This is what the Right Wing wants to cut as wasteful

Are you equally against using taxpayer dollars to give major corporations tax breaks that effectively reduce their tax burden to just 12% a year?


Why? Because I don't believe there should be a corporate tax AT ALL. There shouldn't even be an income tax.

Of course, your next statement will be something about "well then, how do we fund the givernment?" And my answer would be "The Fair Tax". Let's leave THAT debate to another thread.


If givernment officials pass tax breaks to motivate taxpayers to manage their money in certain ways, for instance by providing a mortgage interest tax break to increase home ownership, then why are we taxing "income" and "savings account earnings"?
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George Soros made $750 million in 2003. Being generous and figuring he worked 80-hour weeks and had two weeks off for vacation, that's $187,500 an hour.

Do you think that's okay? Or I suppose I should ask -- do you think that's okay now that it's been rubbed in your face?
I just want you to answer the question I asked you.

Are you going to do it?

Dunno. What the hell are you talking about?

When I look at what this teacher has accomplished with these children. Children learning to memorize. Learning to work together in a group. Children thinking. So much goes into this.

So sick of right wingers downing this kind of creativity. It's because they just don't "get it".

See, this is why people should change the channel once in a while and get information from other sources. When you have people constantly telling you the same lies over and over, you can't see the truth.


We gave more money to schools to buy more supplies and hire more teachers.


they bought the supplies and kept them in a warehouse, never giving them to the kids. And hire another layer of bureaucrats, not teachers.

but, people like rdean think if we just give the schools more money, things will get fixed, never ever admitting that the problem is internal.

liberals are just that uninformed.

So how do you know it's the liberals that hid the supplies in a warehouse?

Liberals run the unions
unions own the teachers
teachers know they have to do what the union says

Liberals fuck our kids over daily.

Care to show me a conservative run public teachers union?
I wouldn't cut music but I think reading, writing, math and science is more important! Time to spend more on educating our children.

They deserve every chance! ;) Now a teacher should make 120k per year either. lol but on the other hand they should be paid around 40-60k and the rest goes toward equipment.
Do you think it's okay for a hedge fund manager to make $39,000/hr?


As there's probably corruption going on for that to occur. :doubt: On the other hand a sciencist, doctors or construction workers should make more then a foot ball player or a hedge fund manager as they're more important to society.

Teachers should make a good amount as they make it possible. ;)
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See, this is why people should change the channel once in a while and get information from other sources. When you have people constantly telling you the same lies over and over, you can't see the truth.


We gave more money to schools to buy more supplies and hire more teachers.


they bought the supplies and kept them in a warehouse, never giving them to the kids. And hire another layer of bureaucrats, not teachers.

but, people like rdean think if we just give the schools more money, things will get fixed, never ever admitting that the problem is internal.

liberals are just that uninformed.

So how do you know it's the liberals that hid the supplies in a warehouse?

Liberals run the unions
unions own the teachers
teachers know they have to do what the union says

Liberals fuck our kids over daily.

Care to show me a conservative run public teachers union?

The problem comes down to corruption. The unions take most of the money away from educating the children. :(
A few random points (from an extremist Right-wing Whacko):

The Department of Education should be abolished because it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Check out Article 1 Section 8, and the Tenth Amendment. Education is up to the states.

The greatest impediment to public education right now is collective bargaining for teachers. Even ignoring the immense tax burden of over-compensating teachers, the unions have effectively made it impossible to remove an incompetent teacher, which acts like a cancer on the entire "profession." See how hard you will work when you know for a fact that you can never be removed from your position, and that you are set for life, regardless of how hard or how effectively you work.

The public school system in, say, Germany, works very well with essentially none of what we euphemistically refer to as "extracurricular activities." No school sports, no school chess club, none of it. Schools are for education, period. Other stuff is provided by community-based organizations, company-sponsored activities, "club" sports, and other non-school organizations. And they seem to do an OK job of educating the kids. It's a wonder, isn't it?

Unions are strong in Germany, but unlike here, they do not see it as their raison d'etat to protect the worst of the employees from the normal and natural results of their incompetence or laziness. The unions (usually) work with management to try to make the company more profitable, the products better and safer, and so forth. Unbelievable, isn't it?

Both on a political and on a personal level, whining about how much someone else makes, or how much they pay in taxes, is petty and counterproductive. It doesn't come out of your pocket, either directly or indirectly. If you don't like what the chairman of Acme Manufacturing makes, don't buy their stock and don't buy their products. Otherwise, just shut up and make the most of your own life and quit whining about people you don't know, and circumstances you couldn't possibly comprehend. Maybe that CEO made billions for his stockholders, or maybe his astute leadership resulted in the company only losing X million dollars when all their competitors were losing 10X million dollars. You don't know. Deal with it.

