This is why I am here, why are you here-? (just asking)

well ding------try to answer the question
Which question?

Why so many people hate the Jews?
No, why you never answer any questions directly, is it your autism?

getting back to ding-------Taoists and Hindus and Buddhists-----do not hate
jews. Christians and Muslims hate jews because both Christianity and
Islam are totalitarian ideologies and imperialistic Jews RESIST totalitarianism
and Imperialism. Interestingly-----Alexander was actually quite totalitarian and imperialistic-------but he chose to be opened to tolerating jewish resistence
That's some mighty broad brush strokes you are painting there.
well ding------try to answer the question
Which question?

Why so many people hate the Jews?
No, why you never answer any questions directly, is it your autism?

getting back to ding-------Taoists and Hindus and Buddhists-----do not hate
jews. Christians and Muslims hate jews because both Christianity and
Islam are totalitarian ideologies and imperialistic Jews RESIST totalitarianism
and Imperialism. Interestingly-----Alexander was actually quite totalitarian and imperialistic-------but he chose to be opened to tolerating jewish resistence
That's some mighty broad brush strokes you are painting there.

if you have something to say---SAY IT-----it is silly to SING CANARDS
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Apparently you are ignorant of 20th century history. Lebanon, a mostly Christian nation, was considered the "Paris of the Middle East." They had a Muslim population that while not large, was peaceful......then.....the Palestinians left Israeli territory and the Lebanese Christians opened their doors and hearts to the Palestinian Muslims. When the Palestinian population reached similar proportions to the Christians, they began attacking the Christians. Palestinian Muslim neighbors would attack and kill their Christian neighbors. When the Christians asked their Muslim neighbors why they were attacking them as they thought they were their friends, the Muslims simply replied that it was because they were infidels. Road blocks were set up by the Palestinians and when cars were found with Christians inside them, they would drag them out and shoot them, thus the Christian-Muslim war began in Lebanon. The UN sent a Multi-National Peace-Keeping Force to intervene. That intervention led to the Lebanese government to concede to a coalition government of 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. The International Peace Keeping Force moved out. Afterwards, Christian politicians were repeatedly bombed, reducing their numbers. Now, Hezbollah runs Lebanon.
This is the result of naïve Christians opening their doors and hearts to Muslims and the stated goal of the Palestinians is the complete destruction of Israel and Israelis.
Look around the planet, there are about 51 majority Muslim nations. Those nations were originally, "not" Islamic. Islam is a mandated combination of being political, religious and military/war. It's core belief is in conquering the entire planet and will never cease with that goal.
There are a couple of old sayings that ring true, "if one does not learn from history, one is doomed to repeat it" and "if you do not understand your enemy, you will lose to him."
Religious beliefs, even though they are at their core, total B.S., are powerful in their ability to sway people to commit truly vile acts in their names.
They were doing things for atheism. You're simply wrong. Again. :cool:
"A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could." Vladimir Lenin
It's just a philosophy, so how is that worse than 9/11?
Orders upon orders of magnitude worse, Tazmudda.
I asked how, is English not your first language?
Lives lost, lives destroyed, Tazmudda. Do you even history?

Marxism does not exceed either Christianity or islam in Lives lost and Lives
destroyed. Learn some history, dingy dear
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Going back to just the title of this post, the reason we are here is because females (whether they be female dogs, cats, monkeys, bears, moose, et cetera) were impregnated by their male counterparts and after a gestation period, spit out some offspring. That's it. There is no supernatural component to it. What we do with our lives doesn't really mean a damn in the scheme of things. All that matters is, are you a good parent to your offspring (i.e., treat your children with love and compassion). That's all.
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Apparently you are ignorant of 20th century history. Lebanon, a mostly Christian nation, was considered the "Paris of the Middle East." They had a Muslim population that while not large, was peaceful......then.....the Palestinians left Israeli territory and the Lebanese Christians opened their doors and hearts to the Palestinian Muslims. When the Palestinian population reached similar proportions to the Christians, they began attacking the Christians. Palestinian Muslim neighbors would attack and kill their Christian neighbors. When the Christians asked their Muslim neighbors why they were attacking them as they thought they were their friends, the Muslims simply replied that it was because they were infidels. Road blocks were set up by the Palestinians and when cars were found with Christians inside them, they would drag them out and shoot them, thus the Christian-Muslim war began in Lebanon. The UN sent a Multi-National Peace-Keeping Force to intervene. That intervention led to the Lebanese government to concede to a coalition government of 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. The International Peace Keeping Force moved out. Afterwards, Christian politicians were repeatedly bombed, reducing their numbers. Now, Hezbollah runs Lebanon.
This is the result of naïve Christians opening their doors and hearts to Muslims and the stated goal of the Palestinians is the complete destruction of Israel and Israelis.
Look around the planet, there are about 51 majority Muslim nations. Those nations were originally, "not" Islamic. Islam is a mandated combination of being political, religious and military/war. It's core belief is in conquering the entire planet and will never cease with that goal.
There are a couple of old sayings that ring true, "if one does not learn from history, one is doomed to repeat it" and "if you do not understand your enemy, you will lose to him."
Religious beliefs, even though they are at their core, total B.S., are powerful in their ability to sway people to commit truly vile acts in their names.

