This is sick!! Baby in stroller diliberatly shot in face.

CG is right that there is something fundamentally wrong with a society that create this kind of unconscionable tragedy and then politicizes and sometimes even justifies it by looking for something or somebody other than the murderers to blame.

There is no justification for anybody to harm another person just because he is angry or black or poor or was bullied in school or any other reason. And any person whose heart does not embrace that poor young mother and grieve over the senseless murder of her child--any person who would attempt to deflect from the crime and the people who committed it--are part of the problem.

We need a unified society who uniformly condemns such cruel hatefulness and who promotes that which encourages personal responsibility, accountability, respect for rights of others, and a proper sense of guilt at doing bad things.
We are seeing the X-box, every child gets a trophy, mediocrity is perfectly acceptable, who's my daddy?, where's my daddy?, lousy parent/s generation coming of age.....And when you couple all of that with a continually eroding public shool system, we are seeing the worst generation this country has ever seen come of age.

You make some good points, I would suggest the prevalence of violent tv, games, etc and parents who allow their kids access to this mindless shit are two issues that should be higher on the responsibility list.
Huffpo libs are calling it a "tragedy".

Doesn't tragedy heavily imply accidental and not a deliberate act of shooting a baby in the head?

No, it doesn't. It is pathetic that anyone is politicizing this... regardless of whether it is the left or the right.

But, it is much easier than actually asking the relevant questions about it.

I don't think some here intend to be politicizing it. I sure don't. But it's hard to get around the politics entirely when we try to evaluate how society processes something this terrible and how we seek to understand it. A society that does not accept personal responsiblity for its own behavior and that of its offspring is created by something. And sometimes that something is promoted or encouraged or permitted from political motives.

So if it is political motives that generates irresponsibility, contempt for the best values that guide us, produces sociopathy, excuses unconscionable behavior, etc., then that component of politics is fair game for discussion.
Huffpo libs are calling it a "tragedy".

Doesn't tragedy heavily imply accidental and not a deliberate act of shooting a baby in the head?

No, it doesn't. It is pathetic that anyone is politicizing this... regardless of whether it is the left or the right.

But, it is much easier than actually asking the relevant questions about it.

I don't think some here intend to be politicizing it. I sure don't. But it's hard to get around the politics entirely when we try to evaluate how society processes something this terrible and how we seek to understand it. A society that does not accept personal responsiblity for its own behavior and that of its offspring is created by something. And sometimes that something is promoted or encouraged or permitted from political motives.

So if it is political motives that generates irresponsibility, contempt for the best values that guide us, produces sociopathy, excuses unconscionable behavior, etc., then that component of politics is fair game for discussion.

I don't disagree... in fact, I agree with you... but we misuse the concept of 'personal responsibility' when we throw kids in front of violent tv and allow them access to violent computer games for countless hours and then expect them to become normal adults.

Until we deal with the real issues, we will continue to have these tragedies. It is one of the many reasons why I despise politicians, and both Democrats and Republicans. They care more about political point scoring and hyperbole than our future generations.
No, it doesn't. It is pathetic that anyone is politicizing this... regardless of whether it is the left or the right.

But, it is much easier than actually asking the relevant questions about it.

I don't think some here intend to be politicizing it. I sure don't. But it's hard to get around the politics entirely when we try to evaluate how society processes something this terrible and how we seek to understand it. A society that does not accept personal responsiblity for its own behavior and that of its offspring is created by something. And sometimes that something is promoted or encouraged or permitted from political motives.

So if it is political motives that generates irresponsibility, contempt for the best values that guide us, produces sociopathy, excuses unconscionable behavior, etc., then that component of politics is fair game for discussion.

I don't disagree... in fact, I agree with you... but we misuse the concept of 'personal responsibility' when we throw kids in front of violent tv and allow them access to violent computer games for countless hours and then expect them to become normal adults.

Until we deal with the real issues, we will continue to have these tragedies. It is one of the many reasons why I despise politicians, and both Democrats and Republicans. They care more about political point scoring and hyperbole than our future generations.

Problem is that since liberals dominate the education system and the welfare state, liberals have caused this situation, or at least made it much worse. Liberals have zero incentive for people have strong work ethics, to value education and hard work because that would make people self reliant, and not needing to rely on government. That would risk liberal control on power. Stuff like this happens in cities, where you have horrible violence, shunning of education, and liberals are in complete control.
No, it doesn't. It is pathetic that anyone is politicizing this... regardless of whether it is the left or the right.

But, it is much easier than actually asking the relevant questions about it.

I don't think some here intend to be politicizing it. I sure don't. But it's hard to get around the politics entirely when we try to evaluate how society processes something this terrible and how we seek to understand it. A society that does not accept personal responsiblity for its own behavior and that of its offspring is created by something. And sometimes that something is promoted or encouraged or permitted from political motives.

