‘This scandal could bring down the administration’: Fox military analyst

Trump's tax return is very long and complicated. Probably hundreds of pages. He gets audited every year. If he was cheating the IRS would be screaming it from the rooftops. If he released them, none of the crazed dems or the media cronies would even understand them. But, they would pull out one page and make up lies about it. We all know that is what this is all about.

Trump should hire you. You make a great apologist for him. Now that you have expressed your commitment to Trump's lack of transparency , your loyalties as an American Patriot in solidarity with We The People, are called into question. What red blooded American wouldn't want to know that their president isn't hiding something that could be detrimental to the nation, specifically to the clandestine Intelligence operatives we have ensconced in secret places around the world. Surely the American moles in Russia are nervous about Trump's personal ties with Russia and his adoration of Putin.

Trump's tax returns might be expansive but all of it would fit on a 2 GB flash drive with room to spare. A MAC computer could use Spotify or Finder to zoom in on any query the user might be interested in. But we don't have to do that. There are plenty of analysts willing to narrow the pertinent information down to a few pages and explain them to us on national TV. I wouldn't be interested in any cheating Trump might have done, that is an IRS problem. I would be interested in income or payouts involving deals done in certain time frames, with ties to Russia or Russian interests. If there is nothing there. I would be happy to celebrate in spirit with our at risk Intelligence operatives in Russia and elsewhere.

There is no scandal except in the minds of the corrupt media and the butthurt defeated democrats.

If there is no scandal, then the release of Trump's tax returns ought to be of little concern to you. I just want validation that there is NO scandal... Your saying so just doesn't quite cut it!

Doing business with foreign companies and governments is not illegal. If you have a 401K it is very likely that you own some foreign company stock and have a vested interest in the success of that foreign company.

Your premise here might be ok for an average private citizen,but; high government officials, vested with the secrets of our nation to include the names of our Intelligence operatives cannot be afforded the luxury of having direct opaque personal foreign dealings, especially those involving a known foreign enemy.

This is a ridiculous attempt to create talking points from the desperate alt left in this country and their lying comrades the media.

i would trust all of them before I would trust the known liar, Trump and his Russian KGB ally,Putin!

"i would trust all of them before I would trust the known liar, Trump and his Russian KGB ally,Putin!"

That explains your entire rant.

Ok, tell us exactly how the Russians changed the outcome of our election last November. Give us the details, did they hack voting machines? did they bribe voters? did they somehow change the vote counts? What exactly did they Russians do?

next, prove that wikileaks got the info on the corruption in the DNC from Russia.

Then, tell us why the release of the truth about the corruption within the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and their media cronies was bad for America to know.
Tell me when you lost faith in US intelligence operatives. And don't even try to put that WMD lie about IRAQ around their necks. Do it and I'll nail your ass with facts to the contrary. Our intel folks are the best in the world and if they say Putin masterminded the hack, Putin masterminded the hack. For all we know they might have gotten that info from the guy sitting right next to Putin when the plan was made.
But the issue that concerns me is why so many of Trump's gang members( his various cronies) had met with Russian agents prior to the hack and then denied or tried to downplay it!? The whole scenario reeks of collusion between Trump's boys and Putin's boys to weaken Hillary's campaign. That is the issue. My suspicions are shared by millions, including many republican officials. Some are calling for an independent investigation and I am one of them.

Any comments on the 22 visits the Russian Ambassador made to visit Obama in the White House?
I gave my opinion on those incidents in the proper threads when they happened. But since Obama released his tax returns and no personal connections were found to any of the above, his transparency allowed people t give hm a pass. Trump hasn't done that.

I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.
I gave my opinion on those incidents in the proper threads when they happened. But since Obama released his tax returns and no personal connections were found to any of the above, his transparency allowed people t give hm a pass. Trump hasn't done that.

I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
I didn't see your opinion on the Obama administration giving Billions to Iran, or the selling of Uranium to Russia. Would you mind if I call Obama, a known liar, a friend of his Russian KGB ally, Putin and the Iranian Ayatollah?

More accurately Obama gave billions back to Iran. And if you're concerned with the Russians getting uranium, you should have complained when Obama had Iran send it's enriched uranium to Russia.

Iran ships 25,000lb of low-enriched uranium to Russia
I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.

