The Obama administration succeeded in bringing justice to Bin Laden and they will succeed in bringing justice to this latest group of murderers.

I just love how the Obama Administration gets credit for Bin Laden. Some inconvenient facts for you dumbocrats:

  • Obama adamantly opposed the "enhanced interogation" techniques that provide the intel on Bin Laden's location

  • Obama adamantly opposed Guantanamo Bay and pomised to close it. Gitmo is where we kept the terrorists who eventually provided the intel
In short, it was all of the policy's implemented by GWB which lead to Bin Laden. Obama just happened to be in office by the time intel had located and then tracked the messenger to the Pakistan compound.
The OP is idiotic. The Muslims world is extremely politically divided and the vast majority support peaceful relations with the west. Taking drastic military action on a broad basis against the Muslims world would destroy our allies and supporters.

The people responsible for the current attacks against our embassies will be hunted down, but it will take time.

The Obama administration succeeded in bringing justice to Bin Laden and they will succeed in bringing justice to this latest group of murderers.

The lack of sophistication in these latest attacks shows just how weak and desparate AL Queda is now.

In typical dumbocrat fashion, Richard-H is idiotic.*

"The people responsible for the current attacks against our embassies will be hunted down".

Ok??? Good. Good. And that helps J. Christopher Stevens how??? That helps*Sean Smith (a Foreign Service information officer) how?!?! That helps former US Navy Seal Tyrone S. Woods how?!?!? That helps former US Navy Seal Glen A. Doherty how?!?!

This is the "brilliant" national security strategy of the idiot liberal dumbocrat and of the idiot libertarian like Ron Paul - close the barn door after all of the horses have escaped.

But really, what does Richard-H care? I mean, he's safe and comfortable strum'n his stupid little wooden guitar while lighting up joint after joint after joint, duuuuuuude. He doesn't give a shit about American lives. That's just more pot for him, duuuuuuude.

See, the problem is SOLVED by deterrence. And deterrence is achieved by first announcing a ZERO TOLERANCE policy, and then if that policy is violated, by following up with awesome/devastating response. Not hunting one or two people. But by dropping nuclear warheads and wiping out entire states of terrorist muslims. I guarantee you there would never be a second instance of violating the ZERO TOLERANCE policy. Richard-H, you just keep toke'n up on the dope hippee, let us real Americans worry about National Security, ok? Cool, duuuuuuude.....
Poland hates Obama too.. So does Russia but the people there hate Putin too.

You Tube video my ass... Truth will be out soon.. Its Obama they hate. Just like they hated Clinton.
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have you ever met a Muslim ?..my sister in law is a Muslim from Palestine
wonderful girl..very nice family..no desires to kill anyone..speaks 4 languages ..excellent mother...with your hate filled racist rants it is you that comes across as the animal

No, I've never met a muslim..... The fact that you would even ask such an ignorant question illustrates that you are the "animal" and that you have the IQ equivalent of the average barnyard animal.

I worked with a muslim. Do you know what he did (in a very professional work place, mind you)? He refused to shake hands with women because his religion taught him that they were inferior and beneath him, and thus no worthy of being treated as his equal. He also saved to send his boys to college, but not his girl. And this was an AMERICAN BORN BLACK MAN - someone who you would think would be slightly aware/sensitive to, oh I don't know - DISCRIMINATION?!?!

Did he want to kill anyone? I have no idea. I have no proof of that or no reason to think so. But the fact that he wants his own daughter to be uneducated speaks volumes about what a disgusting and deplorable "religion" the islam/muslim culture is.

And the fact that you defend/support it speaks volumes about what a piece of shit you are as well.
have you ever met a Muslim ?..my sister in law is a Muslim from Palestine
wonderful girl..very nice family..no desires to kill anyone..speaks 4 languages ..excellent mother...with your hate filled racist rants it is you that comes across as the animal

No, I've never met a muslim..... The fact that you would even ask such an ignorant question illustrates that you are the "animal" and that you have the IQ equivalent of the average barnyard animal.