Lucky duckie------of course you are right----Lebanon WAS a Christian country and still has a sizeable Christian population-----but in order to
understand the Islamic POV-----you need to know some important points
of the Islamic ethos. Every time a muslim forced INVADES a country---ISLAM IS DOING THAT COUNTRY a big favor. You should understand
this notion since ----if you are Christian-----I got news for you-----the countries to which LOVING MISSIONARIES go----do not necessarily see
the CHARITABLE SISTERS as a boon to their existence. Your words do
make sense in the USA-----but not in the Islamic world. Lots of muslims see the catholic or maronite Lebanese as TRAITORS-----more "French"
than Lebanese-----not "arab" enough. ------decades ago the Maronites
had more power in Lebanon------them days if over------the only maronites
who can prosper in any way in Lebanon are those willing to be subjugated
to Islamic control-------it is a tragic but real situaton
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Apparently you are ignorant of 20th century history. Lebanon, a mostly Christian nation, was considered the "Paris of the Middle East." They had a Muslim population that while not large, was peaceful......then.....the Palestinians left Israeli territory and the Lebanese Christians opened their doors and hearts to the Palestinian Muslims. When the Palestinian population reached similar proportions to the Christians, they began attacking the Christians. Palestinian Muslim neighbors would attack and kill their Christian neighbors. When the Christians asked their Muslim neighbors why they were attacking them as they thought they were their friends, the Muslims simply replied that it was because they were infidels. Road blocks were set up by the Palestinians and when cars were found with Christians inside them, they would drag them out and shoot them, thus the Christian-Muslim war began in Lebanon. The UN sent a Multi-National Peace-Keeping Force to intervene. That intervention led to the Lebanese government to concede to a coalition government of 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. The International Peace Keeping Force moved out. Afterwards, Christian politicians were repeatedly bombed, reducing their numbers. Now, Hezbollah runs Lebanon.
This is the result of naïve Christians opening their doors and hearts to Muslims and the stated goal of the Palestinians is the complete destruction of Israel and Israelis.
Look around the planet, there are about 51 majority Muslim nations. Those nations were originally, "not" Islamic. Islam is a mandated combination of being political, religious and military/war. It's core belief is in conquering the entire planet and will never cease with that goal.
There are a couple of old sayings that ring true, "if one does not learn from history, one is doomed to repeat it" and "if you do not understand your enemy, you will lose to him."
Religious beliefs, even though they are at their core, total B.S., are powerful in their ability to sway people to commit truly vile acts in their names.