And life isn't fair - nobody promised it would be fair. And it will never be fair, and if you go through life looking for "fairness," you are both stupid and doomed to unhappiness, and if you even imagine that you know what "fairness" is, you are delusional. Is it fair that we were born in the richest country in the world and can make a fortune with just a little bit of inititiative and luck, while billions of other poor bastards were born in some shit-hole country where the best you can hope for is 40 years of misery before you die of some easily-curable disease, because your corrupt government made it impossible to get the vaccine?

Have I gone off the track? Sorry.
A few random points (from an extremist Right-wing Whacko):

The Department of Education should be abolished because it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Check out Article 1 Section 8, and the Tenth Amendment. Education is up to the states.

The greatest impediment to public education right now is collective bargaining for teachers. Even ignoring the immense tax burden of over-compensating teachers, the unions have effectively made it impossible to remove an incompetent teacher, which acts like a cancer on the entire "profession." See how hard you will work when you know for a fact that you can never be removed from your position, and that you are set for life, regardless of how hard or how effectively you work.

The public school system in, say, Germany, works very well with essentially none of what we euphemistically refer to as "extracurricular activities." No school sports, no school chess club, none of it. Schools are for education, period. Other stuff is provided by community-based organizations, company-sponsored activities, "club" sports, and other non-school organizations. And they seem to do an OK job of educating the kids. It's a wonder, isn't it?

Unions are strong in Germany, but unlike here, they do not see it as their raison d'etat to protect the worst of the employees from the normal and natural results of their incompetence or laziness. The unions (usually) work with management to try to make the company more profitable, the products better and safer, and so forth. Unbelievable, isn't it?

Both on a political and on a personal level, whining about how much someone else makes, or how much they pay in taxes, is petty and counterproductive. It doesn't come out of your pocket, either directly or indirectly. If you don't like what the chairman of Acme Manufacturing makes, don't buy their stock and don't buy their products. Otherwise, just shut up and make the most of your own life and quit whining about people you don't know, and circumstances you couldn't possibly comprehend. Maybe that CEO made billions for his stockholders, or maybe his astute leadership resulted in the company only losing X million dollars when all their competitors were losing 10X million dollars. You don't know. Deal with it.

And life isn't fair - nobody promised it would be fair. And it will never be fair, and if you go through life looking for "fairness," you are both stupid and doomed to unhappiness, and if you even imagine that you know what "fairness" is, you are delusional. Is it fair that we were born in the richest country in the world and can make a fortune with just a little bit of inititiative and luck, while billions of other poor bastards were born in some shit-hole country where the best you can hope for is 40 years of misery before you die of some easily-curable disease, because your corrupt government made it impossible to get the vaccine?

Have I gone off the track? Sorry.

You hit the nail right on the head. Thanks for reminding us.
The Department of Education should be abolished because it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Check out Article 1 Section 8, and the Tenth Amendment. Education is up to the states.

The greatest impediment to public education right now is collective bargaining for teachers
Most, if not all, of the countries in the planet who have the best records in education have both national departments of education/ministries of education and collective bargaining/unions for teachers.

Neither teacher unions nor national depts. of education are the problem in educatin. Actually, the real problem in education in the US is a public that does not support education or teachers, a public with a vast amount of social ills that are left to schools and teachers to deal with instead of parents and family doing their jobs raising their own children. The problem with education in the US also has nothing to do with liberal or conservative, religion or secularisom: it has to do with the public, with parents, with the overwhelming amount of social ills in America, which start in the home.

When I look at what this teacher has accomplished with these children. Children learning to memorize. Learning to work together in a group. Children thinking. So much goes into this.

So sick of right wingers downing this kind of creativity. It's because they just don't "get it".

Kids can't even do the basics like read and write. Art and music are fun, but they need the important things foremost.
Esmeralda-person, I do not disagree with you as much as you might think. On the other hand, you might reconsider your statement that, "...the public does not support education or teachers..."

Minimal cultural support in the lower classes, but there can be no question about financial support. We have the most expensive public education system in the world, especially in areas where the results are worst.

Collective bargaining is the enemy of excellence, and guaranteed lifetime employment - a fact of life in our public schools - is outrageous in a field (teaching) that is frequently characterized by "career burnout." We have hundreds of thousands of teachers who are completely burned out (or simply incompetent) but can't leave and can't be thrown out because they are living on an incredible gravy train that will keep them safe and financially secure for as long as they live. At our expense.
The public education system gave us Rachel Jeantel. She thinks she's educated.

That's really all anyone needs to know about our educational system.

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