The 'why I'm not a poet' poetry thread :)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
The Man, by Jeff G. (Delta4Embassy)

From office chairs or livingroom couches
We explore our worlds passively.
Clicking channels, or tapping keys,
We seek relief from monotony.
Seeking answers, finding few
Search we must, it's what we do.
Safer it is to browse around
Than leave our homes exploring town.
For we've been told there's danger about
So fear we must, never go out.
Buy a gun, get some mace, protect yourselves from another race.
But if it's so, that danger's near
Who or what has caused our fear?
Could it be, that peril's fiction
Made up by those with dastardly diction.
To sell us things, we do not need
To make us fat, or smoke more weed.
For I am sure, that there are those, who like us scared
Scared to go out, scared to care.
For people who fear their fellow man
Are easy to control, easy to ban.
Banned from reality, banned from outdoors,
Huddled up inside, and trusting The Man.

Sunrise, by Jeff G. (Delta4Embassy)

Changing light outside my window,
The subtle death of night,
The change that comes with a dawn,
Not so rare a sight.

Birds are chirping, branches swaying,
Everywhere nature's playing,
Lighter now, I see it clear,
Through my window sitting here.

Alarms are blaring, people stirring,
Soon their world begins anew,
Another day, another dawn,
More work to do, but I just yawn.

Pretty it is, each new day,
Thankful I am to have my way,
Sitting here enjoying the show,
Retirement's great, no where to go.

The sky is clear, the air is warm,
The lightning's gone, so to the storm,
A brand new day, the clouds are orange,
Full of promise, ...uh-oh, no word rhymes with orange.

...Be gentle. :)

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