This is why we have gun crime, killers released on bail, killing while on that bail...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we have left wingers getting violent criminals out of jail on bond.....the criminals get illegal guns and murder people...but the solution to this problem is taking guns away from normal people....

What sense does that make?

“Why did they have to let him go?” That is what an anguished Anastasia Starr shrieked after watching career criminal Dietrich Thomas kill her husband Eric just a few days ago.

Dietrich was out on bail for a similar shooting in February, just one in a long series of arrests for guns and violence.

Now Eric’s family wants to know how that could have happened. Aren’t dangerous people supposed to be in jail so they can stop hurting people? That was the way it was, before Criminal Justice Reform.

From the smallest district attorney to the President of the United States, the so-called Criminal Justice Reform movement is now the law of the land in places like Houston, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Dallas, Baltimore, and dozens of other cities.

The same public officials who used to brag about how many criminals they arrested are now proud of how many they let go. In Chicago, the local papers run banner headlines touting the success of this new social-justice strategy -- as measured by the record low number of people in Chicago jails.

A short list of killers released on bond.....

Let’s look at a few more examples on the butcher’s bill:

In Racine, Wisconsin, career criminal Dalquavis Ward was back on the streets for four days after his latest release from the pen. That’s how long it took him to get a gun, case a popular bar, rob it, then kill an off-duty cop who tried to stop him. That was just a few weeks ago.

In Houston, the chief of police wants to know how an accused killer was walking the streets with low bail, so he could try and kill someone again three weeks ago. This time a 10-year old. “At the time of the child's shooting, the suspect -- identified as Ketrell Beasley, 18 -- was out of jail on bond on a murder charge,” said KHOU news. “Beasley is accused of murdering a 20-year-old man in Third Ward in February, but he bonded out last week after being given a low bail.”

In Nashville, the headline tells the story: “Accused Nashville killer rearrested while free on bond,” said the local Fox affiliate. “Police believe Myeisha Brown killed Ruxin Wang last year as he was taking out the trash in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood in South Nashville. Wang died from two gunshot wounds, one to the stomach, another to the leg.”

They caught Myeisha leaving a drug house with the keys to a stolen car.

You think the Jarod Kushner-Van Jones version of criminal justice reform could not get any stranger? Don’t bet on that.

Myeisha was released after a lily-white coven of socialites formed a group to raise money to bail black people out of jail. Myeisha “walked out of jail in January after posting $10,000, enough for release with a $100,000 bond. Crowdsourcing funded the money in a Cyntoia Brown-inspired campaign by an organization called EPIC Girl.”

I hereby swear this story is true, and not some Onion-inspired prank on the readers of American Thinker.

There’s more. In South Carolina in May, Shagura Mack shot the new boyfriend of his old girlfriend. Mack “was out of jail on bond for a murder charge from a 2014 homicide at the time of Saturday’s shooting,” reported “In that case, he is accused of opening fire on a vehicle during what witnesses said was a botched drug deal.”

This is a long list: In Burlington, North Carolina just a few days ago, 26-year-old Hyquan Parker was partying with four fellas and lovely ladies. As they say, an argument broke out. Hyquan got a shotgun and killed three of them.

By now he knows the drill. the News Observer connected the dots:

“In February 2009, Parker was convicted of second-degree murder in Durham for the August 2007 killing of Kordero Teriq Odom, 19. He was sentenced to between 7 years and 10 months in prison and 10 years and 2 months in prison and was released in January 2016.”

That’s six years and 11 months for murder. There’s more:

“In June 2016 Parker was convicted of assault with deadly weapon inflicting serious injury and common law robbery, records show. He was sentenced to between 2 years and 4 months in prison and 3 years and 10 months in prison. He was released in December 2018.”

That’s 30 months: For a killer, back on the streets, robbing and hurting people with a gun.

Back in Houston, it happened again -- all in the time between sending this article to my editor and seeing it published here: Killer. Bail. More argy bargy. More public officials acting surprised. Check out this “I would not believe it if I did not see it” video: Killers on the loose in Houston.

Meanwhile, down in New Orleans -- one of America’s truly dark and dirty and dangerous Chocolate cities -- the same politicians and local media who insisted we need Criminal Justice Reform because cops are always picking on black people for no reason whatsoever, now wonder why so many criminals are targeting so many tourists in the French Quarter.


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