This country is spiraling down the crapper and will likely watch china advance humanity.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
This country is spiraling down the crapper and will likely watch china advance humanity.

What I don't understand is how there can be so many people dead set against science and expanding humanity outwards into our solar system. It doesn't even matter to some that there's next to unlimited economic potential that could make humanity ten times richer or more. All I hear is how it is too risky and how it is a waste of money. On and on..but hey, we can dump trillions into war and building up countries like Iraq. How could the last two generations be so anti-science? I mean you were raised on star-trek and star wars....Most of the population has been exposed to a basic science education! Why the hell are we going backwards? What happened to that human sprit and thrist for exploration??? Why so focused on every shiny cent?? We all damn well know as I stated above that the economic potential is completely off the scales. No one could of predicted this in the 60's as most thought we'd be able to live on the moon and on mars by now. And most importantly how in the holy fucking hell did 1/3rd of my once great countries population become losertarians that believe we should be nothing more then Amish? What a let down.

We're not the same people that built this country into the super power it is as we simply don't push the boundaries anymore.
Seeing as you think China has any interest in advancing humanity, yes blame the college system.
It's hard to be the best at anything when you have a President that is the worst of everything.
Especially if your butt is in a chronic state of agonizing hurt!
Oh shush. :slap:
This country is spiraling down the crapper and will likely watch china advance humanity.

What I don't understand is how there can be so many people dead set against science and expanding humanity outwards into our solar system. It doesn't even matter to some that there's next to unlimited economic potential that could make humanity ten times richer or more. All I hear is how it is too risky and how it is a waste of money. On and on..but hey, we can dump trillions into war and building up countries like Iraq. How could the last two generations be so anti-science? I mean you were raised on star-trek and star wars....Most of the population has been exposed to a basic science education! Why the hell are we going backwards? What happened to that human sprit and thrist for exploration??? Why so focused on every shiny cent?? We all damn well know as I stated above that the economic potential is completely off the scales. No one could of predicted this in the 60's as most thought we'd be able to live on the moon and on mars by now. And most importantly how in the holy fucking hell did 1/3rd of my once great countries population become losertarians that believe we should be nothing more then Amish? What a let down.

We're not the same people that built this country into the super power it is as we simply don't push the boundaries anymore.

So long as young Americans primary focus is getting rich and famous, what dya expect?
This country is spiraling down the crapper and will likely watch china advance humanity.

What I don't understand is how there can be so many people dead set against science and expanding humanity outwards into our solar system. It doesn't even matter to some that there's next to unlimited economic potential that could make humanity ten times richer or more. All I hear is how it is too risky and how it is a waste of money. On and on..but hey, we can dump trillions into war and building up countries like Iraq. How could the last two generations be so anti-science? I mean you were raised on star-trek and star wars....Most of the population has been exposed to a basic science education! Why the hell are we going backwards? What happened to that human sprit and thrist for exploration??? Why so focused on every shiny cent?? We all damn well know as I stated above that the economic potential is completely off the scales. No one could of predicted this in the 60's as most thought we'd be able to live on the moon and on mars by now. And most importantly how in the holy fucking hell did 1/3rd of my once great countries population become losertarians that believe we should be nothing more then Amish? What a let down.

We're not the same people that built this country into the super power it is as we simply don't push the boundaries anymore.
Well Matthew, since you're a xenophobic racist with a multitude of grammatical errors in every one of your posts- you are clearly the authority on how this country should address science. :cool:
Matthew makes a sincere, serious point and a lefty pops right in to immediately deflect and make it personal with nasty insults and name-calling.

Nice to see I'm not the only one who attracts such behavior.

I'm glad to see you value science so highly, Matthew, one of my daughters is going to be majoring in biomedical engineering. Maybe one day she'll print me a new body part!


So long as young Americans primary focus is getting rich and famous, what dya expect?
It's the Selfie Generation - we've become terribly narcissistic and allowed our priorities to warp beyond all recognition.

Our top priorities now are chasing internet celebrity, our skin color and our sexual identity.

Science, math, economics? Meh, who gives a crap.

Well, this is how it manifests.

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Simply amazing how the left wing loves to put down America. Seems to me they need to move the China or wherever. But I can hardly blame them when that is really all they have heard for the last 6 years.

China is no shining example of anything. Still totalitarian, the majority of their population is still living in the stone age and their "advancement" can only go so far, at least until they open some more Harbor Freight Stores.

China's growth is not sustainable the peasant will eventually rise up against the governemt. If you want true income inequality, move to China.
This country is spiraling down the crapper and will likely watch china advance humanity.

What I don't understand is how there can be so many people dead set against science and expanding humanity outwards into our solar system. It doesn't even matter to some that there's next to unlimited economic potential that could make humanity ten times richer or more. All I hear is how it is too risky and how it is a waste of money. On and on..but hey, we can dump trillions into war and building up countries like Iraq. How could the last two generations be so anti-science? I mean you were raised on star-trek and star wars....Most of the population has been exposed to a basic science education! Why the hell are we going backwards? What happened to that human sprit and thrist for exploration??? Why so focused on every shiny cent?? We all damn well know as I stated above that the economic potential is completely off the scales. No one could of predicted this in the 60's as most thought we'd be able to live on the moon and on mars by now. And most importantly how in the holy fucking hell did 1/3rd of my once great countries population become losertarians that believe we should be nothing more then Amish? What a let down.

We're not the same people that built this country into the super power it is as we simply don't push the boundaries anymore.
Well Matthew, since you're a xenophobic racist with a multitude of grammatical errors in every one of your posts- you are clearly the authority on how this country should address science. :cool:
Matthew makes a sincere, serious point and a lefty pops right in to immediately deflect and make it personal with nasty insults and name-calling.

Nice to see I'm not the only one who attracts such behavior.

I'm glad to see you value science so highly, Matthew, one of my daughters is going to be majoring in biomedical engineering. Maybe one day she'll print me a new body part!



I second your post.

It's not important who is "first" or "second". It's important that mankind begins to actively seek extra-sustainability.

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