Lucky duckie------of course you are right----Lebanon WAS a Christian country and still has a sizeable Christian population-----but in order to
understand the Islamic POV-----you need to know some important points
of the Islamic ethos. Every time a muslim forced INVADES a country---ISLAM IS DOING THAT COUNTRY a big favor. You should understand
this notion since ----if you are Christian-----I got news for you-----the countries to which LOVING MISSIONARIES go----do not necessarily see
the CHARITABLE SISTERS as a boon to their existence. Your words do
make sense in the USA-----but not in the Islamic world. Lots of muslims see the catholic or maronite Lebanese as TRAITORS-----more "French"
than Lebanese-----not "arab" enough. ------decades ago the Maronites
had more power in Lebanon------them days if over------the only maronites
who can prosper in any way in Lebanon are those willing to be subjugated
to Islamic control-------it is a tragic but real situaton
I'm an ATHEIST! All religion is crap, especially Islam. Every time a Muslim is killed, whoever has killed him/her, he is doing the world a favor. The only good Muslim is a dead one. The sooner all Muslims are butchered, the better.
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Apparently you are ignorant of 20th century history. Lebanon, a mostly Christian nation, was considered the "Paris of the Middle East." They had a Muslim population that while not large, was peaceful......then.....the Palestinians left Israeli territory and the Lebanese Christians opened their doors and hearts to the Palestinian Muslims. When the Palestinian population reached similar proportions to the Christians, they began attacking the Christians. Palestinian Muslim neighbors would attack and kill their Christian neighbors. When the Christians asked their Muslim neighbors why they were attacking them as they thought they were their friends, the Muslims simply replied that it was because they were infidels. Road blocks were set up by the Palestinians and when cars were found with Christians inside them, they would drag them out and shoot them, thus the Christian-Muslim war began in Lebanon. The UN sent a Multi-National Peace-Keeping Force to intervene. That intervention led to the Lebanese government to concede to a coalition government of 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. The International Peace Keeping Force moved out. Afterwards, Christian politicians were repeatedly bombed, reducing their numbers. Now, Hezbollah runs Lebanon.
This is the result of naïve Christians opening their doors and hearts to Muslims and the stated goal of the Palestinians is the complete destruction of Israel and Israelis.
Look around the planet, there are about 51 majority Muslim nations. Those nations were originally, "not" Islamic. Islam is a mandated combination of being political, religious and military/war. It's core belief is in conquering the entire planet and will never cease with that goal.
There are a couple of old sayings that ring true, "if one does not learn from history, one is doomed to repeat it" and "if you do not understand your enemy, you will lose to him."
Religious beliefs, even though they are at their core, total B.S., are powerful in their ability to sway people to commit truly vile acts in their names.

Lucky duckie------of course you are right----Lebanon WAS a Christian country and still has a sizeable Christian population-----but in order to
understand the Islamic POV-----you need to know some important points
of the Islamic ethos. Every time a muslim forced INVADES a country---ISLAM IS DOING THAT COUNTRY a big favor. You should understand
this notion since ----if you are Christian-----I got news for you-----the countries to which LOVING MISSIONARIES go----do not necessarily see
the CHARITABLE SISTERS as a boon to their existence. Your words do
make sense in the USA-----but not in the Islamic world. Lots of muslims see the catholic or maronite Lebanese as TRAITORS-----more "French"
than Lebanese-----not "arab" enough. ------decades ago the Maronites
had more power in Lebanon------them days if over------the only maronites
who can prosper in any way in Lebanon are those willing to be subjugated
to Islamic control-------it is a tragic but real situaton
I'm an ATHEIST! All religion is crap, especially Islam. Every time a Muslim is killed, whoever has killed him/her, he is doing the world a favor. The only good Muslim is a dead one. The sooner all Muslims are butchered, the better.

not nice. You have a religion----Atheism
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Going back to just the title of this post, the reason we are here is because females (whether they be female dogs, cats, monkeys, bears, moose, et cetera) were impregnated by their male counterparts and after a gestation period, spit out some offspring. That's it. There is no supernatural component to it. What we do with our lives doesn't really mean a damn in the scheme of things. All that matters is, are you a good parent to your offspring (i.e., treat your children with love and compassion). That's all.
... spit out some offspring. That's it.There is no supernatural component to it.

not so fast, there is a metaphysical reason for the existence of living organisms that is not yet explained and is supernatural to the universe.
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Apparently you are ignorant of 20th century history. Lebanon, a mostly Christian nation, was considered the "Paris of the Middle East." They had a Muslim population that while not large, was peaceful......then.....the Palestinians left Israeli territory and the Lebanese Christians opened their doors and hearts to the Palestinian Muslims. When the Palestinian population reached similar proportions to the Christians, they began attacking the Christians. Palestinian Muslim neighbors would attack and kill their Christian neighbors. When the Christians asked their Muslim neighbors why they were attacking them as they thought they were their friends, the Muslims simply replied that it was because they were infidels. Road blocks were set up by the Palestinians and when cars were found with Christians inside them, they would drag them out and shoot them, thus the Christian-Muslim war began in Lebanon. The UN sent a Multi-National Peace-Keeping Force to intervene. That intervention led to the Lebanese government to concede to a coalition government of 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. The International Peace Keeping Force moved out. Afterwards, Christian politicians were repeatedly bombed, reducing their numbers. Now, Hezbollah runs Lebanon.
This is the result of naïve Christians opening their doors and hearts to Muslims and the stated goal of the Palestinians is the complete destruction of Israel and Israelis.
Look around the planet, there are about 51 majority Muslim nations. Those nations were originally, "not" Islamic. Islam is a mandated combination of being political, religious and military/war. It's core belief is in conquering the entire planet and will never cease with that goal.
There are a couple of old sayings that ring true, "if one does not learn from history, one is doomed to repeat it" and "if you do not understand your enemy, you will lose to him."
Religious beliefs, even though they are at their core, total B.S., are powerful in their ability to sway people to commit truly vile acts in their names.

