Time to face some hard facts

If Trump continues on in successful fashion, and without major incident... He may well have proven himself to be the harbinger of doom for the all but defunct Democrat party.

I just had a conversation about this issue with someone who hates Trump, but they just kept insisting that Trump WILL start a war with NK.

Naturally, if he does not, they still won't vote for him next round, but then Trump never had their vote to begin with.

The left is all about hate and casting their opposition as "crazy" or "senile" or "stupid". All Republican Presidents get treated in this way.

The Russians used psychologists in similar fashion, casting their political opponents in the same light and then locking them up for everyone's well being.
This same pattern is repeated at every election level. For instance, here in Alabama; the Dems have been pumping tbe media, and its audience full of propaganda denigrating the Republican candidate. However they have gotten so wrapped up in hate, and vitriol, that they forgot to even discuss the issues. Most of these democrat minions don't even know the name of Moores opposition, much less his stance on issues.
The Democrat party appears to be in its death throws, and its constituents are becoming ever more desperate, and dangerous.

Right, do you want a pedophile who will vote the way you want or someone who is not a pedophile and votes for the demise of your country with a silver tongue.

That is, assuming the charges are even true.

Tough call.
It is the political issues of the day, and future that will have an effect on me, and my interests; not accusations dredged up from 40 years ago. True, or not...
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
Which predecessor avoided war?
One could argue The Reagan Administration did.

Of course there was the 2 days of fighting in Grenada, which I suppose some might call "a war" (I wouldn't).
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

Naw, Trump is massively unpopular with a good economy and no war.

when the economy gets worse, he's going to be unpopular.

War is more of a wild card. presidents get a boost from War as people rally around the flag, at least initially. It's when a war drags out that things change.

The reason why Trump will go is because he's neck deep in this Russian Shit, and he's not smart enough to weasel his way out of a scandal like Bush, Clinton or Reagan.
You do understand that many of the most important factors underlying the health of the economy are outside of the President's direct control, right?

But the GOP is ideologically obligated to cram this through, anyway, for purely political reasons.

Yep, both parties do the same thing when one of their boys is in the Oval Office because it works with the sheeple that don't understand that the President isn't the "manager of the economy", heck our Central Bankers have A LOT more control over the state of the economy than the President does, they can radically shift things just on a rumor that they *might* do something. ;)
You do understand that many of the most important factors underlying the health of the economy are outside of the President's direct control, right?

But the GOP is ideologically obligated to cram this through, anyway, for purely political reasons.

Yep, both parties do the same thing when one of their boys is in the Oval Office because it works with the sheeple that don't understand that the President isn't the "manager of the economy", heck our Central Bankers have A LOT more control over the state of the economy than the President does, they can radically shift things just on a rumor that they *might* do something. ;)
Yup. It's bad enough when trying to deal with someone who directly attributes a current economy to a current President, and it only gets worse they attribute a stock market to a President. At that point you know they're either ignorant, lying or both.
One could argue The Reagan Administration did.

Of course there was the 2 days of fighting in Grenada, which I suppose some might call "a war" (I wouldn't).

He also got us into the middle of Lebanon's civil war and hundreds of people were killed there for no good reason.

Uh-huh, the great Multinational Peace Keeping Force War in Lebanon, that Reagan withdrew U.S. troops from, who could forget that ? :rolleyes:

You do understand that many of the most important factors underlying the health of the economy are outside of the President's direct control, right?

But the GOP is ideologically obligated to cram this through, anyway, for purely political reasons.

Yep, both parties do the same thing when one of their boys is in the Oval Office because it works with the sheeple that don't understand that the President isn't the "manager of the economy", heck our Central Bankers have A LOT more control over the state of the economy than the President does, they can radically shift things just on a rumor that they *might* do something. ;)

And similarly they want to blame Trump for the failings of any company that carried his name. The reality is the left has zero idea how to run a business, no idea what "franchises" are, no clue how "labeling" works, etc. so they simply cannot comprehend what Trump 'actually' had to do with any of it.
Uh-huh, the great Multinational Peace Keeping Force War in Lebanon, that Reagan withdrew U.S. troops from, who could forget that ?

Withdrew after we got our asses handed to us, yeah.

