Time to face some hard facts

EO's are only bad when Trump signs them. like his immigration EO that restricted travel from certain Islamic countries, something Obama also did and no one said anything about it.

You're joking, right?
Let me rephrase, the courts had no thought to stop him.
Uh-huh, well except for all the times President Nimrods EO's were challenged in court.....

With Trump though, he's a meany and orange so he must be stopped I reckon.
The courts don't originate the law suits; Trump just needs get better at writing them and remove the language that gives his opponents the opening to block his EO's on Constitutional grounds.

Apparatchiks from both of the major political crime families bitch and moan when a President from the "other team" issues EO's while remaining silent while one of their own does the same thing, apparently some don't realize that partisan politics is often a game of "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" one-upmanship.

Writing EO's is one thing, but writing them that counter US federal law like Obama did is another.

No one stopped Obama, but they sure and stopped Trump.

Look on the bright side. We now have a media that is intently scrutinizing and criticizing EVERYTHING Trump does. I much prefer this to a media that was on it's knees blowing Obama every day. Don't you?

They are useless either way.
Obama is the first President in US history never to have the GDP get above 3%. Think about that for a minute, even though he got to serve 8 years.

Which ONLY means that the recession caused by his predecessor was really a serious one almost bordering on a full-flung depression.

Through Obama's efforts the unemployment rate declined by more than HALF; the stock market rose,the auto industry was saved, and although the deficit rose, we averted a complete meltdown......

Its beyond you morons' capacity to grasp....but if there's ONE person who should thank Obama.....that would be the orange clown.
Obama is the first President in US history never to have the GDP get above 3%. Think about that for a minute, even though he got to serve 8 years.

Which ONLY means that the recession caused by his predecessor was really a serious one almost bordering on a full-flung depression.

Through Obama's efforts the unemployment rate declined by more than HALF; the stock market rose,the auto industry was saved, and although the deficit rose, we averted a complete meltdown......

Its beyond you morons' capacity to grasp....but if there's ONE person who should thank Obama.....that would be the orange clown.

Yes indeed, thank you Obama for being such a miserable president that just about anyone new stepping into that position could do a much better job.

Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards
Through Obama's efforts the unemployment rate declined by more than HALF; the stock market rose,the auto industry was saved, and although the deficit rose, we averted a complete meltdown......
Not to mention the Red Sox won another world series, the market finally got a big screen iPhone and the solar system avoided getting waxed by a gamma ray burst, POTUS Nimrod, what a guy. :rolleyes:
Actually so far he has avoided war and revitalized the economy. The problem for the left is that they thrive on anger and unrest and hard times (and sometimes war when the president gets caught with his pants down).
Yes indeed, thank you Obama for being such a miserable president that just about anyone new stepping into that position could do a much better job.

Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards

MORON.....you cite as "proof," a piece by an ultra conservative, readily-bribed fellow idiot......Here:

Peter Ferrara, a "senior policy adviser" at the conservative Institute for Policy Innovation, admitted that he "took money" from Jack Abramoff "to write op-ed pieces boosting the lobbyist's clients. 'I do that all the time,' Ferrara [said]. 'I've done that in the past, and I'll do it in the future',"

In December 16, 2005, in Business Week. Ferrara said "he doesn't see a conflict of interest in taking undisclosed money to write op-ed pieces
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

Trump's Chumps are finally realizing Trump is an incompetent. So now the new bar for success for Trump is that he achieves NOTHING. :lol:

When you open your record high medical bills and your record high insurance bills, try to tell yourself America is great again, retard.
Yes indeed, thank you Obama for being such a miserable president that just about anyone new stepping into that position could do a much better job.

Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards

MORON.....you cite as "proof," a piece by an ultra conservative, readily-bribed fellow idiot......Here:

Peter Ferrara, a "senior policy adviser" at the conservative Institute for Policy Innovation, admitted that he "took money" from Jack Abramoff "to write op-ed pieces boosting the lobbyist's clients. 'I do that all the time,' Ferrara [said]. 'I've done that in the past, and I'll do it in the future',"

In December 16, 2005, in Business Week. Ferrara said "he doesn't see a conflict of interest in taking undisclosed money to write op-ed pieces

Matt Lauer and Brian Ross weren't available for comment....MORON.
The problem for the left is that they thrive on anger and unrest and hard times (and sometimes war when the president gets caught with his pants down).

Now that is "brilliant".........Leftists may get the blame for Trump starting a war, because we picked on the orange clown.......Take note.......LOL
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?
What the fuck are you yapping about? He's set to place troops in Syria to perpetuity. LOL

He's sucking Putin, I do have to give him that.
It's unbelievable. We have put the Kurd under the bus to appease Russia and Turkey, and we're occupying part of Syria, and these idiots are proclaiming Trump the new Caesar. LOL And the Kurds were the only ones in Iraq who fought ISIS. Priceless
Actually so far he has avoided war and revitalized the economy. The problem for the left is that they thrive on anger and unrest and hard times (and sometimes war when the president gets caught with his pants down).

No dumbass, the problem is that you are out to lunch in fact-free universe.

Trump "revitalizing" economy that has been growing for 7 years now is nothing but Trumpster fantasy.
No dumbass, the problem for you is you are out to lunch in fact-free universe.

Trump "revitalizing" economy that has been growing for 8 years now is straight Trumpster fantasy.

What is simply AMAZING is that not one right winger is ever willing to admit that Obama handed to Trump a thriving economy......its OBVIOUS but they cannot bring themselves to admit it........and THAT is why I call them Trump CULT members.
Actually so far he has avoided war and revitalized the economy. The problem for the left is that they thrive on anger and unrest and hard times (and sometimes war when the president gets caught with his pants down).

These should be happy days for Trump

But his own personal shortcomings keep bringing him down

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