So if it is political motives that generates irresponsibility, contempt for the best values that guide us, produces sociopathy, excuses unconscionable behavior, etc., then that component of politics is fair game for discussion.

I don't disagree... in fact, I agree with you... but we misuse the concept of 'personal responsibility' when we throw kids in front of violent tv and allow them access to violent computer games for countless hours and then expect them to become normal adults.

Until we deal with the real issues, we will continue to have these tragedies. It is one of the many reasons why I despise politicians, and both Democrats and Republicans. They care more about political point scoring and hyperbole than our future generations.

I agree entirely. Certainly young people with good role models and most especially those blessed with a faith in God are far less likely to do terrible things to people. But our society doesn't focus on good parenting. It instead encourages bad parenting by rewarding irresponsibility again and again. And our government is the worst offender in doing it.

And it is easy to see how young minds are desensitized to murder, death, pain, blood, mayhem when they are allowed, even encouraged to play games over and over and over that feature such things as fun. Most especially when they are provided nothing to mitigate that. It is difficult to encourage kids to take responsibility for their behavior when they see the government rewarding bad behavior again and again. And it is difficult to promote reverence and respect for life in a culture that features such terrible things for entertainment and condones and defends the abortion of 3700 babies each and every day and holds in contempt anybody who promotes and speaks out for a return to better values.
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I wonder if the president of the NRA said the story would have turned out differently if the baby had been armed?

Only you would be insensitive and ignorant enough to politicize this.

Only Republicans and conservatives could be such fucking shitheads as to block background checks, support assault rifles and condone weapons of mass baby slaughter. Go tell the parents of 20 murdered babies who is "insensitive and ignorant". Explain to them why so many Americans support the murderer over the children.


And by politicizing this you're worse than those you rail against you reprehensible and disgusting POS.

The same goes for all of you shit suckers who want to politicizes this, You've already posted and know who you are. :mad:
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CG is right that there is something fundamentally wrong with a society that create this kind of unconscionable tragedy and then politicizes and sometimes even justifies it by looking for something or somebody other than the murderers to blame.

There is no justification for anybody to harm another person just because he is angry or black or poor or was bullied in school or any other reason. And any person whose heart does not embrace that poor young mother and grieve over the senseless murder of her child--any person who would attempt to deflect from the crime and the people who committed it--are part of the problem.

We need a unified society who uniformly condemns such cruel hatefulness and who promotes that which encourages personal responsibility, accountability, respect for rights of others, and a proper sense of guilt at doing bad things.

What you will likely learn on coming days is their parents are drug addicts, and/ or in prison and the state has given custody of them to the grandparents - the same people who fucked up their parents. The sympathy line for them will be unending.

Well I knew the train was off the tracks when I was reading people expressing sympathy for those poor, handsome, young Menendez Brothers because now they are orphans.

At some point we haft to admit there are simply some evil people in the world. This guy should be executed:evil:
What you will likely learn on coming days is their parents are drug addicts, and/ or in prison and the state has given custody of them to the grandparents - the same people who fucked up their parents. The sympathy line for them will be unending.

Well I knew the train was off the tracks when I was reading people expressing sympathy for those poor, handsome, young Menendez Brothers because now they are orphans.

At some point we haft to admit there are simply some evil people in the world. This guy should be executed:evil:

Yes, throughout human history there have been evil people, and some choose or are driven to be evil regardless of how they grow up. But in most cases you can look back to similarities of stimulus that encouraged some of the most evil people to choose such evil. When you have a society that encourages evil, that does not denounce it, that does not promote a better alternative, there is invariably going to be more evil. It in no way excuses the choice of evil over good as many of us had terrible childhoods and most do not choose evil as a result. But nevertheless, a society that holds reverence for life, for personal resonsibility and accountability, and good choices is invariably going to produce more people with those characteristics than one that does not.
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Well I knew the train was off the tracks when I was reading people expressing sympathy for those poor, handsome, young Menendez Brothers because now they are orphans.

At some point we haft to admit there are simply some evil people in the world. This guy should be executed:evil:

Yes, throughout human history there have been evil people, and some choose or are driven to be evil regardless of how they grow up. But in most cases you can look back to similarities of stimulus that encouraged some of the most evil people to choose such evil. When you have a society that encourages evil, that does not denounce it, that does not promote a better alternative, there is invariably going to be more evil. It in no way excuses the choice of evil over good as many of us had terrible childhoods and most do not choose evil as a result. But nevertheless, a society that holds reverence for life, for personal resonsibility and accountability, and good choices is invariably going to produce more people with those characteristics than one that does not.

Evil people are going to be evil...that's just the way it is. No matter how one grows up there has to be something deep down inside to commit such an act. It's not like a gang shooting or something, this was an innocent baby...This guy should be executed, no need in wasting tax payer money housing this scum
The 14 year old needs to be tried as an adult and suffer the same punishment as an adult. Enough of the molly coddling. He is old enough to know right from wrong. Let him pay for his choice like an adult would have to pay for it.

