The're Creepy and The're Kooky The're alltogether Ooky...The C-Steet "Family"

"Jesus Camp" is a piece of lefty propaganda meant to paint all CHristians with a broad brush.

Christianity has a huge following. We have our misguided and those who pose as Christians who really are working a different agenda. Be that as it may, it is dishonest and evidence of the desire to ELIMINATE Christianity, even make it ILLEGAL, that results in these ridiculous monologues and alleged "documentaries" which show Christians in the worst possible light, then make the social commentary that all Christians are dangerous and indulge in these practices.

And yeah, you might find it "scary" that I take my kids to vacation bible school, and we pray over meals, and have prayer chains, and glorify god...but believe me, I find it equally (if not more) scary that you teach your very young children there is no God, that death is final, that there is no accountability after our brief time on earth, babies aren't REALLY human, and the only people who matter are the people who live in cities and think like themselves.

I don't find prayer scary, I actually find it comforting. Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening for the answers. Prayer chains? Fine. If they work for you, go for it.

What do I teach young people? Same thing that I teach everyone who asks........God is real, prayer works, and you don't have to adhere to just 1 dogma or theology to get in touch with Him. Like it said in the book "Illusions" by Richard Bach "The original sin is to limit the Is. Don't."

Basically what that means, is that it really doesn't matter much what vehicle you use to get to God (Hindu, Judaism, Tao, Christianity, etc), it just matters that you reach Him.

Might wanna check your fucked up assumptions about me Always Babbling. In addition to Christianity, I also study Tao and Judaism, and, with the way the Catholic Church fucked up the KJV Bible, it's really kind of a wonder that Christianity has anything left of it's original form (and yes........almost all Christians use the KJV, which was compiled by the Catholics).

Yes, dumbass, I know all about your "studies" and how woefully ignorant you remain.

That aside, I don't believe I was even talking to you.
Listen cuntlips are probably the most narrow minded, woefully ignorant, closed minded, blinder wearing dipshits that I've ever seen.

No wonder you're divorced. You're a fucking shrew that needs to circumsize her kids just so she can tell them from the farm animals.

Get a clue meat lips.

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