This is sick!! Baby in stroller diliberatly shot in face.

When are we going start holding parents responsible for their children's actions?

If one is going to be tried as a minor, the parents should be held liable as well. Although I am willing to bet the fathers of these perps are nowhere to be found.
Two teen boys arrested in shooting death of Georgia infant in stroller
Two teenage boys were arrested Friday in the shocking shooting death of an infant, killed in the stroller his mother was pushing in a coastal Georgia town.

Seventeen-year-old De'Marquis Elkins is charged as an adult with first-degree murder, along with a 14-year-old who was not identified because he is a juvenile, Brunswick Police Chief Tobe Green said.

The mother, Sherry West, was wounded in the apparent attempted robbery Thursday morning. The precise motive still is under investigation.


Two teen boys arrested in shooting death of Georgia infant in stroller | Fox News
They're fuckin' animals, nothing more.:evil:
I'm stil very suspicious of the motivations of the press in covering this. The press virtually always ignores black no white crime. Remember last year two journalists from a Norfolk, VA newspaper were attracked by a large group of blacks and even their own newspaper ignored the story until another jouranlist there wrote an op ed piece about it?

I'm just thinking the story has potential to completely fall apart. They piced the suspects out of a list which basically was "all black kids skipping school today". Unless they find a gun with fingerprints, I don't see how there can be a convction. I bet the press is betting on this.

There can be no more heinous crime than this, and the liberal m edia has a motivation to pretend it didn't happen unless they know something.

That this crime, if it happened the way claimed, is going to be treated less harshly than killing an adult beacuse they are gay or black, shows how stupid hate crime laws are, becaucse you can't have a more heinous crime than this
However, the huffington post is ignoring the story, so that makes me think now possibly that CNN covered it and the BBC because of the heinousness of the crime. But then again, when a young child in chicago gets killed in the crosssfire, that's a local story.

Edit, I found the article. Their search isn't working properly. And as I suspected, about half the comments are implying the boys were set up, the the mother's story is fishy, so I'm guessing there will be some kind of racism accusation as a defense in this story. No wonder the liberal media is covering it.

Another 25% of the comments are blaming the NRA, despite no chance those kids legally owned a gun.
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I'm stil very suspicious of the motivations of the press in covering this. The press virtually always ignores black no white crime. Remember last year two journalists from a Norfolk, VA newspaper were attracked by a large group of blacks and even their own newspaper ignored the story until another jouranlist there wrote an op ed piece about it?

I'm just thinking the story has potential to completely fall apart. They piced the suspects out of a list which basically was "all black kids skipping school today". Unless they find a gun with fingerprints, I don't see how there can be a convction. I bet the press is betting on this.

There can be no more heinous crime than this, and the liberal m edia has a motivation to pretend it didn't happen unless they know something.

That this crime, if it happened the way claimed, is going to be treated less harshly than killing an adult beacuse they are gay or black, shows how stupid hate crime laws are, becaucse you can't have a more heinous crime than this

maybe this case does not fit in well with the "agenda"
Maybe we are at a point where anyone who can pass scrutiny should be able to have a carry permit.

I don't know if this woman after what happened would have been able to use it.But I think we can agree that without one she was prey.A soft touch to these animals. In the future if people could carry when these scumbags come across a possible target they will have to think twice if that person might be able to blow their friggin brains out.

Mayor Bloomberg in NYC is now talking about having drone camera coverage for every street corner in the city.Will that prevent crime?...or just be an aid to law enforcement to catch the perpetrator.Meanwhile the crime has been done and the police come by to bag the victim for the morgue.

Maybe we are at the point of pushing for more guns out there.
What's the alternative? Going out to enjoy your life or go to work and hope you make it back home safely.Hope that it wasn't your turn to be brutalized in some way by these scumbags.
5th post
Maybe we are at a point where anyone who can pass scrutiny should be able to have a carry permit.

I don't know if this woman after what happened would have been able to use it.But I think we can agree that without one she was prey.A soft touch to these animals. In the future if people could carry when these scumbags come across a possible target they will have to think twice if that person might be able to blow their friggin brains out.

Mayor Bloomberg in NYC is now talking about having drone camera coverage for every street corner in the city.Will that prevent crime?...or just be an aid to law enforcement to catch the perpetrator.Meanwhile the crime has been done and the police come by to bag the victim for the morgue.

Maybe we are at the point of pushing for more guns out there.
What's the alternative? Going out to enjoy your life or go to work and hope you make it back home safely.Hope that it wasn't your turn to be brutalized in some way by these scumbags.

dont know why but in the state she lives in she could have had a cc

maybe she was not legally able to do so
While the emotional hyperbole is somewhat understandable... the real question we should ask is why the fuck are we raising kids that can do this? What is wrong in our society that our young people think they can shoot kids, each other or anyone else.

Why do you all have to get so emotional and ignore the fundamental issue?
While the emotional hyperbole is somewhat understandable... the real question we should ask is why the fuck are we raising kids that can do this? What is wrong in our society that our young people think they can shoot kids, each other or anyone else.

Why do you all have to get so emotional and ignore the fundamental issue?

her other child was knifed to death
If it didn't fit well with their agenda, then they would have buried it, like the constantly do. However I think there's a chance the story could backfire, or just be hard to get a conviction, then we can have a "discussion" about how the suspects were chosen, and how that's racist, and whatever.