I worked with a muslim. Do you know what he did (in a very professional work place, mind you)? He refused to shake hands with women because his religion taught him that they were inferior and beneath him, and thus no worthy of being treated as his equal. He also saved to send his boys to college, but not his girl. And this was an AMERICAN BORN BLACK MAN - someone who you would think would be slightly aware/sensitive to, oh I don't know - DISCRIMINATION?!?!

Did he want to kill anyone? I have no idea. I have no proof of that or no reason to think so. But the fact that he wants his own daughter to be uneducated speaks volumes about what a disgusting and deplorable "religion" the islam/muslim culture is.

And the fact that you defend/support it speaks volumes about what a piece of shit you are as well.

Oh wow he refuses to shake a woman's hand.....WOOW WHAT A SAVAGE BARBARIC MUSLIM!!!!!! CRAZY TERRORISTS!!!
have you ever met a Muslim ?..my sister in law is a Muslim from Palestine
wonderful girl..very nice family..no desires to kill anyone..speaks 4 languages ..excellent mother...with your hate filled racist rants it is you that comes across as the animal

No, I've never met a muslim..... The fact that you would even ask such an ignorant question illustrates that you are the "animal" and that you have the IQ equivalent of the average barnyard animal.

I worked with a muslim. Do you know what he did (in a very professional work place, mind you)? He refused to shake hands with women because his religion taught him that they were inferior and beneath him, and thus no worthy of being treated as his equal. He also saved to send his boys to college, but not his girl. And this was an AMERICAN BORN BLACK MAN - someone who you would think would be slightly aware/sensitive to, oh I don't know - DISCRIMINATION?!?!

Did he want to kill anyone? I have no idea. I have no proof of that or no reason to think so. But the fact that he wants his own daughter to be uneducated speaks volumes about what a disgusting and deplorable "religion" the islam/muslim culture is.

And the fact that you defend/support it speaks volumes about what a piece of shit you are as well.

Oh wow he refuses to shake a woman's hand.....WOOW WHAT A SAVAGE BARBARIC MUSLIM!!!!!! CRAZY TERRORISTS!!!

He refuses to shake hands, Rottweiler wants to disintegrate their hands a fiery mushroom cloud.
No, I've never met a muslim..... The fact that you would even ask such an ignorant question illustrates that you are the "animal" and that you have the IQ equivalent of the average barnyard animal.

I worked with a muslim. Do you know what he did (in a very professional work place, mind you)? He refused to shake hands with women because his religion taught him that they were inferior and beneath him, and thus no worthy of being treated as his equal. He also saved to send his boys to college, but not his girl. And this was an AMERICAN BORN BLACK MAN - someone who you would think would be slightly aware/sensitive to, oh I don't know - DISCRIMINATION?!?!

Did he want to kill anyone? I have no idea. I have no proof of that or no reason to think so. But the fact that he wants his own daughter to be uneducated speaks volumes about what a disgusting and deplorable "religion" the islam/muslim culture is.

And the fact that you defend/support it speaks volumes about what a piece of shit you are as well.

Oh wow he refuses to shake a woman's hand.....WOOW WHAT A SAVAGE BARBARIC MUSLIM!!!!!! CRAZY TERRORISTS!!!

He refuses to shake hands, Rottweiler wants to disintegrate their hands a fiery mushroom cloud.

These fucking nazis I mean 4 people died and look at this reaction....it's almost like they were waiting to release their fury of hate against Muslims....in fact that is what they are doing
Take a deep breath....suck in and blow out.....do this 5 times....go jack off or something.....and you should like the world a bit more after that :lol:

Okay you can push it, I'll watch.

Are you from Texas?

Bush said his Presidency will be defined in 30 years.. Thats about how long it will take us to become energy independent. Thats when the button gets pushed.
Between now and then we have to keep those Crazy Ala loving killers at bay. It's not going to be easy waiting it out.

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