And where would Iran get a nuclear warhead from? Maybe Iran could arm them with photon torpedoes? Or fill them with red matter, or maybe a bomb made from element "X". Just as likely as a nuclear warhead.
I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.

And where would Iran get a nuclear warhead from? Maybe Iran could arm them with photon torpedoes? Or fill them with red matter, or maybe a bomb made from element "X". Just as likely as a nuclear warhead.

With the money Obama gave them they can buy several nukes from North Korea. Aren't you glad you asked?
I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.

And where would Iran get a nuclear warhead from? Maybe Iran could arm them with photon torpedoes? Or fill them with red matter, or maybe a bomb made from element "X". Just as likely as a nuclear warhead.

With the money Obama gave them they can buy several nukes from North Korea. Aren't you glad you asked?

What makes you think Pooti hasn't already given them a weapon?
With the money Obama gave them they can buy several nukes from North Korea. Aren't you glad you asked?

Do you have any evidence that N. Korea has ever offered a nuclear warhead for sale? Or is that just wild ass speculation that something that has never ever happened, will suddenly happen.
With the money Obama gave them they can buy several nukes from North Korea. Aren't you glad you asked?

Do you have any evidence that N. Korea has ever offered a nuclear warhead for sale? Or is that just wild ass speculation that something that has never ever happened, will suddenly happen.

They need the money and only a fool would think they wouldn't sell if they were asked.
Damn I'm glad I joined this forum this thread now explains how Trump was elected. Trumptard snowflake's going down the tubes with their so called leader. You just can't make this shit up, are you pugs a little butthurt?
With the money Obama gave them they can buy several nukes from North Korea. Aren't you glad you asked?

What makes you think Pooti hasn't already given them a weapon?

That a million times more likely than Iran getting them from N. Korea. Putin has more nukes than he knows what to do with, and can supply Iran with vintage weapons that would look like designs the Iranians would be able to make today.
They need the money and only a fool would think they wouldn't sell if they were asked.

Then why in the history of history, nobody has ever bought or sold a nuclear weapon. You make it sound easy.

There is a first time for everything. Here are germane excerpts from:

North Korea’s nuclear test was a sales pitch to other rogue states

Since 2006, every three years or so, North Korea blows up a nuclear bomb. But on Sept. 9, it tested a nuclear bomb in fewer than nine months since its last such test.

But experts warn that it’s time we stop taking North Korea lightly and that we act before it’s too late. The latest test, they say, is part of a much bigger plan. The rogue state is creating a nuclear program that could make it impossible for the US and allies to defend against. Worse still, North Korea is advancing its technology in such a way that could soon produce nuclear bombs and sell them to other rogue states, such as Syria, Iran, and Pakistan.

“The UN may call for new sanctions, but unless the Chinese cut off airspace and ports, close the border, stop the North Koreans from using the Chinese financial system… the sanctions aren’t going to work” says Cha.

Even if China were convinced to levy stricter sanctions against North Korea, it’s hard to see how that’s going to crush the rogue regime’s ambitions. The pace of progress suggests that North Korea will soon reach a point where it’s able to sell nuclear weapons to the highest bidder."
The pace of progress suggests that North Korea will soon reach a point where it’s able to sell nuclear weapons to the highest bidder."

So N. Korea can't currently sell nukes to Iran. And even if they could, Iran would need to buy dozens, which if far beyond the N. Koreans capabilities.
Every day for the next 8 years, the Trump administration will be on the verge of downfall...
Russia would commit suicide for Iran?

How would a no longer existing Israel strike another nation?
While the "Kremlin-gate" issue is a specific situation that may bring down Trump's presidency, the real problem derives from Trump and many of his people's lack of character and lack of understanding that running the nation is not at all analogous to running a private corporation or firm. The first of those is self explanatory. As goes the latter, even leading a public corporation, by dint of its managers having to be accountable to shareholders and all that entails, is more similar to running the nation than is running a privately held one.

Trump claims he's smart, but someone of average intellect would realize what the problems are. While one cannot alter one's character overnight, a smart person would notice immediately that they cannot use the same "unencumbered by checks and balances" -- both formal and cultural -- leadership style they used at their own corporation to run the government, or even a public corporation.

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