Throw Sarah from the Train


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I know noble and long time republicans that are pretty upset with the petty garbage that has been coming out out about the feud between the old man and Sarah.


McCain and his sidekick George Bush were the reasons that McCain lost. Sarah is getting a bad rap.
I don't think it was all Palin's fault, I mean if you think about it McCain chose her! Seriously though, McCain or almost any Republican didn't stand a chance! It was just how it was going to be! No one could wipe the crap off their hands from years of George W. and Cheney.
I know noble and long time republicans that are pretty upset with the petty garbage that has been coming out out about the feud between the old man and Sarah.


McCain and his sidekick George Bush were the reasons that McCain lost. Sarah is getting a bad rap.

Have you seen those interviews she's done on ABC, CBS, NBC and FoxNews? Russia's next to Alaska, so she has foreign policy experience? Massive spending spree at Neiman Marcus? Net worth of over 1 million dollars and she's just an "average joe, a joe sixpack." Doesn't believe in abortion including cases of rape and incest? Doesn't know Africa is a continent and not a country? Are you sure you don't want to retract your statement?

You can't be this dumb

You really believe she didn't know Africa was a continent? You are really going to believe waht anonymous is sayign about her.

This is why I don't believe any of that shit

THousands of reporters were sent to Alaska when she was picked to dig up dirt.

What did they find?

They found jack shit on her, not that she was stupid, was a shopaholic, nothing. Now after the campign all this shit comes out from someone who refuses to reveal their name.

Sorry, don't buy it.

She is college educated and a governor. You do know that the Alaskan Governor is the only governor that routinely gets briefed on
highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism?

You can't be this dumb

You really believe she didn't know Africa was a continent? You are really going to believe waht anonymous is sayign about her.

This is why I don't believe any of that shit

THousands of reporters were sent to Alaska when she was picked to dig up dirt.

What did they find?

They found jack shit on her, not that she was stupid, was a shopaholic, nothing. Now after the campign all this shit comes out from someone who refuses to reveal their name.

Sorry, don't buy it.

She is college educated and a governor. You do know that the Alaskan Governor is the only governor that routinely gets briefed on
highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism?

You cherry picked one criticism I made of her. Even if she knew all of the countries in Africa, along with their leaders and entire history, she still said that Russia being next to Alaska gives her foreign policy experience.
I think it's disgustign what some in the Republican party are doing to Palin.

She helped McCain more than hurt him that's for sure.

and it's also a bit hypocritical considering how much whining they did about the stuff said about her during the campaign by the left.

What they are saying now makes what the left said look like the sweet nothings of an enamoured boyfriend.
You cherry picked one criticism I made of her. Even if she knew all of the countries in Africa, along with their leaders and entire history, she still said that Russia being next to Alaska gives her foreign policy experience.

or how about her statement that the VP job is to be in charge of the senate!!
she came on to energise her base.

70% approval is pretty good for someone who came from nowhere
or how about her statement that the VP job is to be in charge of the senate!!

I'm not going to argue this again, but her comment was absolutely correct. For two centuries the Vice President presided over every single session of the Senate. That ended with Richard Nixon. The Vice President is given the authority to oversee every session of the Senate, period. They are not allowed to vote unless to break a tie, but they are allowed to preside.
I'm not going to argue this again, but her comment was absolutely correct. For two centuries the Vice President presided over every single session of the Senate. That ended with Richard Nixon. The Vice President is given the authority to oversee every session of the Senate, period. They are not allowed to vote unless to break a tie, but they are allowed to preside.

How is that being in charge and helping with policy? The case can be made that the VP is actually the weakest member in the senate. They never have a vote unless in the rare case of tie breaker.
Once again, the VP role in the senate is that of a ceremonial one, never do they assist in policy formulation.
the VP is the President of the senate.

in the first half of 2001, the Senators were divided 50-50 between Republicans and Democrats and Dick Cheney's tie-breaking vote gave the Republicans the Senate majority
Polls show 3 out of 10 registered Republican voters don't like her. She didn't attract independents at all and Democrats hated her. Terrible choice.
David, mccain's campaign was DEAD before Palin came along, she brought him back from the DEAD.

Then she did alienate alot of potential voters, but not any worse than mccain was doing already.

there was no reason for the 'right' to come out and vote...many did not want mccain as their candidate, it was a very apathetic republican constituancy.

Instead, 58 million people came out and voted for them....that's alot of people.

Now, do I think it was a terrible choice? Yes, I do personally believe such...and just never, ever felt she was qualified for the position....she was just way too green in many areas of importance....and she later became too divisive for my taste...

but she did help bring the phoenix out of the ashes and gave him life again, for those that liked her and had her same positions on issues.

I think in hindsite, palin was the wrong pick for him, and Romney, with the stock market crash, housing crisis, and banking credit crisis.... could have helped him be pulled up the boot straps....but like i said, that was in hindsite.

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I don't think that McCain lost because of Palin. There were simply too many headwinds against any Republican candidate.

However, since she turned off independents, she didn't help the ticket either. McCain could have picked a better conservative who actually looked like they were qualified to lead the country.

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