Lucky duckie------of course you are right----Lebanon WAS a Christian country and still has a sizeable Christian population-----but in order to
understand the Islamic POV-----you need to know some important points
of the Islamic ethos. Every time a muslim forced INVADES a country---ISLAM IS DOING THAT COUNTRY a big favor. You should understand
this notion since ----if you are Christian-----I got news for you-----the countries to which LOVING MISSIONARIES go----do not necessarily see
the CHARITABLE SISTERS as a boon to their existence. Your words do
make sense in the USA-----but not in the Islamic world. Lots of muslims see the catholic or maronite Lebanese as TRAITORS-----more "French"
than Lebanese-----not "arab" enough. ------decades ago the Maronites
had more power in Lebanon------them days if over------the only maronites
who can prosper in any way in Lebanon are those willing to be subjugated
to Islamic control-------it is a tragic but real situaton
I'm an ATHEIST! All religion is crap, especially Islam. Every time a Muslim is killed, whoever has killed him/her, he is doing the world a favor. The only good Muslim is a dead one. The sooner all Muslims are butchered, the better.

not nice. You have a religion----Atheism
The official definition of religion: The belief in and worship of a super-human, supernatural god or gods.
Atheism: The "lack" of a belief in a god or gods.
We who are atheists lack a belief in deities, therefore are not part of a religion.
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Going back to just the title of this post, the reason we are here is because females (whether they be female dogs, cats, monkeys, bears, moose, et cetera) were impregnated by their male counterparts and after a gestation period, spit out some offspring. That's it. There is no supernatural component to it. What we do with our lives doesn't really mean a damn in the scheme of things. All that matters is, are you a good parent to your offspring (i.e., treat your children with love and compassion). That's all.
... spit out some offspring. That's it.There is no supernatural component to it.

not so fast, there is a metaphysical reason for the existence of living organisms that is not yet explained and is supernatural to the universe.

thanks ducky and breezie. ------you have presented THE BIG QUESTION. ------------
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Going back to just the title of this post, the reason we are here is because females (whether they be female dogs, cats, monkeys, bears, moose, et cetera) were impregnated by their male counterparts and after a gestation period, spit out some offspring. That's it. There is no supernatural component to it. What we do with our lives doesn't really mean a damn in the scheme of things. All that matters is, are you a good parent to your offspring (i.e., treat your children with love and compassion). That's all.
... spit out some offspring. That's it.There is no supernatural component to it.

not so fast, there is a metaphysical reason for the existence of living organisms that is not yet explained and is supernatural to the universe.
No there isn't.
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Apparently you are ignorant of 20th century history. Lebanon, a mostly Christian nation, was considered the "Paris of the Middle East." They had a Muslim population that while not large, was peaceful......then.....the Palestinians left Israeli territory and the Lebanese Christians opened their doors and hearts to the Palestinian Muslims. When the Palestinian population reached similar proportions to the Christians, they began attacking the Christians. Palestinian Muslim neighbors would attack and kill their Christian neighbors. When the Christians asked their Muslim neighbors why they were attacking them as they thought they were their friends, the Muslims simply replied that it was because they were infidels. Road blocks were set up by the Palestinians and when cars were found with Christians inside them, they would drag them out and shoot them, thus the Christian-Muslim war began in Lebanon. The UN sent a Multi-National Peace-Keeping Force to intervene. That intervention led to the Lebanese government to concede to a coalition government of 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. The International Peace Keeping Force moved out. Afterwards, Christian politicians were repeatedly bombed, reducing their numbers. Now, Hezbollah runs Lebanon.
This is the result of naïve Christians opening their doors and hearts to Muslims and the stated goal of the Palestinians is the complete destruction of Israel and Israelis.
Look around the planet, there are about 51 majority Muslim nations. Those nations were originally, "not" Islamic. Islam is a mandated combination of being political, religious and military/war. It's core belief is in conquering the entire planet and will never cease with that goal.
There are a couple of old sayings that ring true, "if one does not learn from history, one is doomed to repeat it" and "if you do not understand your enemy, you will lose to him."
Religious beliefs, even though they are at their core, total B.S., are powerful in their ability to sway people to commit truly vile acts in their names.