I'm stil very suspicious of the motivations of the press in covering this. The press virtually always ignores black no white crime. Remember last year two journalists from a Norfolk, VA newspaper were attracked by a large group of blacks and even their own newspaper ignored the story until another jouranlist there wrote an op ed piece about it?

I'm just thinking the story has potential to completely fall apart. They piced the suspects out of a list which basically was "all black kids skipping school today". Unless they find a gun with fingerprints, I don't see how there can be a convction. I bet the press is betting on this.

There can be no more heinous crime than this, and the liberal m edia has a motivation to pretend it didn't happen unless they know something.

That this crime, if it happened the way claimed, is going to be treated less harshly than killing an adult beacuse they are gay or black, shows how stupid hate crime laws are, becaucse you can't have a more heinous crime than this

maybe this case does not fit in well with the "agenda"
While the emotional hyperbole is somewhat understandable... the real question we should ask is why the fuck are we raising kids that can do this? What is wrong in our society that our young people think they can shoot kids, each other or anyone else.

Why do you all have to get so emotional and ignore the fundamental issue?

I remember when growing up in the DC area in the 1980s that in DC, kids would get shot and killed over the triple fat down coats, their shoes etc..

The problem is that in my view, socialism, the destruction of the family, leads to such entitlement mentalties that it creates sociopaths. Add in shunning education, to ensure that you will be not self reliant, and you've got a disaster.
If it didn't fit well with their agenda, then they would have buried it, like the constantly do. However I think there's a chance the story could backfire, or just be hard to get a conviction, then we can have a "discussion" about how the suspects were chosen, and how that's racist, and whatever.

I'm stil very suspicious of the motivations of the press in covering this. The press virtually always ignores black no white crime. Remember last year two journalists from a Norfolk, VA newspaper were attracked by a large group of blacks and even their own newspaper ignored the story until another jouranlist there wrote an op ed piece about it?

I'm just thinking the story has potential to completely fall apart. They piced the suspects out of a list which basically was "all black kids skipping school today". Unless they find a gun with fingerprints, I don't see how there can be a convction. I bet the press is betting on this.

There can be no more heinous crime than this, and the liberal m edia has a motivation to pretend it didn't happen unless they know something.

That this crime, if it happened the way claimed, is going to be treated less harshly than killing an adult beacuse they are gay or black, shows how stupid hate crime laws are, becaucse you can't have a more heinous crime than this

maybe this case does not fit in well with the "agenda"

good point
We the people are falling into the liberal media trap of trying to go easy on these criminals because if
our reaction is deemed to be too severe we will be accused of racism.So in a 24-48 time period the media will move along to the next shiny object in the room like trumpeting Obama for making another stop on his feel good tour.This will be forgotten soon enough only to be replaced be a new horrific story.

And Of course society will be the cause of it all because we just don't spend enough on government programs.
She had another son who was murdered up in NJ by a drug addict..

Well...not exactly. According to the Gloucester County, NJ police, her son was part of a group who ambushed a man in the dark, apparently with robbery as a motive. The son had a knife, but the victim took it away from him and killed him with it. No charges were filed as the man was acting in self defense.
We the people are falling into the liberal media trap of trying to go easy on these criminals because if
our reaction is deemed to be too severe we will be accused of racism.So in a 24-48 time period the media will move along to the next shiny object in the room like trumpeting Obama for making another stop on his feel good tour.This will be forgotten soon enough only to be replaced be a new horrific story.

And Of course society will be the cause of it all because we just don't spend enough on government programs.

It will dissapear if the story be be confirmed, however unless a gun is found, then this story could explode because the press can just jump on how the suspects were chosen. There will be allegations of racism.

Jesse Jackson won't show up if a white baby is shot in the face, but he will show up if a black kid is potentially innapproriately picked as a suspect.
We the people are falling into the liberal media trap of trying to go easy on these criminals because if
our reaction is deemed to be too severe we will be accused of racism.So in a 24-48 time period the media will move along to the next shiny object in the room like trumpeting Obama for making another stop on his feel good tour.This will be forgotten soon enough only to be replaced be a new horrific story.

And Of course society will be the cause of it all because we just don't spend enough on government programs.

It will dissapear if the story be be confirmed, however unless a gun is found, then this story could explode because the press can just jump on how the suspects were chosen. There will be allegations of racism.

Jesse Jackson won't show up if a white baby is shot in the face, but he will show up if a black kid is potentially innapproriately picked as a suspect.

it takes a few weeks

to get to that point
My guess is that the woman will positively id the suspects.
The alleged perpetrators could get a decent to good defense counsel and destroy the woman
on the stand so her positive id is questioned and the DA will have to consider lesser charges and then
the shooter does a few years like 3-5 and he's out and about.

Maybe the kid gets a nice soft hearted liberal judge and he gets a suspended sentence.
Wow. That's terrible. What kind of person shoots a baby? You have to be totally without any morals or a shred of humanity :(

This is the 2nd child this woman has lost, the 1st a few years ago to gang violence, now this. I can't even imagine.

This kind: Meet 17 year old, De'Marquis Elkins

If Obama had a son...

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