"There is no Black or White America, there is the Untied States of America"

No thats your way of ignoring racial history that refers to black as monkeys...but keep it up tho.

What buffoons you teapers are. This is the same racist teaper who always claims that democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow laws. I guess histry is just a convenient tool for racists to be used whenever they think it benefits them.

1st post
No thats your way of ignoring racial history that refers to black as monkeys...but keep it up tho.

I don't live in history, I live in the present. You're trying to keep that history alive. You're trying to make sure that there's always plenty of racism to go around.

There was a time in history when black people were kept as slaves. If I tell a person "Shut up or I'm going to beat you with this chain" is that racist?

If you're going to decry the Obama Curious George, then you need to also decry the Bush Curious George. If only one is objectionable, and if the reason is because of the differing races of the two men, then YOU are the racist.

Well, sorry, but your ignorance or willfull disregard of history doesnt mean anything.


In other words, if you can't keep racism alive, you don't have anything.
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!

Police brutality is the least of the black man's problems.

Ok so given your white privilege, please tell us what is EVERY black person's problem?

It's not every black person's problem, but too many blacks suffer from a culture where a lack of education and immoral behavior are acceptable. The most glaring example is black kids growing up without their fathers. Do you talk about that as much as you talk about police brutality? The answer is no, so you need reevaluate your priorities .
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!

Police brutality is the least of the black man's problems.

Ok so given your white privilege, please tell us what is EVERY black person's problem?

It's not every black person's problem, but too many blacks suffer from a culture where a lack of education and immoral behavior are acceptable. The most glaring example is black kids growing up without their fathers. Do you talk about that as much as you talk about police brutality? The answer is no, so you need reevaluate your priorities .
More Jew/ Teaper hate propaganda.
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!

Police brutality is the least of the black man's problems.

Ok so given your white privilege, please tell us what is EVERY black person's problem?

It's not every black person's problem, but too many blacks suffer from a culture where a lack of education and immoral behavior are acceptable. The most glaring example is black kids growing up without their fathers. Do you talk about that as much as you talk about police brutality? The answer is no, so you need reevaluate your priorities .

My guess is your proof that there are no fathers is the stat of unwed mothers. But just because they didn't marry doesn't mean the father isn't present. Plus you can blame police brutality and the war on drugs for why many black fathers aren't in their kids life. They get mandatory 5 year sentences for 5 grams of crack while it use to take 500 grams (or half a kilo) of cocaine to get the same sentence.

What's the difference? Blacks predominantly use crack while whites use cocaine.
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

The truth is you can actually do something in this country and we are blessed to be part of it. You don't have to stay impoverished we are not stuck in a bad situation that's the truth, To tell people they cant and make excuses for why they cant is pathetic

So, you DO agree with the op AND Obama! Gee,I knew it...:lol: :dig:
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!

Police brutality is the least of the black man's problems.

Ok so given your white privilege, please tell us what is EVERY black person's problem?

It's not every black person's problem, but too many blacks suffer from a culture where a lack of education and immoral behavior are acceptable. The most glaring example is black kids growing up without their fathers. Do you talk about that as much as you talk about police brutality? The answer is no, so you need reevaluate your priorities .
They refuse to expect American Blacks to look in the mirror. The voting bloc is too important to challenge.

Both sides need to look in the mirror, but it's bad politics.

No thats your way of ignoring racial history that refers to black as monkeys...but keep it up tho.

I don't live in history, I live in the present. You're trying to keep that history alive. You're trying to make sure that there's always plenty of racism to go around.

There was a time in history when black people were kept as slaves. If I tell a person "Shut up or I'm going to beat you with this chain" is that racist?

If you're going to decry the Obama Curious George, then you need to also decry the Bush Curious George. If only one is objectionable, and if the reason is because of the differing races of the two men, then YOU are the racist.

Well, sorry, but your ignorance or willfull disregard of history doesnt mean anything.


In other words, if you can't keep racism alive, you don't have anything.

Its not on me to convince you its racist and different.

Remember when Obama was running for POTUS republicans was trying to bring us all together by defending people with Curious George dolls with Obama written on it?

Actually, that was bringing us together. It was a shared experience by both Democrats and Republicans. The dividing happened when this:


was said to be based on racism after years of these:






....being A-okay.

Remember when Obama was running for POTUS republicans was trying to bring us all together by defending people with Curious George dolls with Obama written on it?

Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

I saw every one of those accounts and I then heard the conservative talking heads inculcate their base with their objections to them. Obama spoke his mind and I respect that. White presidents haven't been as forthcoming about domestic issues. They preferred to let the cops handle those matters until one Black man threatened to put police brutality on a world stage. Thanks MLK.

Obama didn't handle those situations wrongly in the minds of many Americans, just some of them. Can you guess who?
In fact his handling of those racial incidents reflected a departure from the indifference marking past administrations. But Gates was no thug, he was Obama's peer and colleague. I wouldn't have gone public with my feelings but I'm not Obama.

