This really is the end


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Hamas says the current round of talks with Israel is the last for the Palestinians. Either Israel capitulates now or their talking days are over! Ignoring the fact gun-2-the-head negotiations are by definition likely to fail, one must wonder if Hamas now speaks for all Palestinians and if this is the end what will become of those hapless "refugees?"
Unity government - I wonder why when they finally achieved something and all they had to do is stop wasting blood and money is the only request from Israel ..
The selfish Palestinians ...go figure.
Hamas as usual is playing a brutal deadly game of bluff and propaganda. This type of statements should be completely ignored and certainly will be by Israel.

Israel will not be blackmailed and will set the conditions for any ceasefire, not Hamas.
No, it is just the beginning.

[ame=]Pro Palestinian protests around the world - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Clashes erupt during West Bank Day of Anger - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Aussie protesters slam Israeli atrocities against Gazans - YouTube[/ame]
Hamas says the current round of talks with Israel is the last for the Palestinians. Either Israel capitulates now or their talking days are over! Ignoring the fact gun-2-the-head negotiations are by definition likely to fail, one must wonder if Hamas now speaks for all Palestinians and if this is the end what will become of those hapless "refugees?"

Time for Israel to tell hamas that they will not talk while they are holding a gun to their heads. And if any attacks take place there will be no ceasefire until hamas is squashed and gaza a smoking ruin. Tell the UN if they want to be anti semitic Jew haters then they must bear the cost of their convictions and tear up the UN charter for good measure. We should lobby our governments to pull out of the UN while it is fundamentally racist and anti semitic leaving it penniless and begging for cash.

Watch what happens when hamas starts attacking Israel again because it cant get its own way. Then you will see the protesters for what they really are ISLAMONAZI SCUM. Watch the police go in with batons and arrest the ringleaders. See them at court crying because they are being tried for RACISM and INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE

Watch what happens when hamas starts attacking Israel again because it cant get its own way. Then you will see the protesters for what they really are ISLAMONAZI SCUM. Watch the police go in with batons and arrest the ringleaders. See them at court crying because they are being tried for RACISM and INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE

Is name calling all you got?:eusa_boohoo:

Watch what happens when hamas starts attacking Israel again because it cant get its own way. Then you will see the protesters for what they really are ISLAMONAZI SCUM. Watch the police go in with batons and arrest the ringleaders. See them at court crying because they are being tried for RACISM and INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE

Is name calling all you got?:eusa_boohoo:

What name calling would that be, seeing as many have already been arrested and charged with raicial abuse and incitement to violence in the UK. This is why the BDS movement has stopped dead in its tracks, they are so thin on the ground that they cant use violence to stop people buying from Isreali sources and be attending hopenothate, uaf and anl rallies inciting violence, racism and religious intolerance.
Watch what happens when hamas starts attacking Israel again because it cant get its own way. Then you will see the protesters for what they really are ISLAMONAZI SCUM. Watch the police go in with batons and arrest the ringleaders. See them at court crying because they are being tried for RACISM and INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE

Is name calling all you got?:eusa_boohoo:

What name calling would that be, seeing as many have already been arrested and charged with raicial abuse and incitement to violence in the UK. This is why the BDS movement has stopped dead in its tracks, they are so thin on the ground that they cant use violence to stop people buying from Isreali sources and be attending hopenothate, uaf and anl rallies inciting violence, racism and religious intolerance.

Hamas says the current round of talks with Israel is the last for the Palestinians. Either Israel capitulates now or their talking days are over! Ignoring the fact gun-2-the-head negotiations are by definition likely to fail, one must wonder if Hamas now speaks for all Palestinians and if this is the end what will become of those hapless "refugees?"
It appears the end of Hamas is imminent.
I have 2 questions for the Israeli leadership:

1-since it is obvious this war was an iranian deflection from the failed nuclear weapons talks, why didn't Israel attack Iranian interests, i.e., send proxy attacks into iran since iran has been doing this to Israel for decades?

2-why did Israel refrain from liquidating the hamas leadership hiding in bunkers in gaza, when doing so would have led to a rapid capitulation of hamas early in this latest artificial conflict, fought on iran's behest?
TOPIC: This really is the end

SAYIT, et al,

No, unfortunately, this is not "The End."

Hamas says the current round of talks with Israel is the last for the Palestinians. Either Israel capitulates now or their talking days are over! Ignoring the fact gun-2-the-head negotiations are by definition likely to fail, one must wonder if Hamas now speaks for all Palestinians and if this is the end what will become of those hapless "refugees?"

