‘They sold us out’: Afghans in disbelief over Taliban gains

A complete failure of U.S. intelligence. The only thing left now is Joe having his Saigon moment.

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Kabul, Afghanistan – Residents in Herat and Kandahar say they cannot believe how quickly both cities fell after the Taliban’s weeks-long effort to take two of Afghanistan’s largest cities.

Joe? This is all tRump's thing.

It has happened to every superpower in the history of the Earth, why were we any different? There is no exceptionalism in humans by region.

you really don't deserve to be an american.
When Joe Dufus stole the election surely the Afghanis knew a shit sandwich was coming their way.

They knew how incompetent Joe Dufus has been his entire life and that he was not going to change.

Did they think The Swamp was going to save them? Silly rabbits.
And you think that Trump withdrawing would have been beautiful?
Too fucking bad I am and you are stuck with me as I with yous...And if you hate truth then I suggest you exit the planet.

you so lack any discernment to know just how stupid you sound. What do you know about truth...supporting the death cult like you do. Killing the unborn, supporting perversion, corruption, thievery, illegitimate elections, too much to list here. You even saying the word truth is an abomination. your words make me sick.
you so lack any discernment to know just how stupid you sound. What do you know about truth...supporting the death cult like you do. Killing the unborn, supporting perversion, corruption, thievery, illegitimate elections, too much to list here. You even saying the word truth is an abomination. your words make me sick.
I know you wish I was like you but alas it is not as such.

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