Those GD Racist Bastards. Networks Refuse To Show Condi Rice Speech


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I was watching Condi Rice give a wonderful speech at the RNC and what is ABC, NBC, and CBS showing?

ABC was showing hurricane Issac footage, NBC was showing local news, and CBS had Bob Schieffer talking about unrelated issues.

Why are they doing this??????:confused:

Because they don't want America to see that a black woman is giving one of the most important speeches in the Republican National Convention.

Despicable. That's what it is. :cranky:

Christie made the networks with his blob butt babble. As a former secretary of state, her speech is much more important than his; I agree, it should be on all the news networks. Isaac is the ONLY competition.
Of course. Liberals are, more often than not, flaming hypocrites.
I don't know...I think these choices by networks mostly backfire at this point. People of all stripes are very skeptical of the media, and people tuned in to MSNBC don't have an interest in the RNC, and people who were tuned in to the other channels and saw it wasn't being shown and had to flip over to FOX News, well it makes a statement about the media bias that just further reinforces people's perspective on the media's agenda. So at the end of the night, thanks to those networks, FOX had more viewers than they would have had otherwise...including bitter lefties who are pissing themselves being negative and fearful about a potential shift in leadership.:D
It's amusing to discover, once again, that black people are nothing but tools to the GOP. They don't care what the black republicans have to say, they just put them in front of the camera to point at the lack of interest the networks have in Condi, etc.

Instead of listening to Condi, mud is spending his time looking to see who isn't covering her.

About half of the convention's TV audience watched on cable news networks, as Fox News took the lion's share with an average 6.9 million viewers - triple its usual audience. About 11 million watched on broadcast networks NBC, ABC and CBS, which reduced coverage this year to just one hour per night.

It has nothing to do with her being black, it has everything to do with them only covering an hour now. People are t tuning into the major networks as much these days, and interest in conventions is not what it used to be.

They obviously scheduled what they would cover a long time ago.
It's amusing to discover, once again, that black people are nothing but tools to the GOP. They don't care what the black republicans have to say, they just put them in front of the camera to point at the lack of interest the networks have in Condi, etc.

Instead of listening to Condi, mud is spending his time looking to see who isn't covering her.


oh brother
We got a storm folks 5.7 million without power, flooding, etc.

Barely a hurricane...a lvl 1 wasn't it.
They could have gone back to the "Storm of the century" coverage after her speech.
Nothing would have changed much in 15 minutes.

The liberal media doesn't want to show people of color representing the GOP.
This way they can continue with the racist label.

Storm coverage....give me a break.
New Orleans gets hit with a friggin hurricane every 30 minutes people are used to it by now.
Nice try to cover the Dems ass on this one but don't call your buddies at the networks
journalists please.

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