The world may soon witness a category 6 hurricane

So in recorded time we have not experienced a category 6 or higher hurricane, apparently true, however the phrase "recorded time" is misleading when one considers recorded time is like a grain of sand in comparison to the age of the earth. To make such a statement and infer this has never happened is not only misleading but pure BS.
One must view the earth as a constantly evolving living organism where nothing remains the same, which apparently some have a problem comprehending evolutionary change. As a species we evolve and adapt to the evolutionary process or perish.
When conspiracy sources announce a CAT 6 it is probably just the new CAT S61.


and when ur a dumb retard fkn idiot who assumes it's from a " conspiracy source". that makes you look like the biggest stupid fk around beings it's not from alex yah know.

Thank proving how retarded you all are one second at a time and man RETARD SYNDROME is off the charts.
No, im pretty sure all of us can agree that YOU are the retard. EndTimesHeadlines? Nice bullshit story, dipshit. :laugh:
As a ferocious hurricane bears down on South Florida, water managers desperately lower canals in anticipation of 4 feet of rain. Everyone east of Dixie Highway is ordered evacuated, for fear of a menacing storm surge. Forecasters debate whether the storm will generate the 200 mph winds to achieve Category 6 status. This is one scenario for hurricanes in a warmer world, a subject of fiendish complexity and

The world may soon witness a Category 6 hurricane

Can we imagine the damage this would cause esp. if it came inland. The damages that even a cat. 4 can do is pretty severe.

Oh lets blame it On Trump and lets say global warming did it.
Hurricanes off Asia in the pacific are referred to as typhoons and Super Typhoon Meranti achieved gusts of 217mph.

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