Lucky duckie------of course you are right----Lebanon WAS a Christian country and still has a sizeable Christian population-----but in order to
understand the Islamic POV-----you need to know some important points
of the Islamic ethos. Every time a muslim forced INVADES a country---ISLAM IS DOING THAT COUNTRY a big favor. You should understand
this notion since ----if you are Christian-----I got news for you-----the countries to which LOVING MISSIONARIES go----do not necessarily see
the CHARITABLE SISTERS as a boon to their existence. Your words do
make sense in the USA-----but not in the Islamic world. Lots of muslims see the catholic or maronite Lebanese as TRAITORS-----more "French"
than Lebanese-----not "arab" enough. ------decades ago the Maronites
had more power in Lebanon------them days if over------the only maronites
who can prosper in any way in Lebanon are those willing to be subjugated
to Islamic control-------it is a tragic but real situaton
I'm an ATHEIST! All religion is crap, especially Islam. Every time a Muslim is killed, whoever has killed him/her, he is doing the world a favor. The only good Muslim is a dead one. The sooner all Muslims are butchered, the better.

not nice. You have a religion----Atheism
The official definition of religion: The belief in and worship of a super-human, supernatural god or gods.
Atheism: The "lack" of a belief in a god or gods.
We who are atheists lack a belief in deities, therefore are not part of a religion.

thanks-----I like to reject sophistry based on semantics. For Lenin---MARX was "god"
Apparently you are ignorant of 20th century history. Lebanon, a mostly Christian nation, was considered the "Paris of the Middle East." They had a Muslim population that while not large, was peaceful......then.....the Palestinians left Israeli territory and the Lebanese Christians opened their doors and hearts to the Palestinian Muslims. When the Palestinian population reached similar proportions to the Christians, they began attacking the Christians. Palestinian Muslim neighbors would attack and kill their Christian neighbors. When the Christians asked their Muslim neighbors why they were attacking them as they thought they were their friends, the Muslims simply replied that it was because they were infidels. Road blocks were set up by the Palestinians and when cars were found with Christians inside them, they would drag them out and shoot them, thus the Christian-Muslim war began in Lebanon. The UN sent a Multi-National Peace-Keeping Force to intervene. That intervention led to the Lebanese government to concede to a coalition government of 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. The International Peace Keeping Force moved out. Afterwards, Christian politicians were repeatedly bombed, reducing their numbers. Now, Hezbollah runs Lebanon.
This is the result of naïve Christians opening their doors and hearts to Muslims and the stated goal of the Palestinians is the complete destruction of Israel and Israelis.
Look around the planet, there are about 51 majority Muslim nations. Those nations were originally, "not" Islamic. Islam is a mandated combination of being political, religious and military/war. It's core belief is in conquering the entire planet and will never cease with that goal.
There are a couple of old sayings that ring true, "if one does not learn from history, one is doomed to repeat it" and "if you do not understand your enemy, you will lose to him."
Religious beliefs, even though they are at their core, total B.S., are powerful in their ability to sway people to commit truly vile acts in their names.

Lucky duckie------of course you are right----Lebanon WAS a Christian country and still has a sizeable Christian population-----but in order to
understand the Islamic POV-----you need to know some important points
of the Islamic ethos. Every time a muslim forced INVADES a country---ISLAM IS DOING THAT COUNTRY a big favor. You should understand
this notion since ----if you are Christian-----I got news for you-----the countries to which LOVING MISSIONARIES go----do not necessarily see
the CHARITABLE SISTERS as a boon to their existence. Your words do
make sense in the USA-----but not in the Islamic world. Lots of muslims see the catholic or maronite Lebanese as TRAITORS-----more "French"
than Lebanese-----not "arab" enough. ------decades ago the Maronites
had more power in Lebanon------them days if over------the only maronites
who can prosper in any way in Lebanon are those willing to be subjugated
to Islamic control-------it is a tragic but real situaton
I'm an ATHEIST! All religion is crap, especially Islam. Every time a Muslim is killed, whoever has killed him/her, he is doing the world a favor. The only good Muslim is a dead one. The sooner all Muslims are butchered, the better.