Hamas official: This is second and final cease-fire with Israel said:
"We are facing difficult negotiations. The first truce passed without notable achievements. This is the second and final cease-fire," Palestinian news agency Ma'an quoted Mousa Abu Marzouk as saying in light of the three-day halt in fighting that started Sunday.​
Saudi King Calls for International Stand Against Terrorism said:
“I call on leaders and scholars of the Islamic nation to carry out their duty towards God Almighty, and to stand in the face of those trying to hijack Islam and present it to the world as a religion of extremism, hatred, and terrorism, and to speak the word of truth, and not fear anybody. Our nation today is passing through a critical, historic stage, and history will be witness against those who have been the tool exploited by the enemies to disperse and tear the nation and tarnish the pure image of Islam,” said King Abdullah.​
SOURCE: Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Press Release August 1, 2014
Kuwaiti Cleric Othoman Al-Khamis urged Hamas leaders to “show some regard” for the Muslims killed in the Gaza-Israel conflict. The terrorist group often places civilians, including women and children, in the middle of a fight.
“For God's sake, show some regard for the lives of the Muslims who were killed,” he said. “More than 2,000 Muslims were killed, and over 10,000 wounded. Who is responsible for that? What were they killed for? How many Jews did we hit? How many Jews were killed in return? Not even a hundred.”
Israel is more advanced in technology and military than Gaza. The Iron Dome system intercepts missiles fired into Israel. The seven domes boast a 90% success rate. Al-Khamis said Muslims should not use the blockade as an excuse or fight if the enemy is stronger.
“What did we get in exchange for all those bombs and Muslim casualties?” he continued. “The blockade? The blockade has been there since 2006. It's nothing new. The blockade will not be lifted by this war, just like the previous war did not lift it. One must look at things rationally, and deal with things as they really are. They say, ‘The blockade is killing us. It’s better to die (fighting).’ Not true!”
“You should not fight the enemy if you have no chance at winning. It’s about winning, not about dying. Muslims fight not in order to die, but in order to win. That’s the principle. Therefore, if the Muslims are weak, they are not allowed to fight.”​
Hamas reportedly executing tunnel diggers to keep locations secret said:
Hamas reportedly has been executing tunnel diggers out of fear that they will reveal secrets to Israel’s military, which has been on a mission to destroy the militant group’s sophisticated network underneath Gaza.

A report on Israel’s Walla news site said many of the tunnel diggers employed by Hamas worked shifts of up to 24 hours long -- often under coercion -- and were paid $150-300 a month for their services, according to the Algemeiner.

“They would take some 100 men in trucks, their eyes blindfolded so that they could not know the accurate location of the tunnel entries,” a Gaza source familiar with the tunnel digging told Walla. “Hamas were fearful that one of them was collaborating with Israel.”​
SOURCE: Published August 12,

Arab states offer little help to Hamas
Saudi Arabia, Jordan and others find themselves supportive of Israel's aims in its fight against Hamas.
Arab States have essentially lined up against Hamas, which has no legitimate allies in the Arab world except Iran, thus benefiting Israel. "The Arab states' loathing and fear of political Islam is so strong that it outweighs their allergy …
United Press International · 7/31/2014​

Arab states support Israel against Hamas
NEW YORK: Egypt is leading a new coalition of Arab states — including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — that has effectively lined up with Israel in its fight against Hamas that controls the Gaza Strip, says the New York Times in a ...
Pakistan Defence · 8/1/2014​

Arab Leaders Turn Against Hamas
Israel has the tacit support of Arab states led by Egypt in its war against Hamas in Gaza, The New York Times reported. Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have lined up behind Cairo in backing Jerusalem's military campaign against the ...
News Max · 7/31/2014​

This is not the end, as we would commonly think of an end. It may be the beginning of a turning point, but not the end.

As you can see, whether you look at the Political perspective, the Religious perspective, or the Diplomatic perspective, there is a disconnect between how the western world views the events, and how the Arab Regional leaders and clerics might view the events. Israel is proceeding under the old adage: "When in the Arab World, do as the Arabs do."

HAMAS is coming under pressure from all sides, except the UN, Western Alliances and the International Court. The Arab leaders (Political, Religious and Diplomatic) understand the threat and danger posed by HAMAS; whereas, the West is not fully appreciative of those same concerns.

No matter what HAMAS says, no matter what its fate, there are some 6 generations of living Hostile Arab Palestinians out there that will still present a viable threat to Regional Peace and security; including religious extremists.

HAMAS political rhetoric in the media is much like Michigan weather. Wait five minutes and some leader will state something different in terms of strategy.

Most Respectfully,

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