This Pride Sign Is at the Entrance of a WA School

Yes, only legally owned guns can murder people.
Dumber and dumber they get…..

now again it is the guns that kill people.

You really need to make up your mind, you are sounding like a gun grabber more and more each post
Topic is not about me. Address the OP or start a thread about me. Your choice.

As for the OP, assuming that sign was at a High School, what is the problem with it? Did you not know by your freshman year whether you were attracted to boy or girls?
1. "Violent" is a potential. Everyone has the potential to be violent, in the right circumstances. If someone breaks into my house, I may very well kill them. That is not a sin by American traditional morals. Your standard seems vague and likely subjective. What specific example were you thinking of?

2. People are not put into prison for a bag of weed.
"Violent" -- depends on who is doing the defining. Don't they just love that slippery slope?
How, in our current system, would you NOT release him, once he had served his time?

How about we fix the Weather proved, not allowing them to own guns does not keep people safe from those that are a danger to society
How about we fix the Weather proved, not allowing them to own guns does not keep people safe from those that are a danger to society

Fix it HOW? To allow keeping people in prison indefinitely?

Or do you have some OTHER, answer, something you were not comfortable with being upfront about?
"Good parents are upset"

also we're going to give these teachers we don't trust....GUNS

You gonna keep whining and running or do you have any way to explain the fact that you are ready to give the very same people you've been bitching about FOR YEARS guns and ammunition?
Not all teachers are groomers. I am a teacher who is not a groomer. I am also a teacher who would gladly carry a GUN in case I would someday need to protect the children that I teach and do not groom.

Some schools have signs that say, "Warning Staff may be Armed," or some such, while other have signs as posted by Weatherman2020 depicting a teacher of indeterminate gender showing physical affection to a student of indeterminate gender.

As a teacher, I condemn the depictions of inappropriate teacher/student contact and a promise of secrecy concerning such a relationship. Any teacher who does not gives ammunition to the "teachers are groomers," crowd.

I implore you to condemn the grooming, SweetSue92, instead of doing a victory dance over a contradiction you believe you have exposed in the enemy. Then ask yourself why concerned parents are "the enemy."
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Fix it HOW? To allow keeping people in prison indefinitely?

Or do you have some OTHER, answer, something you were not comfortable with being upfront about?

Yes, keep people that are too dangerous to society in prison indefinitely.
How about we fix the Weather proved, not allowing them to own guns does not keep people safe from those that are a danger to society
You can start by telling your fellow Democrats to not release over a hundred thousand violent felons from prison early.

Something like 85% of those on parole are rearrested within a year of release.

And that’s just the ones that got caught.
As for the OP, assuming that sign was at a High School, what is the problem with it? Did you not know by your freshman year whether you were attracted to boy or girls?
You validate why the Left are dangerous.
Golfing Gator, why would you leap to the conclusion that these signs must be at a high school? Because it would be inappropriate to talk to students below high school age about their sexuality?

Are you aware that the Florida law that the left raging about forbids talking about sexuality to kids third grade and below?
Yes, keep people that are too dangerous to society in prison indefinitely.

1. You would at least need a Constitutional Amendment.

2. POlitically unfeasible. Especially once any set of standards you have, starts impacting "Traditionally disadvantaged groups" disproportionately.

3.Economically doubtful. Though the real hardcore cases... might be doable. Economically speaking.
Golfing Gator, why would you leap to the conclusion that these signs must be at a high school?

Because high schools tend to be the schools that have after school clubs/meetings in school rooms. Not something you see as much in elementary schools as the kids would not have a way home.

Also, I said "IF", not that they were for sure.
1. You would at least need a Constitutional Amendment.

2. POlitically unfeasible. Especially once any set of standards you have, starts impacting "Traditionally disadvantaged groups" disproportionately.

3.Economically doubtful. Though the real hardcore cases... might be doable. Economically speaking.

1. Why? We do not need a Constitutional Amendment to take away basic rights protected by the constitution for those we deem a "danger". If it is legal for them to be punished after leaving jail it would be legal to keep them in jail

2. As are most things that need done in this country.

3. Let out the folks on drug charges that did not harm anyone but themselves and now you have lots of money for the the truly "danger to society" ones.

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