not nice. You have a religion----Atheism
The official definition of religion: The belief in and worship of a super-human, supernatural god or gods.
Atheism: The "lack" of a belief in a god or gods.
We who are atheists lack a belief in deities, therefore are not part of a religion.

thanks-----I like to reject sophistry based on semantics. For Lenin---MARX was "god"
Lenin and Marx were also crap.
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Going back to just the title of this post, the reason we are here is because females (whether they be female dogs, cats, monkeys, bears, moose, et cetera) were impregnated by their male counterparts and after a gestation period, spit out some offspring. That's it. There is no supernatural component to it. What we do with our lives doesn't really mean a damn in the scheme of things. All that matters is, are you a good parent to your offspring (i.e., treat your children with love and compassion). That's all.
... spit out some offspring. That's it.There is no supernatural component to it.

not so fast, there is a metaphysical reason for the existence of living organisms that is not yet explained and is supernatural to the universe.
No there isn't.
No there isn't.

there isn't what -

physiology, the physical organism proves the presence of the metaphysical, it is the metaphysical that is not understood.
Lucky duckie------of course you are right----Lebanon WAS a Christian country and still has a sizeable Christian population-----but in order to
understand the Islamic POV-----you need to know some important points
of the Islamic ethos. Every time a muslim forced INVADES a country---ISLAM IS DOING THAT COUNTRY a big favor. You should understand
this notion since ----if you are Christian-----I got news for you-----the countries to which LOVING MISSIONARIES go----do not necessarily see
the CHARITABLE SISTERS as a boon to their existence. Your words do
make sense in the USA-----but not in the Islamic world. Lots of muslims see the catholic or maronite Lebanese as TRAITORS-----more "French"
than Lebanese-----not "arab" enough. ------decades ago the Maronites
had more power in Lebanon------them days if over------the only maronites
who can prosper in any way in Lebanon are those willing to be subjugated
to Islamic control-------it is a tragic but real situaton
I'm an ATHEIST! All religion is crap, especially Islam. Every time a Muslim is killed, whoever has killed him/her, he is doing the world a favor. The only good Muslim is a dead one. The sooner all Muslims are butchered, the better.

not nice. You have a religion----Atheism
The official definition of religion: The belief in and worship of a super-human, supernatural god or gods.
Atheism: The "lack" of a belief in a god or gods.
We who are atheists lack a belief in deities, therefore are not part of a religion.

thanks-----I like to reject sophistry based on semantics. For Lenin---MARX was "god"
Lenin and Marx were also crap.

matter of opinion-----to me black caviar and blini IS CRAP-----but
I do understand that lots of people treasure it
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Going back to just the title of this post, the reason we are here is because females (whether they be female dogs, cats, monkeys, bears, moose, et cetera) were impregnated by their male counterparts and after a gestation period, spit out some offspring. That's it. There is no supernatural component to it. What we do with our lives doesn't really mean a damn in the scheme of things. All that matters is, are you a good parent to your offspring (i.e., treat your children with love and compassion). That's all.
... spit out some offspring. That's it.There is no supernatural component to it.

not so fast, there is a metaphysical reason for the existence of living organisms that is not yet explained and is supernatural to the universe.
No there isn't.
No there isn't.

there isn't what -

physiology, the physical organism proves the presence of the metaphysical, it is the metaphysical that is not understood.
Metaphysics is in the realm of philosophy, not true science and is therefore inconsequential.
This is the biggest reason I am here; but there are others

Why are you here-?
I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

Do you agree that this act could bring about peace in the middle east?
Going back to just the title of this post, the reason we are here is because females (whether they be female dogs, cats, monkeys, bears, moose, et cetera) were impregnated by their male counterparts and after a gestation period, spit out some offspring. That's it. There is no supernatural component to it. What we do with our lives doesn't really mean a damn in the scheme of things. All that matters is, are you a good parent to your offspring (i.e., treat your children with love and compassion). That's all.
... spit out some offspring. That's it.There is no supernatural component to it.

not so fast, there is a metaphysical reason for the existence of living organisms that is not yet explained and is supernatural to the universe.
No there isn't.
No there isn't.

there isn't what -

physiology, the physical organism proves the presence of the metaphysical, it is the metaphysical that is not understood.
Metaphysics is in the realm of philosophy, not true science and is therefore inconsequential.
Metaphysics is in the realm of philosophy, not true science and is therefore inconsequential.

- the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.

you have a poor understanding of the purpose and subject matter for science and its discoveries.

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