Liberal narrative of white racism? Is the liberal narrative of White racism any different than ay other narrative of White racism? Is that the narrative that begot the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Is that the narrative that was the impetus behind Martin Luther King's strategy? That liberal narrative seems based on factual evidence to me. There is plenty of documentation to back it up. Obama just has the backbone to articulate what past presidents would not or could not. The legacy of the Black struggle in America is inextricably tied to White racism and you know it. Let's not pretend it isn't so!

Obama could have rose above all the bullshit and used himself as an example. Racism doesn't hold anybody down in this country

You show one picture of a very talented black man to support your sophistry.

The statement I made preceding yours stands. The Americans who put him in office TWICE expected him to be true to himself and all who lost fortunes ,rights, and civil liberties under the warmongering Draconian Republicoids.
Obama came into office by blaming rich Americans and the tax breaks for getting America into a recession.

Obama in his fight to get Obamacare blamed, the rich, the doctors, the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies.

The Wall St. debacle, he blame the hedge fund managers, the greedy CEOs and bankers.

Now, Obama didn't repeal the tax breaks for the rich and continued to blame them for killing the economy.

After Obamacare nothing happened to curb cost or provide better healthcare from doctors, controlling pharmaceutical companies and reeling in insurance companies. Who did it negatively effect the most? The middle class and poor, why because the first year of Obamacare required them to get healthcare and gave business a pass.

Wall St.,hedge fund managers, and bankers, who did he prosecute? No one not a one after all of his indignation, he did nothing.

Also we had him blaming Bush, white religion and guns, FOXNews, Republicans.

He made very insensitive comments on the Martin case.

The best thing he did was the beer summit, I do believe that sitting down and discussing difference and agreeing to disagree helps with the issues.
Its not on me to convince you its racist and different.

That it is different is exactly why it's racist. Just not in the way you are trying to claim. But hey, it's your right to be a racist douche bag. At least have the ball to own it.
Ahahaha do you feel better after getting that off your chest, did it fill some void in your life? It looks like the right is living rent free in your brain. :laugh:

who doesn't live in their heads rent free. Take Rush Limbaugh for starters. Fox Neeeeeeeews and the beat goes on and on and on and on. It seems like a tiring and miserable life to me

Ever since the GOP bitch slapped the hell out of the left in the last few elections they have been unhinged. In 2008 they predicted they would control congress for another 40 years but only 2 years later in an historic epic beating we threw them to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed. :laugh:
Last few elections...an idiot is a two term President. The midterm, lame duck elections....super low turnout and not an impressive win given that historically, the opposing party always wns.

Ths is why you teapers have destroyed the GOP...you have no sense.

Ahahaha your side of the isle is down 40 seats in the House, you have to go all the way back to the 1920's to find a beating that epic. And why couldn't your lame ass idiot president get your side to the polls to vote hmmm? You leftists are nothing if not funny. :laugh:
I am not a Dmocrat...dumb ass. But I do understand politics. Obviously, you don't...you just regurgitate what you hear from another low info teaper.
I've heard some don't like the word "teaper". But they do seem to prefer "Teabillies".
who doesn't live in their heads rent free. Take Rush Limbaugh for starters. Fox Neeeeeeeews and the beat goes on and on and on and on. It seems like a tiring and miserable life to me

Ever since the GOP bitch slapped the hell out of the left in the last few elections they have been unhinged. In 2008 they predicted they would control congress for another 40 years but only 2 years later in an historic epic beating we threw them to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed. :laugh:
Last few elections...an idiot is a two term President. The midterm, lame duck elections....super low turnout and not an impressive win given that historically, the opposing party always wns.

Ths is why you teapers have destroyed the GOP...you have no sense.

Ahahaha your side of the isle is down 40 seats in the House, you have to go all the way back to the 1920's to find a beating that epic. And why couldn't your lame ass idiot president get your side to the polls to vote hmmm? You leftists are nothing if not funny. :laugh:
I am not a Dmocrat...dumb ass. But I do understand politics. Obviously, you don't...you just regurgitate what you hear from another low info teaper.
I've heard some don't like the word "teaper". But they do seem to prefer "Teabillies".
Yeah...they hate teaper...but it is okay for them to spew their filth. Teapercrits. They are all hypocrites.
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!

Police brutality is the least of the black man's problems.

Ok so given your white privilege, please tell us what is EVERY black person's problem?

It's not every black person's problem, but too many blacks suffer from a culture where a lack of education and immoral behavior are acceptable. The most glaring example is black kids growing up without their fathers. Do you talk about that as much as you talk about police brutality? The answer is no, so you need reevaluate your priorities .
More Jew/ Teaper hate propaganda.

I'm not a Jew, I don't know what a teaper is, and I don't hate black people, I'm just calling it like I see it.
So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!

Police brutality is the least of the black man's problems.

Ok so given your white privilege, please tell us what is EVERY black person's problem?

It's not every black person's problem, but too many blacks suffer from a culture where a lack of education and immoral behavior are acceptable. The most glaring example is black kids growing up without their fathers. Do you talk about that as much as you talk about police brutality? The answer is no, so you need reevaluate your priorities .
More Jew/ Teaper hate propaganda.

I'm not a Jew, I don't know what a teaper is, and I don't hate black people, I'm just calling it like I see it.
No, you are just regurgitating the teaper narrative. Real men think for themselves and don't let hate cloud their thinking.

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