No, nobody forgets that... well, wingnuts do. Wingnuts forget most of what Reagan ACTUALLY did and then try to pretend he was this great figure because he wasn't forced to resign or driven out of office like most Republicans are.
You do understand that many of the most important factors underlying the health of the economy are outside of the President's direct control, right?

But the GOP is ideologically obligated to cram this through, anyway, for purely political reasons.

Yep, both parties do the same thing when one of their boys is in the Oval Office because it works with the sheeple that don't understand that the President isn't the "manager of the economy", heck our Central Bankers have A LOT more control over the state of the economy than the President does, they can radically shift things just on a rumor that they *might* do something. ;)

And similarly they want to blame Trump for the failings of any company that carried his name. The reality is the left has zero idea how to run a business, no idea what "franchises" are, no clue how "labeling" works, etc. so they simply cannot comprehend what Trump 'actually' had to do with any of it.

That's to be expected since the loudest voices criticizing him for his business history are people that loathe Entrepreneurs in general anyways, they love the products and services, they just hate the people that make them possible.:dunno:
And similarly they want to blame Trump for the failings of any company that carried his name. The reality is the left has zero idea how to run a business, no idea what "franchises" are, no clue how "labeling" works, etc. so they simply cannot comprehend what Trump 'actually' had to do with any of it.

So why did Trump put his name on so many losers?

If the argument for Trump was that he was a " great businessman", then shouldn't we bring up Trump Airlines, Trump Casinos, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump University and all the other failures the anti-Midas was involved in.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
Which predecessor avoided war?
One could argue The Reagan Administration did.

Of course there was the 2 days of fighting in Grenada, which I suppose some might call "a war" (I wouldn't).
Yeah....that was a devastating war for somebody.
Trump is doing things to jump start the economy.

Right or wrong it seems to be working.

Trump's big "revitalization" plan is to grab 1.7 Trillion dollar debt and throw most of it to the corporations and the rich like himself.

Genius! Who would have ever thought of that.

Maybe I should "jump start" my finances by taking out a loan I don't need...in someone else's name.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they
In what Alternative Universe are you living?

Or, alternatively, what are you smoking, and why aren't you sharing?
Uh-huh, the great Multinational Peace Keeping Force War in Lebanon, that Reagan withdrew U.S. troops from, who could forget that ?

Withdrew after we got our asses handed to us, yeah.

No, nobody forgets that... well, wingnuts do. Wingnuts forget most of what Reagan ACTUALLY did and then try to pretend he was this great figure because he wasn't forced to resign or driven out of office like most Republicans are.

$: Command successful
* Baseless opinion and counterfactual rant redirected to /dev/null

Thank you for your input.
$: Command successful
* Baseless opinion and counterfactual rant redirected to /dev/null
Thank you for your input.

Duly noted you couldn't answer the point.

Better to just sweep those guys under the rug.


Reagan was awesome!!!!
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents.

I don't think you understand what a "sitting President" is.

This is economy under Obama, you tell me if you can't see revitalization:



If Trump continues on in successful fashion, and without major incident... He may well have proven himself to be the harbinger of doom for the all but defunct Democrat party.

I just had a conversation about this issue with someone who hates Trump, but they just kept insisting that Trump WILL start a war with NK.

Naturally, if he does not, they still won't vote for him next round, but then Trump never had their vote to begin with.

The left is all about hate and casting their opposition as "crazy" or "senile" or "stupid". All Republican Presidents get treated in this way.

The Russians used psychologists in similar fashion, casting their political opponents in the same light and then locking them up for everyone's well being.
That's what the Russians used against Hillary and Democrats, that's why you all are brainwashed with hatred.....they used Psychology, on you......to hate tIhe USA, hate our intel agencies, to believe in the deep state, all of that garbage has been psyops on you.

But you will fight to the very end to destroy your own Nation.....

In the guise the Russians set up that you believe....America is terrible, American govt is corrupt, Russia and Putin Gvt is greater and better than ours, ours is the deep state....:rolleyes:

Fools, all of you who hate so much, yet try to say "it's the other guy"....You are a PAWN of the Russians and their Psychogical warfare, you work for them, without even knowing it. :eek:
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