Oh...and the question of "who would shoot a baby in the head?"...the answer is "a sociopath who will get out at 21 and do it again".

Sociopath is right. Unfortunately there are Monkeys out there who just don't feel. Sometimes just enough to be jerks and sometimes.... this.

You know what though, if you educate a sociopath, the more productive he becomes the less likely he'll be to break the rules. What's killing us is sociopathic Monkeys with few choices in life.

One name:

Ted Bundy.
Wow. That's terrible. What kind of person shoots a baby? You have to be totally without any morals or a shred of humanity :(

This is the 2nd child this woman has lost, the 1st a few years ago to gang violence, now this. I can't even imagine.

This kind: Meet 17 year old, De'Marquis Elkins


Bu...bu..bu.. the victim was ATTACKING him!! It was self defense, dontcha know!

Why was the baby stalking him?
Only you would be insensitive and ignorant enough to politicize this.

Only Republicans and conservatives could be such fucking shitheads as to block background checks, support assault rifles and condone weapons of mass baby slaughter. Go tell the parents of 20 murdered babies who is "insensitive and ignorant". Explain to them why so many Americans support the murderer over the children.

Given how few "assault weapons" are used in murders, why are libs being so loud about it? More people die from hammers.

Also, how would background checks, etc have stopped Newtown? HE STOLE THE FUCKING GUNS.

Dean is an imbecile of the first order.
This is a case where the judge should have a .45 sitting on his bench and when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict, put 2 rounds in his forehead.

This kid needs killing.
Two teen boys arrested in shooting death of Georgia infant in stroller
Two teenage boys were arrested Friday in the shocking shooting death of an infant, killed in the stroller his mother was pushing in a coastal Georgia town.

Seventeen-year-old De'Marquis Elkins is charged as an adult with first-degree murder, along with a 14-year-old who was not identified because he is a juvenile, Brunswick Police Chief Tobe Green said.

The mother, Sherry West, was wounded in the apparent attempted robbery Thursday morning. The precise motive still is under investigation.


Two teen boys arrested in shooting death of Georgia infant in stroller | Fox News
They're fuckin' animals, nothing more.:evil:

Don't insult animals. These THINGS are not human, nor animal. They are...digusting and are breathing our air.
This is a case where the judge should have a .45 sitting on his bench and when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict, put 2 rounds in his forehead.

This kid needs killing.

All fine and dandy... but does not address the actual issue of why the hell we are raising kids that do this, does it.

Of course, it's far easier to be emotional and rant about what 'justice' looks like for these kids... but, ideally, it would be preferable if we didn't create them in the first instance.
This is a case where the judge should have a .45 sitting on his bench and when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict, put 2 rounds in his forehead.

This kid needs killing.

All fine and dandy... but does not address the actual issue of why the hell we are raising kids that do this, does it.

Of course, it's far easier to be emotional and rant about what 'justice' looks like for these kids... but, ideally, it would be preferable if we didn't create them in the first instance.

How do you propose we do that without starting a riot?
Hmmm. I dunno. Something doesn't feel right. Unless she is dealing with this in a very unique manner. Someone else said what I am thinking a comment in the link below:

This is a very horrific situation and I just find it a little odd that the mother has already bagged and given the baby's clothes to charity and it's only been a day since he was killed. Being a parent myself, I can't IMAGINE even GOING INTO my baby's room after this much less already giving his clothes away so soon! I just hope justice gets done in this case.

De'Marquis Elkins Arrested: Teens Allegedly Kill Baby, Antonio, In Front Of Mother, Georgia Police Say
Two words: Capital punishment.

No mercy for the merciless.

How many senseless, brutal, horrible murders happen in the USA each and every year?

In 2012 in all the USA, 43 people were executed for committing capital crimes. That is about 3-1/2 people per month or fewer than 1 per week. The average number of years on death row from the time they are convicted until they are executed - just over 10 years. One guy in 2012 had been on death row for 26 years.

There were more than 14,700 murders in the USA in the last posted statistics I could find. A fairly small percentage of the murderers are convicted but I didn't take time to locate a verifiable number.

Chicago alone averages more than 40 murders every month - from 2001 to present, more than twice as many Americans have been murdered in Chicago than have died from all causes in Afghanistan during that same period.

So looking at statistics like that, it is pretty easy to see that most people who commit murders and other senseless crime feel like the odds are pretty good that a) they won't be caught and b) if they are caught they won't be convicted and c) if they are convicted, they won't have to spend all that much time in prison and the odds against them ever being executed are great. Most especially the young feel pretty invincible.

We need a return to conscience, responsibility, accountability, and reverence/respect for the lives and rights of others. Obviously the legal system isn't accomplishing much in the way of deterrance.
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