There is no systemic racism in America


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

So why does the Left keep stating there is.

I ask this: What can I do (White Jew American) that an African American cannot legally do in America? The answer is NOTHING. Since that is the case please explain how America is systemically racist?

For those who don't know what systemic racism is...below is the definition:

Policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization, and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race.

So if my statement is accurate and it is then how is America systemically racist?

PS - the first person who mentions Trump, since this has zero to do with Trump, gets the Leftist idiot of the day award.
the system gives plenty of special advantages based on race but none of them apply to white people.

So why does the Left keep stating there is.

I ask this: What can I do (White Jew American) that an African American cannot legally do in America? The answer is NOTHING. Since that is the case please explain how America is systemically racist?

For those who don't know what systemic racism is...below is the definition:

Policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization, and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race.

So if my statement is accurate and it is then how is America systemically racist?

PS - the first person who mentions Trump, since this has zero to do with Trump, gets the Leftist idiot of the day award.

So why does the Left keep stating there is.
Because there is.
Proof? Your opinion doesn't equal fact.

What can I do that an African American cannot legally do in America?
You can drive a car and not get stopped for being black.
I can also drive a car and not get stopped for being a woman. What is your point? Blacks aren't pulled over just for being black. That is crazy talk.
Blacks aren't pulled over just for being black.
Actually they do. Take off your blinders kid.
OK, old man. Keep believing the News Entertainment media. I am very good friends with several black people. Has never happened to them. They have been pulled over for infractions but never for just being black. They laugh at gullible people like you.

You are a snowflake
Blacks aren't pulled over just for being black.
Actually they do. Take off your blinders kid.
OK, old man. Keep believing the News Entertainment media. I am very good friends with several black people. Has never happened to them. They have been pulled over for infractions but never for just being black. They laugh at gullible people like you.

You are a snowflake
You’re an asshole but no one holds it against you.
You can’t help it. Its part of your DNA.
Anyone who claims there is no racism in this country is a total moron.

So why does the Left keep stating there is.

I ask this: What can I do (White Jew American) that an African American cannot legally do in America? The answer is NOTHING. Since that is the case please explain how America is systemically racist?

For those who don't know what systemic racism is...below is the definition:

Policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization, and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race.

So if my statement is accurate and it is then how is America systemically racist?

PS - the first person who mentions Trump, since this has zero to do with Trump, gets the Leftist idiot of the day award.
"Systemic racism" is an Orwellian stalking horse strawman of the moonbats.

1) Racism is a choice made by individuals.

2) I cannot borrow from anyone a bucket of "the system" with the promise that I'll pay them back with a barrel of it at the end of the month...."The system" does not exist in the corporeal sense, and cannot be quantified.


3) That which does not exist cannot make any choices at all, let alone the one to be racist.
Blacks aren't pulled over just for being black.
Actually they do. Take off your blinders kid.
OK, old man. Keep believing the News Entertainment media. I am very good friends with several black people. Has never happened to them. They have been pulled over for infractions but never for just being black. They laugh at gullible people like you.

You are a snowflake
You’re an asshole but no one holds it against you.
You can’t help it. Its part of your DNA.
Anyone who claims there is no racism in this country is a total moron.
Way to move the goalposts, shithead.

Nobody is making any claim that there isn't some racism in Murica.

So why does the Left keep stating there is.

I ask this: What can I do (White Jew American) that an African American cannot legally do in America? The answer is NOTHING. Since that is the case please explain how America is systemically racist?

For those who don't know what systemic racism is...below is the definition:

Policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization, and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race.

So if my statement is accurate and it is then how is America systemically racist?

PS - the first person who mentions Trump, since this has zero to do with Trump, gets the Leftist idiot of the day award.

Yeah I know black guy that used to drive a Lamborghini. He never had a problem of getting pulled over
Blacks aren't pulled over just for being black.
Actually they do. Take off your blinders kid.
OK, old man. Keep believing the News Entertainment media. I am very good friends with several black people. Has never happened to them. They have been pulled over for infractions but never for just being black. They laugh at gullible people like you.

You are a snowflake
You’re an asshole but no one holds it against you.
You can’t help it. Its part of your DNA.
Anyone who claims there is no racism in this country is a total moron.
I said SYSTEMIC. Of course there are racist people. You are as bad at reading as you are at playing guitar. We have bad drivers in America but our driver education isn't systemically bad. Moron.
The object of the Democratic Party is to keep their black base happy while they sell them out by opening the borders and allowing millions of “undocumented immigrants“ into our nation. These new aliens will help keep wages down in our nation and please the big corporations that fund the Democratic Party.

As usual the Dems will promise diamonds to the blacks and give them zirconium.

The Dems will also appease their black base by defunding police and imposing further restrictions on the use of force against black individuals. The cops will become more reactive rather than proactive in response and the crime rate in the black communities will skyrocket. The Dems will blame this increase on system racism and round and round we will go.

You would think that eventually the blacks would learn that they are simply being used by the Dems and it is the Democratic Party who is holding the blacks down. A few blacks are allowed to receive a good education and work for the Democratic Party as house slaves rather than field slaves. They will become political candidates for office and talking heads on TV.

But to be fair the Republican Party isn’t much better than the Democratic Party. Trump was one of the few Republicans I have ever seen try to help blacks by increasing employment and improving education.

The blacks need to ignore the house slaves and insist the Democratic Party improve job opportunities, provide quality education to inner city children and reduce the crime rate in the black communities or a new black party will be formed to represent blacks.
So why does the Left keep stating there is.
Because there is.
Proof? Your opinion doesn't equal fact.

What can I do that an African American cannot legally do in America?
You can drive a car and not get stopped for being black.
I can also drive a car and not get stopped for being a woman. What is your point? Blacks aren't pulled over just for being black. That is crazy talk.

I've always said that leftists who are in a rush to blame every problem in their lives on race, gender, etc. should take a moment to consider that maybe it's just because they're assholes.

My nephew is black. I'm not going to say he's never encountered a racist, because ignorant people are everywhere. But institutional racism? Nope. Never been pulled over without having legitimately done something that called for it. Of course, he also doesn't drive like a moron, doesn't have a broken-down piece of shit car that's a moving violation in itself, doesn't dress, talk, and act like a mug shot waiting to happen . . . it's amazing how much behaving like a respectable person gets you treated with respect.

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